
Modern equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes

The use of polymeric materials for the manufacture of pipes greatly simplified the process of their installation, reducing the cost of the entire event.

Particularly popular were copolymer products. Special equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes will make it possible to ensure stable profits, but only subject to technological standards and the right choice of line components.

Raw materials

To organize any production process at the first stage, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. It includes a number of important factors: a list of equipment, the cost of rent (purchase) of the premises. Required costs are also taken into account - the purchase of raw materials. The latter indicator is important when choosing the types of finished products. Depending on the material of manufacture, the finished product may have various operational properties.

equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes

Regardless of which line for the production of polypropylene pipes is installed, it allows you to manufacture products from the following types of material:

  • Homopolymer polypropylene. Molecular bonds in it form only a horizontal chain, which affects the quality of products. Therefore, it is used for the production of pipes for internal sewage and some types of fittings.
  • Random copolymer polypropylene. By laying down certain proportions of polypropylene and ethylene, a plastic mass with good performance is obtained. It is from this material that water and heating pipes are made. The only drawback is the lack of a domestic supplier of raw materials.

Choosing a specific brand of source material, you can begin to analyze the methods of production of PP pipes.

Manufacturing technology

First you need to describe in detail the methodology for obtaining high-quality pipelines. Often, a random copolymer of polypropylene is used for production.

polypropylene pipe production line

Manufacturing technology is based on the properties of polymers under the influence of temperature to pass into a plastic state. To preserve the molecular bonds of substances add special chemicals - catalysts. Subsequently, the heated mass acquires the desired shape due to extrusion. These processes occur on the same technological line, and almost without human intervention. Modern equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes needs a minimum number of staff.

The extruder is a technological complex in which raw materials go through several stages of processing:

  1. Heating to the required temperature.
  2. The formation of the primary billet pipe.
  3. Product size calibration.

Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

Polymer heating

Through the loading chamber, the feedstock (granules) enters the machine for the production of polypropylene pipes. At this stage, they must undergo heat treatment to form a plastic mass of the desired consistency.

machine for the production of polypropylene pipes

After loading into the hopper, the granules are subjected to primary processing at low temperature. Heating is carried out using electrical elements protected by an aluminum casing. The screw device moves the plastic mass from one chamber to another. The temperature gradually increases, and the material acquires more and more ductility. The level of heating directly depends on the requirements for the pipes.


After passing the last chamber, the material is transferred to the product forming device. It is best to analyze the processes occurring at this stage using the SJ 65 33 line as an example. The extruder separates part of the mass volume and automatically places it in the high-pressure region. Using hydraulic mechanisms, the material passes through a special molding insert - a die.

sj 65 33 extruder

It is made of durable material that does not change its geometric dimensions under the influence of high temperatures or aggressive environments. The shape of the holes on its surface coincides with the dimensions of future pipes. But since the temperature of the plastic is still high, there is a danger of changing the geometry. To prevent this, the equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes is equipped with a water cooling system.

Calibration and Warehousing

Moving along the rollers of the conveyor belt, the still hot product is cooled by water flows. However, this does not guarantee perfect compliance with the required dimensions. After going through the entire stage of water cooling, the workpiece enters the final stage of manufacturing - calibration.

A special control and measuring device verifies the current dimensions of the product with the normative. Then the workpiece passes through a vacuum calibrator, where it acquires the desired shape and diameter. The next step is cutting the product to the desired size.

Professional equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes is the main factor in the profitability of the future enterprise. If you approach this issue carefully, in the end, excellent product quality will be the starting point for successful business development.

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