
Equipment for the production of pita bread: the path to the development of your business

Asian thin pita bread is made from dough, which should be stretched in such a thin layer so that through it you can almost read a book. To achieve this skill, some specialists have been studying for years.

It was previously believed that high-quality pita bread can only be prepared by hand, and with the help of technology it is impossible to get thin and baked bread on the entire surface. However, several years ago, specialists in bakery technology invented a machine for the production of pita bread, which is able to bake sheets even thinner than previously done manually.

Technological equipment involved in the production process

pita production equipment

Externally, the equipment for the production of pita bread resembles a large conveyor, which is quite wide and gradually narrows in length.

The production process on this device is as follows. The first step is to knead the dough from the ingredients (flour, butter, water and salt). On the one hand, the raw material is laid, and on the other, the finished dough appears in the tray.

The next step is to place the dough in a special tray, where the automatic line for the production of pita rolls it to the thinnest translucent state. This stage in the preparation of this bakery product by hand was the most time-consuming, and now the machine does everything.

Such equipment for the production of pita bread is quite inexpensive - only 20 thousand rubles. Thus, when organizing your own small workshop for the production of this product, we can confidently say that the cost of acquiring the necessary line will pay off in 3-4 months.

Such equipment for the production of pita bread can be easily purchased by large families.

Returning to the process of preparing this bakery product, we must not forget about the last stage - baking. For this, a special stone furnace for the production of pita bread, the tandoor, was traditionally used. However, today conventional ovens or even non-stick pans are used quite successfully.

pita oven

Where can this device be purchased

Equipment for the production of pita bread can be purchased both directly from the manufacturer (at the factory), and through its representatives (dealers). It is often more profitable to purchase this unit from the latter due to their location in the same city as the buyer. This is due to the fact that the seller is responsible for the delivery of the goods, and the buyer is protected from the troubles associated with the independent transportation of oversized equipment.

Check for completeness

Together with automated lines, a complete set of spare parts and tools should go. We must not forget about the mandatory availability of operating instructions in Russian. Maintaining completeness upon delivery is also another reason to contact your dealer.

Before finally paying, it is necessary to inspect the equipment for scratches or damage. If you find at least one of these shortcomings, you must immediately require the replacement of the automatic line.

Sometimes factory defects occur, which can only be detected during the operation of the machine. For example, in the process of rolling, chewing of the dough takes place, and also the presence of loose nuts or creaking is detected when the bearings are working on rollers.


When organizing self-transportation, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • the equipment must be disassembled, otherwise you can get an inoperative unit upon arrival;
  • in order to avoid possible friction, each individual element should be packed separately from the others, and they should also be sorted by future structural units;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and humidity level, as some parts are designed to operate in conditions with low humidity.

Advantages of using equipment for baking pita bread

Among the main advantages it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • high performance;
  • three times lower energy intensity compared to manual baking technology;
  • small staff (only three people);
  • there is no need for highly qualified personnel, since the machine does everything for a person;
  • due to the uniform baking, pita has a long shelf life;
  • the same thickness over the entire surface of the bakery product;
  • It has a good presentation;
  • fast payback automated line.

pita production line

To give the finished product a presentation in industrial production, another device is used - a packaging machine that allows you to pack pita bread in polypropylene or plastic bags (both with labels and without them).

Summing up, we can talk about the availability of this production. You must also remember the low calorie content of the finished product. That is why he is very successful.

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