
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Calculation Procedure income tax (NPP) for the purposes of BC and OU is different. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are used to show the difference. Read more about how they are calculated, read on.


Deferred tax asset (OAE) is expressed in the amount of NPP received by the budget in the next reporting period. At the time of settlement, tax figures are increasing. This affects the level of net profit. Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet is the amount indicated in line 145 in the intangible assets.Deferred tax assets


In any organization, a situation may arise when the profit in the accounting and accounting records does not coincide due to the difference in the calculation procedure. The amount of IT may be temporary or permanent, taxable or deductible. Assets may be recognized as deferred by the organization if the costs of acquiring fixed assets in a fixed asset for a specific period exceed the costs recorded in the fixed asset. That is, in the balance sheet the costs are reflected in full, and in the tax reporting - are divided into parts. The difference may arise due to the discrepancy between the amounts of income in the NU and the BU. The company expected to realize a certain amount of assets (NU) during the reporting period, but in fact it did not fulfill the plan. This difference applies to deferred tax assets.


A deductible temporary difference (VVR) is the basis for reducing the amount of NPP in future periods. The amount SHE is calculated by multiplying the rate by VVR. This figure is shown under deferred tax assets (account 09). Analytical accounting is carried out by types of assets or liabilities. If the legislation provides for different rates of NPP, then when calculating it, it is necessary to apply the one that is provided by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for the relevant operations.
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Accounting for deferred tax assets will be carried out by the following transactions:

  • arrival: DT09, KT99;
  • write-off (partial repayment): DT99, KT09.

If there is no profit for a specific period, they are displayed on line 145 of the balance sheet in the structure of non-current assets. They do not change until the receipt of taxable income. When deducted from the balance of the asset of the OS, on which it was calculated, the remaining amount is transferred to account 99.

Deferred tax assets are recognized when there are taxable differences or if there is a high likelihood of future profits, which can be adjusted for BBR. Recognized in previous reporting periods, SHE is subject to write-off if there is no VVR or the probability of profit in the future is very low.


The organization has the right to independently choose the way in which deferred tax assets will be displayed.

Example 1

The capitalized cost of the equipment is 800,000 rubles. The deadline for use is 72 months. The tax rate is 20%. Depreciation in the balance sheet is calculated using the reduced balance method, and in the balance sheet it is calculated linearly. For the reporting period, the depreciation amount of 39.9 thousand rubles was accrued. in BU and 38.4 thousand rubles. in OU. Difference: 39.9 - 38.4 = 1.5 thousand rubles.

The deferred tax asset is calculated as follows:

SHE = deductible difference x tax rate = 1.5 x 0.2 = 300 rubles.deferred tax assets in the balance sheet is

Example 2

According to the results of economic activity, the organization for the year received a loss of 50 million rubles. We reflect in the BU deferred tax asset. Postings:

  • DT99 KT90-9: 50 million rubles. - reflected loss.
  • DT09 KT99: 50 x 0.18 = 9 million rubles. - accrued tax assets.

IT: theory

Deferred tax liability helps to increase the amount of NPP in the next reporting period, but reduces them at the current moment. As a result, the organization has the opportunity to get more net profit.That is, IT displays part of the income that will lead to an increase in NPP in future periods. This value is calculated by multiplying the taxable temporary difference (HBP) by the NPP rate, which is valid at the reporting date. IT is reflected in the balance sheet on line 1420, and in the income statement on line 2430.

Practical example

The company acquired equipment for 150,000 thousand rubles. on lease, with a term of use of 15 years. Depreciation in the balance sheet is 100,000 rubles, and in the balance sheet - 300,000 rubles. At a rate of 20%, profit before tax, according to the accounting data, amounted to 800,000 rubles, and in the NU - 600,000 rubles. The temporary difference is 200,000 rubles. At the end useful life equipment can be fully depreciated. This difference leads to the occurrence of IT in the amount of 200,000 x 20% = 40 thousand rubles. Check the accuracy of the calculations: the tax amount determined according to the rules of PBU should correspond to the value indicated in the declaration.

Current NPP = profit before tax (according to BU) x rate - IT = 800,000 x 20% - 40,000 = 120,000 rubles.
NPP in the declaration = the tax base x rate = 600,000 x 20% = 120,000.deferred tax asset calculation


Deferred tax assets can be used to study the activities of the enterprise. They are considered as a kind of accounts receivable, which characterizes the investment policy associated with changes in investment. The volume, dynamics, and composition of SHA at the beginning and end of the period are analyzed. Their appearance indicates active investment activity, the receipt and disposal of non-current assets. The IT movement is associated with financial activities, that is, a change in the amount of capital.

The next stage of the study is to draw up a balance of assets and liabilities.

SHE IS For the beginning of the year At the end of the year Change IT For the beginning of the year At the end of the year Change
Balance Balance

Ideally, deferred tax assets should change in direct proportion to IT. A less optimal but acceptable situation occurs when the sum of IT exceeds IT, that is, there is a passive balance. Then the organization has an additional source of financing, the term of use of which corresponds to the repayment period of IT. The reverse situation is that the excess of IT over the IT is the worst. The surplus is considered as an additional diversion of resources from the turnover.

Next, you should analyze the movement of SHE and IT in the context of their individual species. As a result, the reasons for the occurrence and disposal of assets and liabilities will be identified. According to PBU, VVR arise as a result of:

  • application of various depreciation methods;
  • the use of different methods of recognition of costs in the cost of production;
  • loss carried forward, not used to reduce tax in the reporting period;
  • in case of sale of an asset and application of different rules for recognition of residual value;
  • other differences.

The disposal of tax assets is due to the repayment of the deductible differences, the sale of the objects for which they were accrued.

The reasons for the occurrence of IT are taxable differences that occur as a result of:

  • application of various methods of depreciation;
  • using different methods of recognition of interest income and income from sales: in NU - based on the time of the transaction, and in NU - on a cash basis;
  • use of various rules for reflecting interest on loans;
  • other similar differences.

The disposal of IT is due to the reduction or settlement of temporary differences, as well as the disposal of the assets or liabilities for which they were calculated.

The final stage of the analysis is the calculation of turnover indicators:

Tones = (ONas / KT09) x D, where:

- ONas - the average amount of IT for the period;

- KT09 - credit balance of the account 09;

- D - the number of days in the period.

This indicator characterizes the IT liquidity level: the higher it is, the faster the assets turn around.

Tono = (ONOS: DT77) x D, where:

- ONOS - the average amount of IT for the analyzed period;

- D77 - balance on the account DT 77;

- D - the number of days in the period.

These two indicators should be calculated in dynamics, compared with the plan. The most preferable situation is that in which the asset turnover period does not exceed the asset turnover period. The reverse situation negatively affects the solvency of the organization.deferred tax assets example


To summarize information about IT, account 65 is used. Charges are made by posting ДТ 99 КТ65, reduction, repayment of amounts - ДТ65 КТ99. A similar transaction is made after the disposal of the asset for which liabilities have been accrued.

And how in practice?

The organization filed a lawsuit with the court regarding the compensation of the penalty due to violation of the terms of the contract and non-payment of goods delivery services. The court ruled in February 2014 to recover 800 thousand rubles from the debtor. Funds entered the settlement account only in April 2014. The accounting policy established that income from current activities is taken into account in the accounting department in the period when the court decision was made. In OU, the non-operating income includes the amount of the penalty at the time the payer receives the funds. There is a tax difference of 800 thousand rubles. We have:

February 2014:

- DT76 KT90-7 - 800 000 rubles. - reflected the penalty for violation of the terms of the contract.

- DT65 KT99 - (800,000 x 0.18) = 144,000 rubles. - accrued IT.

April 2014:

- DT51 KT76 - 800 000 rubles. - payment of the penalty.

- DT99 KT65 - 144,000 rubles. - repayment IT.

- DT99 KT68 - 144,000 rubles. - calculated NPP.

Current tax (TNP)

The amount payable to the budget is calculated using the following formula:

NPP = financial result in BU × tax rate.

This tax in accounting is adjusted for the amount of deferred tax assets and IT for the current period by adding liabilities accrued in the reporting period and subtracting the repaid assets:deferred tax assets are recognized

TNP = NPP + PO - PA + ONAN - ONAP + ONOP - ONON, where:

  • PO - accrued permanent liabilities;
  • PA - accrued fixed assets;
  • ONAN - accrued deferred assets;
  • ONAP - repaid deferred assets;
  • ONOP - accrued liabilities;
  • ONON - repaid obligations.

In BU, the value of the TPP is reflected by the wiring DT99 KT68.

Exponential calculation

According to BU:

  • profit before tax is 300 million rubles .;
  • travel expenses - 15 million rubles, including over the norm - 3 million rubles;
  • paid to employees material aid - 4 million rubles. (NU is not taken into account, according to Article 131 of the Tax Code);
  • accrued depreciation in fixed assets - 1 million rubles; in fixed assets - 2 million rubles;
  • Promotional materials from the supplier in the amount of 700 thousand rubles were received free of charge, which will be used in the next period.

Consider the mechanism of formation of constant and deductible differences in the form of a table.

Type of income BU, million rubles NU, million rubles The difference, million rubles.
Travel 15 12 3 (constant)
Material aid 4 - 4 (constant)
Depreciation 1 2 1 (taxable temporary)
Materials received free of charge 0,7 - 0.7 (deductible temporary)

Using the data from the table, we calculate the amount of current tax (million rubles):

1. NPP = 300 x 0.18 = 54.

2. PO = (3 + 4) x 0.18 = 1.26.

3. IT = 1 x 0.18 = 0.18.

4. IT = 0.7 x 0.18 = 0.126.

5. CCI = 54 + 1.26 + 0.126 - 0.18 = 55.206.

Check the data received:

Indicator Amount, million rubles
Profit in BU 300
Increases by:
Excess Travel 3
Financial assistance 4
Materials received free of charge 0,7
Decreases by:
Depreciation 1
Total profit before tax 300 + 3 + 4 + 0,7 – 1 = 306,7
Tax amount 306,7 * 0,18 = 55,206


According to international standards, a deferred tax asset / liability is calculated as follows:

  1. Determined by book value property and debt.
  2. The tax base is calculated.
  3. The first two indicators are compared to determine the temporary differences.
  4. The deferred tax asset and liability are calculated using the tax rate.
  5. The changes in the balance of IT and IT are determined:
  • in the report;
  • in capital;
  • by reducing goodwill.

6. If there is a change in the rate of NPP, then the amount allocated to the report is divided into 2 parts:

  • due to changes in tax rates;
  • due to temporary differences.deferred tax asset posting

Presentation of information

Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet are part of the NPP, which can lead to a decrease in the amount of tax received in the budget. Therefore, such information should be presented not only in the form of No. 1, but also in the report on the financial condition of the company. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are not discounted. A company can offset only if it, firstly, has a legal right to it, and secondly, IT and IT are recovered from the same legal entity. Reimbursed tax amounts must be presented in the statement of comprehensive income.

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