
General duties of a sentry at the post

As you know, to ensure the direct protection and defense of various objects by military personnel, the duties of sentries at the post are performed. As a sentry is meant an armed guard soldier who is engaged in the performance of a combat mission aimed at the defense and security of the facility entrusted to him. The duties of the sentry at the post include a fairly large number of actions, but not everyone knows what needs to be done.


duties of the sentry at the post 1

A serviceman taking up a post becomes an absolutely inviolable person. In other words, the duties of the sentry at the post should be performed without any interference from third parties. His immunity is as follows:

  • the presence of special protection of personal security and rights in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • submission to a certain circle of persons, which includes the head of the guard, his assistant and his own breeder;
  • granting the right to use weapons in the case that stipulate the duties of the sentry at the post;
  • the obligation of each person to unconditionally comply with any requirements of the guard, which are determined by his service.

The rights

The right to cancel the duties of the sentry at the post (541 Order) is reserved only to the head of the guard, his assistant or a guard, to whom this guard is subordinate. If the boss dies or is seriously wounded, injured, and his assistant or a breeder does not have the physical ability to perform their own duties, then in this case the shift can be carried out by the duty officer with the direct presence of the company commander.

When entering the post, the guard must, with a distributor, as well as with a replaceable sentry, personally inspect, check the availability and serviceability of all objects whose protection is the duty of the sentry at the post (541 Order). After that, the guard enters the guard.

Main responsibilities

duty of a sentry at the post

Sentinel duties at the post (1, 2, 3, etc.):

  1. Carry out vigilant and continuous guard of one's own post.
  2. Keep yourself up-to-date, without being distracted by any extraneous things, do not let go of weapons and do not transfer them to third parties if they are not subordinate to them.
  3. Moving along the established route or staying at the observation tower, carry out a thorough inspection of all approaches to the post or fence, as well as report through the means of communication on the process of performing one's service within the time limits established by the current report card.
  4. In no case do not leave the post until it is replaced or removed, even if there is a threat to life, as this is the responsibility of the sentry at the post. The charter of the guard service considers the unauthorized abandonment of this place as a war crime.
  5. Keep weapons loaded at the post in accordance with the rules established by article 125 current charter. It must be constantly ready for use.
  6. Do not allow anyone closer to the post closer to the distance that is set in the report card and marked on the ground with special signs of the forbidden border, which is also the responsibility of the sentry at the post. The charter of the guard service provides for the possibility of letting in only the chief of the guard, his assistant, a guard, and also any other persons who are accompanied by them.
  7. To study all the routes, as well as the exact schedule of the guard vehicles, to know all their signals and identification marks.
  8. To study the nomination routes, the identification marks of the duty unit and the reserve group, each member of which also acts as a sentry at the post. The charter provides for a detailed study of the lines and positions they occupy in the immediate vicinity of the post.
  9. To be able to use various means to extinguish fires that are present at a trusted post.
  10. Call the head of the guard if any malfunctions are found in the fencing of the object, as well as violations of order in the immediate vicinity of his or her neighboring post.
  11. Immediately inform the guardhouse about cases of barking of the guard dog or about the operation of any specialized technical security equipment.


It is also worth noting weapons, which provide for the duties of a sentry at the post. The guard’s charter implies that the employee has weapons with a bayonet attached to him, and at the same time, an automatic machine equipped with a folding butt may not be equipped with it. The bayonet-knife itself should be located in the waist belt in special sheaths, while at night the weapon is in a fully prepared position for firing standing. During the day, you can hold it in the same position or put it “on the belt”.

The duty of the sentry during the reception of the post provides for the constant holding of the machine with the wooden butt in the “on the belt” position, while the device with the folding butt must be kept in the “chest” position, and the carbine - “to the leg”. Pistols must be fastened in a holster on the waist belt.

In the process of extinguishing a fire or eliminating any consequences of natural disasters, the special duties of the sentry at the post (FSIN) provide for the ability to hold weapons behind.


duties of the sentry at the post 541 order

Sentinels cannot:

  • to read;
  • write;
  • sing;
  • there is;
  • to smoke;
  • drink;
  • speak;
  • to cope with natural needs;
  • sit;
  • lean against something.

He is also forbidden in any other way to be distracted from the direct implementation of those tasks that provide for the rights and obligations of the sentry at the post. In addition, in no case should he transfer any objects to third parties or provoke the use of security equipment by his actions. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the guards are not allowed to send a cartridge to the chamber, if not urgent need.


duties of a sentry at a post

The sentry must use the weapon without any warning if a fact of a clear attack on the guarded object or directly, as well as if there is a direct threat of attack, when any delay can lead to a danger to human life or provoke others grave consequences. At the same time, it is worth noting that the duties of the sentry at the guard post provide for the use of weapons that should not harm the protected object or any third parties.

Any people who are approaching the post or the forbidden border, with the exception of the guard, his assistant and his own guard, should be stopped with the command “Stop, go left (or right)” or “Stop, back”. If this requirement has not been fulfilled and the established border has nevertheless been crossed, then the sentry makes a warning to the offender, shouting “Stop, I will shoot”, after which I must detain him. After detention, this fact is reported to the guardhouse. Next is the holding of a detainee. Then the sentry, without weakening his own attention, continues to further guard the assigned post.

If, after the command “Stop, I will shoot,” the intruder continues to move, the special duties of the sentry at the post include sending the cartridge to the chamber and firing a warning shot.If the intruder does not pay attention to this warning or starts to flee, then in this case the sentry should open fire on him.

Special situations

Charter duties at the post

If there is poor visibility, when there is no way to identify a person approaching the forbidden border of the post or the post from the distance that is set in the report card, the sentry should stop anyone with a cry of “Wait, who's coming?”. If there is no answer after this command or if the intruder crosses the established border, then immediately the “Stop, I will shoot” command follows, and, accordingly, the detention of the intruder, which is also reported to the guardhouse.

When the response to the sentry’s cry is “The head of the guard is coming (or another person from the above”), then he orders: “The head of the guard is with me, the rest are in place.” If such a need arises, the sentry has the right to demand that the person’s face be illuminated, who comes closer to him, and only after he is convinced that the person who is called is really who he claims to be, is he allowed to come along with the arrivals.

If it happens that the person who called himself the boss is in fact an unknown person, or the people who are next to him have not complied with the requirement to remain in place, the duties of the sentry at the post at the Battle banner and other objects provide for the immediate issuance of the “Stop , I’ll shoot ”, and in case of failure to comply with this requirement he has the right to use his weapons.

It is also worth noting that, if it is necessary to conduct hand-to-hand combat in order to ensure their own protection or the security of the protected object, the sentry can use the bayonet-knife and butt.

Individual cases

If a fire occurs at the post, the sentry must immediately report the incident to the guardhouse, and take measures to extinguish it, without stopping monitoring of the guard. If there is a fire in the technical territory of the guarded object, as well as in close proximity to his post, he must also inform the guardhouse about this, and then continue to perform his service.

If a sudden illness occurs or if a person is seriously wounded, the sentry must immediately call the guard or his guard, and then continue to serve.

In cases that are urgent, or in the event of a malfunction in the means of communication, the sentry has the right to call for a guard or head of the guard by firing up.

Upon arrival at the post to the authorities to which he submits, the sentry must report on the results of the actions performed by him.

If there were no incidents, he should contact the superiors and say: "During the service incidents did not happen." It should be noted that you need to greet them in advance, as well as those who are accompanied by them. The machine from the standing position must be taken “on the belt” in advance, while the carbine is taken “to the leg”.

At the battle banner

duties of a sentry at a post

If the sentry fulfills his duties with the Battle banner, he is in the “free” position. In the case of a greeting, a soldier must accept a combat station. In the process of receiving the banner under guard, the guard must, without fail, carry out a check of the serviceability of the cover, as well as the seal that is installed on it. The issue of the Battle banner is carried out by the sentinel only upon receipt of a personal order from the head of the guard, and the procedure itself must be carried out in his direct presence.

If the post at the banner is in any danger, the sentry should immediately notify the chief, as well as move this most important thing to a safer place.


If the guard is at the checkpoint, his duties include the following:

  • knowledge of all features access mode and protection at the post, validity period and descriptions of various passes, identification documents, as well as all duties that are indicated in the time sheet;
  • the pass of all persons who pass through a trusted post, exclusively with the appropriate documents, separately draws attention to their conformity to the samples, while photographs should be checked for similarity with the identity of the bearer (the pass must be taken into hands);
  • detention of any person who makes an attempt to unauthorized entry to the object with violation of access control, as well as in the presence of an invalid pass, with the subsequent call of the guard head;
  • conducting a check on a material pass in the event of the removal or removal of any property, establishing what exactly and in what quantity is allowed to be transported or carried, while only cars that have waybills can be skipped.

It is also worth noting that the sentry who is at the checkpoint should in no case provide any information about the validity of the passes or ciphers on them, as well as engage in conversations not related to checking documents, and allow them to stay at the post foreign objects or persons.


duties of the sentry when receiving a post

The sentry, who is near the opened storage or in the process of carrying out work at the parking lot of military equipment or weapons, must fulfill the duties that are established in the report card by the posts. If he is standing near a flammable storage, then in addition to the above, his duties include the following:

  • to exclude the possibility of smoking, shooting, lighting a fire, as well as the use of any lighting devices that are not provided by the report card for posts near the guarded object closer than the permissible distance;
  • to exclude people from storing in storages in shoes and with lanterns that are not provided for by the requirements in the report card for posts, as well as with firearms or cold steel.

The sentry, who stands near the entrance to the guardhouse, must provide security and defense, and also exclude the presence of unauthorized persons near him, except for those to whom the guard is subordinate, if he can recognize them. The sentry should notify the guard of the approach of such persons by the established signal of the head of the guard, as well as freely admit them to the guardhouse. Any other people approaching this object should be stopped by the sentry at a distance indicated in the report card by the posts. Then the chief of the guard or his assistant is called. If visibility is poor, if it is not possible to view the approaching people from a specified distance, they must be stopped with a cry of “Stop,” and then call the assistant to the head of the guard or himself.

In case of any incidents near the above premises, you should immediately inform the head of the guard, as well as the designated assistant.

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