
Typical production instructions: description of the process, fire safety, labor protection at the enterprise

In many modern firms involved in the production of goods, in order to optimize the interaction of employees and management, production instructions are issued. They are considered as local regulatory sources having the same legal force, in particular, with labor contracts. What is the specificity of the relevant instructions? How are they developed?

Typical Production Instruction

What is a production instruction?

Under the production instruction it is customary to understand the local legal act that governs the labor function of the employee, defines the list of his duties, rights, as well as the conditions for liability for certain actions. It can be noted that labor protection at the enterprise involves the compilation by the employees of the company responsible for personnel management, along with the document under consideration, of such sources as fire safety instructions and labor protection instructions.

All types of marked sources are compiled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by virtue of internal corporate norms established at a particular enterprise. Occupational Safety and Health at the enterprise - a process that requires the greatest attention to the development of the considered types of documents.

The production instructions record the norms that characterize a specific position in the company. So, it reflects the rules that establish what work the employee is required to perform, requirements for the level of qualification of the employee.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the use of the documents in question.

Purpose of production instructions

Why does the company need a production instruction? The purpose of this document, if you follow the norms of official sources of law and corporate governance practice, is to ensure regulatory regulation of personnel management in the company. The production instruction governs:

  • key personnel management issues;
  • interaction of employees of various profiles with colleagues and management;
  • the procedure for the performance by specific specialists of labor functions.

Process description

Creation of production instructions characterized by high quality of elaboration allows the company:

  • build an effective system of division of labor in the organization;
  • stimulate labor productivity;
  • provide control over the activities of individual workers or their groups;
  • increase the level of responsibility of employees of the company for their own actions in the process of solving tasks related to business development.

The presence in the corporate document management system of production instructions allows the company to accelerate the process of adapting new employees to the specifics of local production tasks. This contributes to the stability of the process of production of goods, the provision of services, stimulates business growth and the development of new promising segments.

The relationship of the production instruction with other internal sources

The document under consideration is quite closely related to other local regulations that are issued by the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that the production instruction is a source that can be divided into a number of categories.Which ones?

There are sources such as fire safety manufacturing instructions. In it, special attention is paid, therefore, to the rules for the response of employees to the occurrence of a fire hazard. It can supplement the main production instruction or be published as a separate local source.

There are industrial sanitation instructions. They fix the norms that reflect how employees should act in order to maintain the necessary level of sanitary conditions for labor. This document, again, can supplement the main one or be published as an independent local source.

In some cases, the source in question may regulate labor functions not by positions, but by areas of activity of specialists. For example, production instructions for the operation of electrical installations can be drawn up. There are documents of similar purpose related to other areas of labor protection - not directly related to the labor functions of employees of enterprises. So there are production and technical instructions, which in their structure can be approximated to the manuals for the operation of certain fixed assets used in production.

The document in question is being developed for each position by specialists of the personnel department of the company. For this, a typical production instruction for a particular position can be used, as well as various sources of law. For example, the Qualification Handbook, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in Decree No. 37, published on 08.21.1998. Often involved in these purposes and industry sources of law, recommendations of experts and analysts.

Which source should be used to develop the optimal job description depends on the size of the enterprise, types of products, and features of the organization of the production process. The requirements for the relevant documents that are put forward by the parent organization, the owners of the company, and investors may also be significant.

Production instructions as a source of regulation of the technological process and labor contract

The production instruction is related to the employee’s employment contract. In some cases, their provisions are duplicated or mutually supplemented. In many companies, HR specialists prefer to include as much of the norms that characterize production instructions as possible, namely, in the employment contract. This is due to their desire to minimize labor costs for document management: the fewer sources of local norms, the easier it is to organize their accounting.

Workplace briefing

But this is not always effective. The fact is that in some cases it is necessary to include a description of the technological process in the production instructions, while it is sometimes problematic to place the relevant wording in the labor contract. The technological process is one of the main criteria for distinguishing production instructions from other types of local sources of norms. In order for an employee of the company to correctly ensure that his work meets the specified criteria, the employer must be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the official source of requirements for his labor function.

If the instructions in question are separate sources, the contracts concluded by the company with employees of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation usually indicate a reference to them. It can be noted that both the production instruction and the labor contract have the same legal force from the point of view of the law. If an employee violates the rules that he undertook to comply with the instructions - including those that characterize the process, then the same legal consequences may arise that arise when non-compliance with the provisions of the contract.

Production and job descriptions

So, the production instruction can be used in the company along with other sources of labor protection. Some of them are similar to her, complement her. In particular, the production instruction is very similar to the job description.

In some cases, it is legitimate to consider them as synonyms.To compile the job description, the same sources of law can be used that are noted above. But, in fact, the production instruction mainly characterizes work positions, and therefore it is most often compiled by the personnel departments of industrial enterprises. In the relevant document, a significant place is occupied by the description of the technological process that the employee of the company must follow in the framework of his own labor function.

That is, the scope of the document in question is narrower. The production instruction regulates labor activity in industrial firms. In turn, service enterprises are more likely to publish documents of the second type. But in terms of structure, both will be almost the same.

Production Instruction Structure

Let us thus study in what structure a typical production instruction can be represented. The document under consideration most often consists of the following key sections:

  • "General Provisions."
  • "Qualification requirements."
  • "Production Functions."
  • "Duties".
  • "The rights".
  • "A responsibility".

In some cases, the production instruction is supplemented by other sections - for example, regulating the procedure for rewarding an employee for outstanding achievements in work.

Labor protection at the enterprise

The indicated structure of the document, in general, is applicable to the job description. The main distinguishing criterion between the respective types of documents, as we noted above, is the scope.

The procedure for developing production instructions is usually approved by the local regulatory acts of the employing company, since at the official level such sources of law are not accepted in the Russian Federation. We will study the procedure for developing the source in question in more detail.

Features of the development of production instructions

First of all, you can study the question: in connection with which the company there is a need to develop production instructions? As a rule, such a need becomes relevant:

  • when the company forms an additional staff of employees (for example, in connection with the expansion of production, the opening of new branches);
  • with a significant change in the labor function, which is regulated by local standards adopted earlier;
  • when changing the content of labor contracts with employees due to various reasons (for example, when modernizing production).

Production instruction - a document that can be recommended for development in the company on the recommendation of a higher structure, experts, audit companies. The source in question can be issued as an independent source or approved as an annex to the employee contract. In Russian firms, the main types of documents used in the labor protection system (production, job descriptions in particular) are developed using both methods.

But, in general, both procedures are characterized by similar stages. We will study them in more detail.

First of all, HR specialists work on the text content of the document. For this, a typical production instruction, as well as official sources of law, may be involved, as we noted above.

Safety instruction

The section of the document reflecting its general provisions, as a rule, does not cause difficulties in the design. This part of the manual is among those that are characterized by minimal differences when comparing documents developed for different positions or groups of labor functions.

Certain nuances characterize the design of the section "Qualification requirements". They are most often considered in the context of:

  • job responsibilities;
  • necessary knowledge of the employee;
  • specialist education level and other qualification criteria.

If a typical production instruction is used in the process of creating a document, then the formulations that are present in it can superficially regulate the specifics of labor functions in a particular enterprise. In this regard, the personnel department of the company may need to supplement the relevant standards with those that more effectively reflect the characteristics of the production process in the company. To solve this problem, just the same help of experts and analysts may be involved.

The next key section of the document is Production Functions. It is necessary to pay special attention to its drafting: as a rule, it is precisely for him that norms are characteristic that reflect the specifics of the regulation of a specific labor function.

For example, production instructions for the operation of electrical installations can regulate functions that are very different from those that characterize the work of, for example, a locksmith. This may be due to the specifics of the equipment used by the specialist of the profile for which the document is being prepared. The production instruction of the locksmith will include norms that regulate in more detail another labor function.

The “Responsibilities” section of the instructions is also among those that include formulations that reflect the specifics of a particular position in the enterprise. For a plumbing service technician, there will be one responsibility; for a worker, another. For example, plumbing has inherent functions to ensure the proper operation of heating systems, water supply, timely repair of the corresponding infrastructure. In turn, the worker may be responsible for the correct installation of these systems, checking their initial performance.

Sections such as “Rights” and “Responsibility”, in turn, may include sufficiently universal language. The production instruction of the worker, locksmith, electrical installation specialist can have almost the same standards regarding the marked sections of the document in question.

The next step in creating a production instruction is design. We study its features in more detail.

Features of the design of production instructions

When solving the corresponding problem, one can focus on official sources of law - such as, for example, GOST R 6.30-2003. This GOST regulates the procedure for creating internal corporate administrative documentation at enterprises. The main requirements that the relevant source contains:

  • pages of the instruction should be numbered;
  • the text of the document should be printed on one side of each sheet;
  • it is necessary to ensure the presence in the structure of the document of the stamp of approval (by putting down the necessary details in it, the document becomes official).

Some experts also recommend the inclusion of an approval stamp in the document. Its completion by putting down the necessary details allows you to officially confirm the fact that the production instruction is approved by interested parties. For example - managers of a higher organization. Approval and approval are mandatory aspects of certification of instructions.

If the production instruction is an independent document, it may have annexes. For example, including standards that are related to fire safety, the specifics of using certain production resources that are part of the fixed assets of the company. If the document in question is supplemented by annexes - this fact should be indicated in it. For example, in a separate phrase, that the instruction is supplemented by applications with such and such numbers on such and such a number of sheets.

The source in question must be signed by a human resources specialist or other person responsible for the development of the relevant document. Many firms also practice the certification of production instructions by the direct supervisors of the workers who make them up. But for the official approval of the source, as we noted above, a separate stamp is used, which can be supplemented by an appropriate element to confirm the approval of the production instruction.

It can be noted that in cases where the document in question is an annex to another local source - for example, a separate order of the leadership, an appropriate mark should be put on it. That is, it is recorded that the instruction is an appendix with such a number to such a normative source. The corresponding document, of course, should also be formally put into circulation at the enterprise.

How is the instruction given to the employee?

After the instruction is ready, it must be transferred to the employee. This procedure should be formally established. A document can be transferred to a person in person, provided that they affix their signature:

- on the instruction itself - in a separate column;

- in a special document certifying the fact of familiarization with production and other instructions at the enterprise.

A document may be handed over upon the conduct of such a procedure as briefing at the workplace. She, as a rule, is carried out immediately after the person comes to work in the company. Instruction at the workplace can be carried out using the standards that are included in the instruction in question. As part of such an algorithm, other documents used in the labor protection system may be transferred to the employee of the company. Such as, for example, safety instructions.

Production instructions for the operation of electrical installations

The briefing in question can be carried out both individually and collectively. In the first case, the provision of production instructions optimized for a particular position is optimal. In the second scenario, production training may be accompanied by the transfer to employees of those documents that reflect the specifics of the group of labor functions. But, in principle, the opposite situation is also possible - if this is optimal from the point of view of regulating production processes at the enterprise.


The production instruction is the most important local source in the enterprise. It is especially important when it comes to an industrial company. It can be an alternative to the job description or supplement it, along with instructions on fire safety and labor protection. The source in question has the same legal force with the labor contract, which is the fundamental legal document in the relationship between the employee and the employer.

Fire Safety Production Instruction

The development of production instructions is usually carried out by the personnel department. The document can be agreed with the management and must be approved by him. To compile the appropriate source, a typical production instruction can be used, as well as the main sources of law governing the solution of such problems.

The production instruction, on the one hand, is characterized by universality (many of the provisions of one document developed for a particular position can be applied to regulate labor activity in a completely different profile), on the other hand, it involves the inclusion of specific formulations that characterize a particular labor function. The universality of the instructions in question can also be expressed in the similarity of the stages, the basic procedures for generating documents, the principles for the participation of competent employees in the development of instructions.

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