
Is there a need for inspection for a new car when registering, insurance? Do I need to undergo inspection on a new car in Belarus?

Every novice motorist or owner of a vehicle with experience has an idea of ​​the inevitability passing inspection. The old and new rules apply simultaneously, until the first of August 2015. Thus, each car owner can master the legal innovations. One of the main questions that car owners are interested in: "Do I need to undergo inspection on a new car?" The article also discusses such moments as: the documents necessary for obtaining a diagnostic card, the frequency of its receipt, time of action and determination. A car owner with reliable information can independently and competently determine whether it is necessary to undergo inspection on a new car. Indeed, despite all the innovations or changes, it is important to have a responsible attitude to the state of the vehicle in each individual case. Since it is precisely on this that the well-being of the state of the traffic largely depends.

The coupon was replaced by a diagnostic card

The card, the receipt of which means passing the inspection, is a sheet of A4 format, it contains descriptions of all tested vehicle systems and information about its technical characteristics. A copy of the inspection card is issued to the driver, two more copies must be in EISTO and at the enterprise that conducted the inspection. Getting inspection is not tied to the place of registration of registration. On average, inspection will cost less than one thousand rubles. Each car owner should not doubt whether it is necessary to pass inspection. On the new machine there is no need for a mandatory inspection, but only if it does not belong to certain categories.

Now it is not necessary to carry a diagnostic card with you. A copy that remains with the inspection company must be retained by him for a period of three years. It has become impossible to conceal the exceeded level of exhaust gases, since a technical check is carried out on more modern equipment. It is difficult for the owner of a faulty car to avoid doubts as to whether or not to undergo a vehicle inspection. On a new machine, of course, there is less chance of fault detection. Most often, defects found in this case are manufacturing defects.

Do I need to undergo inspection on a new machine

Interesting facts: inspection in Belarus

Recently, in Belarus, the rules for passing inspection have changed. For example, coloring a vehicle in several colors has become available. Already completed adjustments and unchanged rules continue to be developed and improved. Many are probably wondering whether it is necessary to undergo inspection on a new car in Belarus.

The purchase of a new car in Belarus is not accompanied by the need to undergo inspection within two years. But this applies to cases when the vehicle is registered in the year of its release. Is a new car inspection necessary in Belarus in such cases when the car has already stood for a certain period of time? Yes, then it is necessary. Whether it is necessary to undergo inspection on a new car in Belarus also depends on which category the car belongs to.

Vehicle Inspection Services

The list of organizations for inspection, authorized to issue diagnostic cards, can be obtained from the traffic police. Choosing the most convenient option, each car owner should remember that there are maintenance organizations accredited on a par with state operators. Each operator who is engaged in assessing the health of vehicles and issuing diagnostic cards must be accredited. The OT operator can be a dealer (individual entrepreneur or legal entity that acts in accordance with an agreement with a distributor or manufacturer) or any other accredited legal entity, individual entrepreneur. Such organizations are controlled by the bodies of a professional association of insurers (PCA, where accreditation takes place). Only if the company is registered in the register indicating all operating operators, it has the right to conduct inspection and issue a diagnostic card.

 Do I need to undergo inspection on a new car in Belarus

Pros of passing inspection in private firms

Since 2015, inspection in the Russian Federation is much easier to obtain: there is no need to contact the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on this issue, and the service of accredited private OT is rapidly developing. Compared with state-owned, a private company has some advantages. For example: when applying to a private OT, there are no consequences of restrictions established by bailiffs. An important advantage of a private company is the lower likelihood of queues that take time and effort. The possibility of early recording for diagnosis.

There is a ban on repair services (directly at the venue for technical diagnostics of cars). A motorist who has passed the diagnostics of his vehicle at a private, accredited service station receives a diagnostic card, and all the necessary information about the state of his car systems is entered into a common database created by the insurance organization. To doubt whether a vehicle inspection is necessary for a new car for insurance is also not necessary for this reason. Although each car owner solves this issue in his own, specific case independently.

Do I need a vehicle inspection for a trip to Finland

Vehicle inspection and penalties

To receive a diagnostic card, each car owner must present: a document that confirms the identity (for example, a passport or driver’s license), then a power of attorney (in the case when the recipient of the discount card does not own the car), a certificate of registration (or TCP, for unregistered cars) and vehicle data sheet. Whether inspection on a new car is needed depends on which vehicle category the vehicle belongs to.

For the inspection to end with a diagnostic card, the vehicle must be in good condition. In addition to meeting the basic requirements, it is necessary to comply with such conditions as: the presence of a first-aid kit (at the same time it should not have an expired shelf life), a fire extinguisher (also with an unexpired shelf life). If a crash is found on the windshield of a car glass during the inspection, which is located in the driver's area of ​​the wiper, then such a vehicle will not pass a technical inspection.

For motorists who drive vehicles, which include: transporting people (passenger taxis, buses, trucks (with more than eight passenger seats)) or dangerous goods - in the absence of a technical inspection, a fine is imposed. The lack of inspection does not allow you to purchase a CTP policy, while the lack of insurance carries a penalty. Therefore, a novice motorist can have no doubt whether a vehicle inspection is needed on a new car. When registering a CTP, inspection is required.

Do you need inspection on a new machine

Interesting facts: inspection in Kazakhstan

Many are interested in whether it is necessary to undergo inspection on a new machine in Kazakhstan.Yes, in Kazakhstan for non-commercial vehicles the rules of technical diagnostics have been changed. Now, if the vehicle is less than four years old, then technical diagnostics are not required. The process of completing automotive diagnostics has become a bit more affordable. Previously, the driver was required to first provide proof of payment of the transport tax. To date, it is enough to provide the car itself and a technical passport to it for verification. If necessary, evidence of passing inspection all data can be obtained from a common information base.

In the hands of the driver whose vehicle has passed the technical test, a diagnostic card remains. In the near future, Kazakhstan plans to increase the age for cars that do not need a mandatory technical inspection. It is possible that vehicles with a validity of less than seven years will not necessarily be checked at a vehicle inspection. And the question of whether inspection is needed for a new car in Kazakhstan will be considered in a new way.

Regular inspection

In good conditions are the owners of new cars. For them, inspection is necessary only after a three-year period of operation. But the beginning of the three-year period is calculated directly from the year of production of this particular car. For those who have already purchased a standing car, the period corresponding to the parking period is reduced. Cars that are three to seven years old need to be checked every two years. Cars older than seven years of age must be evaluated in terms of technical health, once a year.

The CTP policy is a document necessary on the road for any driver. Some, just dreaming of buying the first car, doubt whether the inspection for a new car is necessary when registering. Yes, since insurance is needed when registering a car with the traffic police. Passing the procedure for assessing the health of the car is necessary. Since only in this case, the motorist can purchase the most important document confirming insurance.

 Do I need a vehicle inspection when registering?

The importance of inspection

Each organization listed on the market for such services is obligatory when applying for an MTPL policy to require vehicle inspection. But you do not need to have a document on the inspection during the compulsory motor third-party liability insurance registration, since all the necessary data is recorded in the appropriate electronic format, available for employees of the insurance company. Law enforcement officers are only interested in the actual availability of insurance. If at the moment the car owner does not have a vehicle inspection, but the existing insurance is valid, then obtaining the first one is still desirable. In this case, it becomes possible to obtain compensation.

Interesting facts: a trip to Finland

Thanks to the design of the "green card", every Russian motorist can visit Finland in his own car. “Green Card” is a unique way of insurance of civil liability of a car owner during a visit to a foreign country. In addition to the “green card” itself, you must have a foreign passport and medical insurance with you, a driver’s license and a vehicle registration certificate, technical inspection and insurance certificates (CTP and CASCO). Properly approaching the preliminary paperwork for visiting Finland in your car, you can spend the time allotted for the trip with benefit and pleasure.

Avoid misunderstandings on return will help timely check insurance insurance. Indeed, in the absence of this type of insurance, it will have to be issued directly at customs. In Finland, in most cases no one will be interested in them. Many people wonder if a vehicle inspection is needed for a new car to travel to Finland. Yes, in this case, a vehicle inspection is required.An exception may be, for example, the latest machines that were purchased less than one month ago.

 Do I need a checkup for a new car when registering a CTP

Diagnostic card validity period

According to the new inspection rules, new cars do not need a diagnostic card for three years. But for cars that are designed to carry passengers, this rule does not apply. Therefore, the car owner of such a vehicle must undergo a technical inspection. The question of whether it is necessary to undergo inspection on a new taxi car has a confirming answer, since transporting passengers is a very important task. And a car used for such purposes must have additional guarantees of its proper condition.

As for the other options, there are certain deadlines for the operation of diagnostic cards. Inspection of a car carrying passengers is valid for six months. Other cars, as well as motorcycles, have a two-year inspection period. Inspection of other vehicles must be updated annually, as well as OSAGO insurance. When a situation arises in which the inspection is delayed, for example, the need for preliminary repairs, the car owner must get a transit policy (for a twenty-day period).

 Do you need a checkup for a new car in Belarus

Final points

Today, to simplify and access information, each traffic police Internet resource allows car owners to find out the location of all OT operators without any hassle. Beginning car enthusiasts can inquire on such sites whether inspection is needed on a new car, because often it depends on the category of vehicle.

There are no regional restrictions or regional ones. A motorist with any place of registration has the opportunity to undergo inspection throughout the country. If you use the pre-registration service, which is available at most inspection points, the entire procedure for obtaining a diagnostic card does not take more than one hour. In any case, it is worth approaching the inspection with all responsibility and attention, even if for some reason you have to spend additional time solving this issue.

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