
The nuances of democracy: what is a vote of no confidence?

In countries characterized by political instability, people often hear the expression “a vote of no confidence”. A beautiful and disturbing phrase. From it breathes changes, and not always pleasant and calm. And what does this concept really mean and what is the expression of a vote of no confidence? Let's get it right.

vote of no confidence


Any term should be disassembled, enlisting the support of dictionaries of an appropriate orientation. We will not depart from tradition. A vote is an agreed decision of a collegial body. The word "distrust" does not need further clarification. It speaks of the loss of support. The very concept of a “vote of no confidence” is typical for describing the political situation in a crisis situation. It is passed, as a rule, by a meeting of persons denounced by authority on behalf of society. Simply put, deputies elected by popular vote can declare it. It turns out that in this way a certain participant in the political process demonstrates the disapproval of the people. The latter expresses his dissatisfaction most often with his plight. After all, people of any country want to live in peace and quiet, have a job and a salary, raise children, relax and so on. Anyone who has failed to organize conditions acceptable to the people and risks getting a vote of no confidence from official representatives of civil society.

vote of no confidence in the government

Political responsibility

The power of any democratic state is divided between the bodies defined by the Constitution. They are political players or figures. Each affects a certain side of society. For example, the parliament makes laws, the government organizes their implementation, the head of state is engaged in external and domestic policy. The above distribution is very relative. Each country prescribes everything exactly in the basic law.

We are interested in the fact that political structures are responsible to society for their work. In addition, mechanisms are being created to influence the political structure that is not coping. The controller here is the representative body, that is, the parliament. It is clear that his critical attention is drawn to the work of the executive branch. And whoever heads it, again, it is necessary to look at the basic law. In some countries, this is the president, in others, the prime minister. There are states that have decided to share responsibility between these political posts.

vote of no confidence

Vote of no confidence in the government

The democratic procedures necessary for organizing such a process are enshrined in law. Any trifles that may lead to a change in the political course of the state are prescribed in the acts. Parliamentary democracy suggests that a vote of no confidence can be passed to the government when people are no longer supporting it. The prime minister and the deputies have the right to initiate.

Often this happens after the next update of the composition of parliamentarians through a plebiscite. The composition of the elected body is changing, some parties are leaving, others are embarking on legislative activities, they are selecting an executor according to their own convictions. That is, the government has to go through the assessment process by the parliament. If the political views and the proposed course do not suit the people's representatives, they adopt a resolution of censure (another name for the described concept).

constructive vote of no confidence

Constructive vote of no confidence

Theoretically, and practically the parliament has the opportunity (in some countries implements it) to triple the real crisis of anarchy in the country. This happens when the deputies cannot agree on the composition of the government, to divide portfolios between parties. To avoid such a negative situation, the process of passing a vote of no confidence was complicated. So, in Germany, to change the chancellor, the parliament must by a majority vote choose a new one.

At the same time, a special petition is sent to the president of the country with a proposal to dismiss the head of government and approve a new candidate for this post. Such a complicated process does not detract from democratic principles, but protects the state from a prolonged crisis. A change of political course can occur only when everyone has already actually agreed. That is, the executive branch does not remain without a leader for a long time, which helps to resolve political issues without the risk of randomization of the state.

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