
Equipment for the production of eurolining: types and purpose

Recently, along with polymer cladding materials, wood lining has become very popular.

Everything is explained by environmentally friendly raw materials and good performance. The latter factor would not have been possible without the use of new technologies, an indispensable condition for the introduction of which is equipment for the production of euro-lining.

Manufacturing technology

Modern processing stations allow the manufacture of wooden cladding panels of almost any configuration. Using an integrated method of wood processing, you can create a profitable production, the result of which will be high-quality products.

equipment for the production of eurolining

The technological map of the production of eurolining is a phased processing of wooden blanks. When planning production, you can process the logs yourself to obtain boards or purchase ready-made blanks from contractors. The latter option is preferable for a small budget. But even in this case, you need to know the full manufacturing scheme. She is like this:

  • Sawing boards and drying them.
  • Bonding of individual elements in a single design.
  • Surface milling.

Each of these stages requires special equipment.

Board preparation

flow chart of the production of eurolining

The manufacture of raw boards is made on a tape sawmill. The equipment is selected depending on the performance and size of the logs. If you plan only the production of eurolining, it is recommended to purchase a small-capacity installation, but with minimal discrepancies in the size of the boards when cutting.

After making the rough boards, they are placed in the drying chamber. There, the moisture content of the wood should decrease to an acceptable level of 8-10%. The volume of the cameras should also not be large, but when ordering them, the length of the boards should be taken into account. After drying, the ends of the workpieces are trimmed on a special machine. Its productivity should provide the main production with the right amount of boards.


After rejecting the source material, the length of the workpieces is significantly reduced. For the manufacture of products of the required dimensions, they must be glued together. The edges of the boards are machined on the milling machine, forming mounting spikes.

Then, using a press, the boards are glued to each other either along the length or at the ends. It depends on their initial dimensions. For this, hydraulic horizontal presses are used. Their main characteristics are the maximum possible loading of the source material and the duration of the bonding process.

machines for the production of eurolining


The main stage in the production of curly decorative boards is surface treatment on cutting equipment. Machines for the production of eurolining are characterized by the number of sides that can be milled at the same time.

Since the geometry of the product is quite complex, it is necessary to clearly observe the dimensions of all its elements. Eurolining should have a mounting spike along the entire length, a groove for installation and excavation on the inside. They are necessary to compensate for thermal expansion. Manual manufacturing is excluded, since there is a high probability of error.

Therefore, equipment for the production of eurolining should work in automatic mode. The more operations performed at the same time, the higher the productivity. However, at the first stage of production, it is recommended to purchase a four-sided milling machine.Standard models can process 30 p.m. per minute, which is a good indicator.

In addition to the main production equipment, you should purchase a system for removing sawdust from the manufacturing area. Often they are made independently, for each machine separately.

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