
How to pass inspection. When to pass inspection

Almost every year new rules, conditions of procedures and technical regulations. In this regard, many owners have not yet figured out when to undergo inspection and whether it is needed at all. Someone considers this procedure mandatory, and someone is firmly convinced that this is just another way to get money from the wallet of law-abiding people. Naturally, these questions cannot be answered unambiguously, since the situation of an individual car owner is unique.

Changes in the rules of passing inspection

Many believe that recently the inspection was canceled. But this opinion is erroneous. Yes, in July 2012, new rules were introduced, and on July 4, 2014, some adjustments were made to them. Therefore, the corresponding question arises: is it necessary? Inspection is necessary for everyone. All vehicle owners are required to provide their car for its passage. The exception is new category B cars, the service life of which does not exceed three years.

how to pass inspection

Let's look at the changes that affected the inspection, in more detail.

Firstly, earlier for passing inspection it was necessary to provide a valid insurance policy. Now everything is exactly the opposite: to conclude an insurance contract, you must have with you a document confirming the health of the car.

Secondly, now there is no maintenance ticket. He was replaced by a diagnostic card. This document is a sheet of paper that reflects data on the checked components of the car, as well as on compliance or non-compliance with safety requirements.

What is the maintenance procedure?

Alas, not all owners are responsible for their car and are considering whether to undergo inspection. This is partly due to the fact that there is no understanding that neglect of the machine can lead to serious consequences. Do not neglect this procedure. Inspection allows you to understand whether the car needs repair, and therefore to protect yourself and others on the road.

After completing all the papers and paying the fee, the master of the maintenance point determines the condition of the vehicle. The work of lighting equipment, the degree of harmful emissions and the technical parameters of the car are checked. Then the car is driven to the lift. However, as practice shows, most operators are interested in whether there are any complaints about behavior on the road, and that’s all. A thorough check occurs only if there are any comments from the client.

where to undergo inspection

Upon successful inspection, the operator will fill out a diagnostic card and hand it over to the owner of the car. It is necessary to make sure that there is no information about malfunctions (the results of the instrumental check should be indicated), the signature of the wizard and the printing of the maintenance item are indicated.

Required documents

when to undergo inspection

How to pass inspection? To go through it and get a diagnostic card, you need to show the following documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration or title.

This list is exhaustive and established by the law “On inspection”. Requests for additional documents are illegal, although many operators require them, and arguing with them about this is futile.

Inspection for new cars

New Category B cars are exempted from technical inspection for three years. It should be borne in mind that the report does not come from the date of purchase, but from the day the machine is manufactured.That is, for a car purchased in January 2015, the release of which falls on March 2014, it is not required to undergo inspection until March 2018.

Despite this, owners should get a CTP policy and register the car.

When do you need to undergo inspection?

For cars and trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as motor vehicles, whose age is from three to seven years, a technical inspection is required every two years.

to undergo inspectionCars older than seven years are entitled to an annual inspection.

When to undergo inspection, if the driver has a valid insurance policy? The next inspection can take place no earlier than the insurance comes to an end.

Inspection for rare cars

Is it necessary? Inspection is necessary for everyone, despite the age of the vehicles. If any parts of the structure were not installed at the time of release of the car, they will not be checked. For example, on a 1904 machine there are no side lights. They will not be checked at the maintenance point, because at that time they simply did not come up with them.

Inspection every six months

There are several types of vehicles that are subject to mandatory inspection every six months. This category includes:

  • passenger taxis;
  • trucks intended for the carriage of passengers whose number of seats exceeds eight;
  • Buses
  • specialized transport vehicles dangerous goods and trailers for them.

For cars in this category are special requirements. For them, a fine was retained for the lack of a diagnostic card. Traffic police have the right to check the availability and duration of its validity. Therefore, in this case, passing inspection is necessary before the time of the previous one expires.

Another feature: when applying for an insurance policy for these cars, you do not need to provide a diagnostic card.

How to pass inspection without problems? What to do to get a diagnostic card the first time?

The inspection procedure is now carried out only by independent operators who have passed special accreditation. It has become much more convenient. For example, a diagnostic card can now be obtained from an authorized dealer for annual scheduled maintenance. If you do not spend it or do not trust the official service, then you can choose the most conveniently located maintenance point. The list of operators where to undergo inspection is easy to find on the PCA website. There you can clarify the cost of the procedure, since there is no fixed price in Russia. The authorities of each region have the right to independently determine the maximum cost.

Do I need to undergo inspection

How to pass inspection the first time? In order to get a diagnostic card without problems, it is necessary to check the availability of everything necessary and make sure that the vehicle is in good working order. Before arriving at the TO point, it is best to wash the car, as they may formally be denied service, although they often simply unobtrusively offer an additional cleaning service. For passing inspection it is not necessary to rub the car to shine. The main thing is that the numbers are read, and it was possible to identify the color of the body.

On the rear window of the car, the owner of which has been working for less than two years, there should be a sticker in the form of an exclamation mark.

Besides vehicle registration certificates the maintenance station master does not need to show anything (by law). But in fact, they may require the provision of rights, a passport and the original title. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, it is best to take all the documents with you.

Fault rectification dates

If during the inspection of the car no malfunctions were found, it is allowed to traffic.If the expert found at least one flaw, a corresponding note is made in the diagnostic card, and the machine is subject to re-verification.

How to pass inspection in this case? If the owner eliminates all defects within 20 days and presents the car to the same TO point, only those parameters that do not meet the mandatory vehicle safety conditions (for which there were comments for the first time) will be checked. Repeated diagnostics will be paid, but you will only need to pay for the services actually provided.

If after the first inspection more than the established period has passed, or if a repeated inspection is planned at another MOT point, the car will be checked in its entirety and the payment for the procedure will have to be paid in full.

Where can I get a checkup?

Previously, it could be passed at the place of registration or at the place of stay, having temporary registration in hand. Where to go for inspection now? Now you can get a diagnostic card at any maintenance point. That is, the owner has the right to independently choose not only the operator, but also the city, regardless of the place of registration of the car and its owner.

The new law transferred the authority to conduct inspection to accredited in the prescribed manner maintenance operators and dealerships. It is worth noting that the contract for the issuance of diagnostic cards for dealers is not public offer. They have the right to refuse to conduct inspection, without explaining the reasons for their decision. Other institutions registered as MOT operators cannot refuse to issue cards.

The technical operator is fully responsible for checking the vehicle. It is he who makes the decision whether to issue a diagnostic card or not. And it will be he who will be liable in the event of an accident that occurred due to a technical malfunction that his experts looked at.

What is checked during inspection?

Do I need to undergo inspection

The new rules have greatly simplified the process of checking the car. Inspection is kept only of the main elements that affect the safety of the vehicle. All of them are listed in the diagnostic card. Inspection is carried out on 65 points, and during the inspection, a check is carried out:

  • steering status;
  • brake system status;
  • windshield washer and wiper operations;
  • external lighting devices;
  • tires and wheels;
  • engine;
  • degree of pollution of the exhaust;
  • glass transmittance level;
  • equipped with a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and warning triangle.

To the question whether it is necessary to undergo inspection, the answer begs a definite and non-negotiable. Do not neglect the technical inspection, despite the fact that it is quite simple to purchase a diagnostic card at the moment. Indeed, not only your life, but also the life of the people around you depends on the condition of the car.

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