
Duties of the courier. Courier job descriptions: sample drafting

Today, courier delivery is the norm. It is used by both ordinary people and private companies. At the same time, both the first and second want their order to be delivered safe and sound, at the exact time indicated. That is why the courier's job descriptions so strictly regulate his work.

So, let's figure out who can apply for this position? What kind of duties will he fulfill? And what exactly should be indicated in the job description of the courier for delivery?

courier job descriptions

General information about the profession

The main task of the courier is to deliver the parcel from point “A” to point “B”. It would seem that there is nothing easier, but there are a number of nuances that cannot be forgotten. In particular, the fact that each task has certain conditions that must be observed.

For example, the courier's job descriptions oblige him to deliver the package no later than the specified time. Often this condition is quite simple to fulfill, the main thing is not to be lazy and immediately hit the road. However, do not forget about force majeure situations: traffic jams, vehicle breakdowns, snowfalls and so on.

Therefore, it cannot be said that a courier is such a simple job. Here you will also have to face problems that will need to be addressed. Therefore, the job descriptions of the courier should be drawn up so that in a difficult moment he had something to orient.

delivery courier job description

How to draw up job descriptions?

In general, the head of the courier service has a pretty simple choice: compose this document yourself or download it from the Internet. Naturally, the first option is much better. Indeed, in this way you can create a job description that can reflect the essence of this company.

In addition, no one forbids using a ready-made template from the network as a sample. But you should not forget about some important points. In particular, that all job descriptions of the courier must comply with the norms and laws that are indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Otherwise, the head of the company has complete freedom of action. The main thing is to familiarize a person with his future responsibilities before appointment.

 driver courier job description

Courier job description: sample

We give an example of what the job description of a courier for delivery might look like.

General provisions:

  1. Persons who have reached the age of majority and have completed secondary education may apply for the post of courier.
  2. This employee is classified as ordinary worker.
  3. This employee reports directly to the director of the company, as well as to the senior manager for working with clients.
  4. The courier must familiarize himself with:
  • with the rules of acceptance and delivery of the delivery object;
  • with job description;
  • with the work schedule established by the organization.

Job responsibilities

1. The duties of the courier include:

  • Fulfillment of the orders of the leadership.
  • Delivery of various kinds of papers, parcels, transfers, cargo and so on.
  • Maintaining a list of addresses to which delivery was made.
  • Keeping records of expenses started to achieve the task.
  • Monitoring the safety of the cargo during its transportation.

2. The courier is obliged to comply with all the terms and rules of transportation, up to the smallest instructions of the customer.

3.In the event that the courier cannot fulfill one of the requirements, he must inform the higher management about this and discuss with him acceptable ways to solve the problem.

4. The courier must respect all customers of the company, as well as do everything possible so that her reputation is not affected.

The rights

The courier has the right:

  1. To make own proposals aimed at improving its work.
  2. To be interested in all the innovations affecting the work schedule of the company.
  3. Require management to comply with all established rules, as well as those standards that are prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A responsibility

1. For a negligent attitude to work, the courier may be brought to administrative punishment or recovery.

2. For malicious offenses that result in material losses, the courier will be liable under the administrative, criminal or civil law of the Russian Federation.

job description courier for document delivery

Job description of the courier driver

The method of cargo delivery is a very important point, which should also be indicated in the job description. Especially if the courier uses transport provided by the organization.

In this case, in the section “Job Responsibilities”, items should be added that instruct the courier to monitor the condition of the car, as well as measure the mileage that he drove.

Job description courier for the delivery of documents

If the courier company works with business documents and correspondent mail, then the job description must take into account two more important points.

First of all, this is the delivery time, because sometimes the success of the contract may depend on this.

Secondlyfull confidentiality. Reputable organizations can not stand when their data becomes public.

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