
How to choose equipment for the production of soft drinks

Many entrepreneurs start their business with the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, but few people think about how to make drinks, mineral and just pure water, as well as various energy, etc.

Despite the fact that alcohol is in great demand, alcohol-free drinks can also bring quite a big profit. Let's see what units are needed to start, and what is the technology. The fact is that it is extremely important to choose the right equipment for the production of soft drinks.

soft drinks production equipment

Some general information

Currently, most of the products are manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of brand and brand. In principle, the technology of foreign manufacture of soft drinks and domestic is not much different from each other.

If you plan to gradually expand your business, it is best to start with juice drinks, this is due to the fact that this type of product is most popular, and it will be easier, and much faster, to recoup the initial costs.

Do not lose sight of energy. Important is the purchase of raw materials, which must comply with GOST and the requirements of regulatory documentation. Of course, the most important thing is the preparation of water for the production of soft drinks. Of course, you can use natural water, but it must first be treated and passed through several filters.

Equipment for the production of soft drinks

preparation of water for the production of soft drinks

As noted above, a lot depends on what kind of equipment you buy. Nevertheless, the technological lines at all plants for the production of such products are almost the same. They can differ in the quality of units, their quantity, performance, etc.

You also need to purchase water treatment equipment, which includes coarse filters, for example sand filters, as well as for softening, most often it is sodium cationite. In addition, a membrane filter is installed.

You can’t do without a freezer in production, or more simply, a refrigerator. This is where carbon dioxide will be saturated with water. For the production of sugar syrup, a syrup brewing apparatus is needed. What else is needed is several tanks, the number and volume of which must be selected depending on the performance of the units. You will need a conveyor and a filling machine.

Soft drinks technology

soft drink technology

The whole process proceeds in several relatively simple steps. At the first, water is prepared. A couple of filters are used for this: rough and clean cleaning, as well as for softening. The next step is the saturation of carbon dioxide in the refrigerator.

After that, the water is boiled and only then sugar is added there, which all this time has been separately cooked. Everything is thoroughly mixed and cooked for about half an hour, then citric acid is added, after which the syrup is cooled and bottled.

Then various dyes are added, and the mixture enters the tinting apparatus, where it is heated to a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius, after which it is cooled. In principle, the production can be considered completed at this point, only bottling of soft drinks in bottles and packaging remains. Again, the equipment available in the line may be slightly different, because much depends on what you are doing, for example, it will be kvass or juices, mineral water, etc.

A few important points

If you intend to make juices, then you will also add the third stage. Here you need to make blend syrup. It consists of several flavors and flavors. Mixing is carried out according to the recipe, so the technology of soft drinks at this stage is different everywhere.

In any case, you will need juice from berries, as well as fruits, acids and other components. The mixture is heated, cooled and fed into the blending apparatus. Then, dissolved air is removed from the liquid, and the product is packaged. As for casting and packaging, then everything is extremely simple. A special conveyor and filling machine are needed. Since the process is fully automated, it only requires monitoring and regulation of productivity, but this is necessary.


soft drink spill

As you may have noticed, this is a very interesting idea for a business. It is necessary to take into account the fact that large investments will not be required, especially if you intend to open a small plant. Nevertheless, equipment for the production of soft drinks should be of high quality and tested.

That, in principle, is all that can be told on this topic. The direction is quite interesting and promising. With a competent approach, everything will pay off fairly quickly, in about 1-1.5 years. If you buy units assembled in the form of soft drinks, you can also save some money, this also applies to the production line as a whole.

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