
The height of the fence between neighboring sections according to the law: requirements, norms and rules

Many landowners do not think about the fact that the fence, designed to protect their "hacienda" from prying eyes and preventing the penetration of unauthorized persons into the territory, is a holy of holies of private property. It must be constructed in strict accordance with the law. There are a number of cases where construction requires approval. What is the height of the fence between neighboring sections by law? This question is relevant.

Define ownership boundaries

It is important to correctly determine the boundaries of their and neighboring possessions. In this case, pedantry is more relevant than ever: life is long, changeable, and no one knows when a moment can arise that is characterized by the dry phrase “territorial claims”.

fence height between adjacent sections according to law

Often the precedent is the result of the fact that “someone sometimes doesn’t want to live honestly with us” and “out of the blue” is trying to grab at least several neighboring centimeters. But sometimes this is a simple misunderstanding. In any case, it does not bother to be safe.

Then no one will be able to arbitrarily “grab” a scrap of your legitimate hectare. The presence in the owner’s hands of properly executed and duly certified papers confirming the size and limits of a particular site is the key to his further prosperity. Compared with this, the height and other rules and regulations for installing the fence are a secondary issue.

What is driven into the database - do not erase immediately

Once a common opinion of all interested parties is developed regarding the indicators, it is necessary to fix a small victory by an act of coordination. As they say, what is written with a pen - you can’t cut it with an ax.

The statement is also true in the context of a gradual transition to electronic data storages: what is “driven” into the database - you will not erase it right away. As a rule, territorial architectural departments are involved in issuing to citizens information about the boundaries of the site.

fence height between neighbors rules and regulations

Do not forget about the norms of fences between neighbors (which fence can be set). Ask the experts if there are any restrictions on the type of building material in your case. You should be warned about passing close to communication lines (power cables, pipes, and so on).

Do not measure on a fence-to-dinner basis

The height of the fence between neighboring sections by law is very important. It should be determined at the preliminary stage. And now about the rules for the construction of the fence. Federal law states: a house (residential building) should be no closer than 3 meters from the fence. If you have pets, you’ll have to “move” one more meter from the neighbor’s border (a total of 4 meters). Sheds and other non-residential buildings can be located one meter from the building envelope. This also applies to the garage. These are sanitary rules. Practice shows that their strict observance helps neighbors to avoid many acute moments.

In addition to sanitary, there are fire safety requirements. Therefore, we repeat: residential buildings should not be closely “pressed” to the fence. Three meters! Plus three that law abiding neighbors will retreat. Thus, between your "fortresses" six cherished meters are formed, which is quite suitable for firefighters (and you - even less so).

Make a plan and follow it

It is important to consider the location of trees and shrubs. From the fence to the trees should be two meters (minimum). In the case of shrubs, one meter is allowed.Before you begin the construction of buildings and landscaping, consider a plan for their placement and follow it.

what height should the fence be between neighbors

What is the height of the fence between neighboring sections by law? Practice shows that in Russia this question is not yet worth it. But there are many disputes, mutual claims, and they are not becoming smaller. We will not be mistaken if we say that a huge number of ordinary Russian homeowners (especially "beginners") are sure that there can be any "wattle" between neighbors. This is not true.

Higher doesn't mean better

So, what should be the height of the fence between the neighbors? Norms and rules are in this regard. Your grand "picket fence" can obscure the adjacent area. Therefore, be kind, respect each other, build a fence with a height of not more than one and a half meters (this is the rule). We hope that the absence of a “bastion” will serve as a way to establish long-term friendly relations with neighbors.

The completed preliminary tasks for the construction of the fence are good. And what about the situation with the most important documents for the site - cadastral and boundary plans? They determine the boundaries of territories and should be in the hands of every land owner.

Dividing line

Another legal “touch”: officials from the cadastral service (an organization implementing a unified system of real estate accounting) will help draw up an act on the absence of claims by the owners of neighboring plots to each other, that is, they will record and document the action that has taken place. After verifying the signing by the parties, the document will be approved, and it will become one of the important components of the “portfolio” of land surveying.

norms of fences between neighbors which fence can be set

It would seem that everything is done as if written. The question of how high the fence between the neighbors should be, you no longer have, with cadastral documents everything is in order, but misunderstandings still occur. The dividing line is not here, the neighbor built the shed not there - such disputes are not uncommon. Call a professional surveyor with the right to conduct activities to determine the legality of ownership of the site of certain individuals. He will act as a kind of “arbiter”. To complete the picture, the specialist needs a site plan and terms of reference. Based on these data, he will draw up a territorial plan indicating boundary landmarks.

No "amateur performances"

The received document (plan) must be agreed upon and certified by state institutions conducting supervision of land use. Timeliness of filing documents lies with the conscience of the land owners. If you do not take into account all the subtleties, your wonderful fence can be recognized as an illegal structure and demolished.

Cases when "self-willed men" were forced to demolish the erected structure in the name of the law are not uncommon. In such situations, you can’t count on damages, but it turns out to be solid: the prices for building materials are now “biting”. So it’s better not to experiment, but to know what the height of the fence between neighboring sections is by law and how it should look.

Carefully study SNiP (building codes and rules governing building construction standards) and only then act. Thoroughly and leisurely going through the preparatory stages, you will protect yourself from problems, and at the same time you will become a good adviser for those who came to conquer the "cornfield" after you.

The main points of SNiP

  • If you are a member horticultural partnership, study the requirements for the construction of structures adopted in this non-profit association.
  • The right to control the construction of barrage and other structures is granted either to persons from the administration of the partnership, or to employees of supervisory government agencies.
  • The project provides for the maximum length of the fence. If you have a need to expand the borders, then on this issue you need to contact the city hall (local authorities).
  • All stages of construction must take place in strict accordance with the law. Sudden disputes have also been resolved exclusively within the framework of urban planning legislation.

About Fence Materials

So, he is about to appear - your fence between the sites. The general requirements are as follows: the fence between the neighbors should consist of transparent or translucent materials, and for those who do not like the usual picket fence, it makes sense to turn their attention to the mesh netting, polycarbonate.

height and other rules and regulations for installing the fence

Transparent, durable polymer plastic allows you to immediately kill three birds with one stone: not to see the neighboring area, not to show your own and not to interfere with yourself or people. It is worth noting that in different horticultural partnerships the issue is approached in their own way.

There are organizations where low open fences are recommended. But there are those in which capital constructions are not forbidden. There are also gardening where no recommendations for "all to one" is not provided at all. However, even in this case, it is worth building without violating the city-planning standards in force in the country.

If the plot IZHS

When discussing a problem such as a fence between neighbors, legislative requirements should not be simplified. But sometimes this happens. It is believed that in individual housing construction - individual housing (non-residential) construction - the construction of a fence between neighbors has its own characteristics. Some rashly claim that they have the right to swing at four meters, explaining this by the fact that it is not just about the beds, but about the inviolability of personal life. Like, SNiPs were not invented for IZHS. There, the purpose of the land is “individual construction”, and the category is “land of settlements”, therefore continuous fences are not prohibited, the consent of neighbors to erect the structure is not required (but does not interfere with talking to them).

fence between neighbors legal requirements

Keep in mind that rules are rules, even if they vary in specific cases. If you are building a blank fence from the side of the road or from the front of your cottage - the law will help you! True, the height should not exceed 2.2 meters. Decided to reach a 4-meter record? Get the written permission of your neighbors.

Temporarily and permanently

In addition to stationary, there are temporary fences (construction is underway, so you need to protect the territory from encroachment and passers-by from possible injuries, etc.). In such cases, sectional fences are often used: they are easy to install and dismantle.

Temporary barriers are of two types: stationary (mesh netting, galvanized profile) and mobile. Most likely, many saw strong support pillars with sheets attached to them. Such a structure can be moved if necessary.

Recall that the construction always has three stages: marking the site, the direct construction of the facility and landscaping around. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases where places at fences become garbage bins. This must not be allowed.

Do not buy a yard, buy a neighbor

Everyone knows the proverb "Do not buy a yard, buy a neighbor." She emphasizes the importance of someone who will live with you for years. The quality of life directly depends on what you will see “clear eyes” every single day: cleanliness and order, neat flower beds or a littered yard and a garden overgrown with thistles.

fence between sections general requirements

Will you “serve tea and sugar in a cup to each other” or “fight” every day, like a cat and a dog? All these and many other factors indicate that the fence is a strictly individual design. There are cases when it seems that he is completely unnecessary, so everyone is related.

But, again, time passes, much changes. Therefore, a better solution than a properly installed fence corresponding to all “sanpins” cannot be invented. In any situation, you will feel comfortable and protected from any weather - natural and interpersonal. After all, the important rules for installing a fence between neighbors are not violated!

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