
Sample application to the school addressed to the director: rules for drafting

During the educational process, certain circumstances may arise when the student’s parents or the student himself must apply with the official application to the directorate. For these purposes, the secretariat must provide a sample application to the school addressed to the principal.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the form of samples of your school, because they may be different in different educational institutions. The lack of a single standard allows you to use the examples that are given below. But only on condition that it is not possible to contact the school secretariat or he provided the right to write an application in the so-called free form.

sample application to the school addressed to the director

"Cap" statements

So, the first part of the statement is the heading, otherwise called the header. Its task is to convey information to whom and from whom the document is being written. In addition to names, the same column indicates the name of the educational institution - school or gymnasium. The entire graph is aligned to the right. It is also allowed to align it on the left edge with the transfer of the left field by about 150 mm to the right.

Here is a sample application to the school addressed to the principal:

To the Director
OUSO dialogue schools

national cultures
№ 19

Artishchenko K.Z.

Nikolaev P.S.

Or: Director

OUSO dialogue schools

national cultures number 19

Artishchenko K.Z.

Nikolaev P.S.

The main text of the statement

Next, a free line recedes from the header and the word “Statement” is written in the middle of the line with a capital letter. The point after it is not set.

Below, through one more line, the text of the statement must follow from the red line. For example, consider a few typical situations. Suppose a child needs to go somewhere and parents bring this fact to the attention of the school management. In this case, you can use the following template.

Sample application to the school addressed to the director on exemption from school:


I ask you to release my daughter Nikolaev Kristina, a student of the 7th “F” class, from classes from 11/14/2012 to 11/17/2012 for family reasons (travel to another city). We commit ourselves to fill in the missing part of the curriculum for this period.

As the sample application to the school in the name of the director shows, the text of the document should include the correct treatment and in a concise form reflect the essence of the problem on which the application is written. If necessary, any documents may be attached to the application - certificates, extracts, etc.

This option can be used as a more or less universal sample of an application to the school addressed to the director. However, different situations happen and some things sometimes have to be changed.

Date and signature in the statement

Below the statement itself are the columns “number” and “signature”. Both graphs are on the same line, but spaced on opposite sides.


11/11/2014 Signature.

In some forms, a column is added to the number and signature, and all three columns are grouped in the lower right corner as follows:

"______" ________________ 201 ___ years


FULL NAME. Signature

Student Statement

Sometimes a statement must be written not by the parent, but by the student himself. This applies, for example, to the case of transfer from the ninth grade to the tenth. In this case, the student who wishes to continue his studies at the school provides a statement to the director.

A sample application to the school addressed to the director from the student:

Director of secondary school No. 23

Davydenko M. D.

Kirienko G.F.

Born 14/14/1993

residing at:

Krasnoarmeysk, st. Red Partisans, 19, apt. 17


I ask you to enroll me in the 10th grade of linguistic (English) directions from September 1, 2014.


- passport (28 13 734409);

- certificate of basic general education;

- private bussiness

Student Signature.

Parental consent


 sample application to the school addressed to the director on exemption from studies

In conclusion, it is necessary to clarify that although a sample application to the school addressed to the director is printed in a text editor, in reality it is written by hand.

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