
Security zone of power transmission lines in settlements

The operation of territories located in the power transmission zone is regulated by the new Rules. They were approved by government decree No. 160 of February 14, 2009. The introduction of the new Rules is caused by the need to prevent the negative impact of the electromagnetic field on human health. security zone of power lines

Relevance of the issue

According to the Center for Electromagnetic Safety and the results of studies, it was found that citizens who live in areas close to power lines, transformer substations, can detect violations of the functional state of the endocrine, nervous systems, metabolic processes, immunity decrease, various serious pathologies occur . Accordingly, the farther the structure is from the power transmission line, the better. The legislation also provides a list of territories within which the construction of power lines and the installation of transformer substations are prohibited.

Use specifics

The plot in the security zone of the power transmission line is not withdrawn from the user, owner, legal owner. The use of the plots, however, may be subject to certain restrictions. Special treatment is defined in the above Rules. When creating a security zone, a ban on transactions with sites within them is not prohibited. Encumbrances (restrictions) are indicated in title documents for the allotment (certificates, cadastral passports). The special regime implies the impossibility of capital construction of facilities intended for permanent or temporary stay of people in them. Such structures, in particular, include houses, cottages, non-production and industrial buildings. To obtain clarifications during the development of the territory within which the security zone of the power transmission line is created, you should contact the service electric grid company. security zone of 110 kV power transmission lines

Voltage class

The field propagation range from the power transmission line depends on the power of the installation. Visually, you can determine the voltage class of the station. It is set by the number of wires in a bunch:

  • 4 things. - power lines 750 kW;
  • 3 - 500 kW;
  • 2 - 330 kW.
  • 1 - less than 330 kW.

In accordance with the capacity, to protect citizens from the negative effects of the electromagnetic field, a security zone of the power transmission line is created. For high-voltage overhead lines, SPZs are installed on both sides of the projection of external wires onto the surface.

Distance to facilities

The security zone of power transmission lines in settlements determines the minimum remoteness of residential, industrial buildings and non-industrial buildings from installations. The following distance has been determined for high voltage lines:

  • 2 m - at 1 kW;
  • 10 – 1-20;
  • 15 m - 35;
  • 20 m - 110;
  • 25 m - 150-220;
  • 30 m - 330, 400, 500;
  • 40 m - 750;
  • 55 m - 1150;
  • 100 m - for lines passing through water bodies.

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The security zone of the power transmission line at a distance of 2 meters is set for lines with self-supporting wires (insulated). They must pass along the walls of buildings, structures, etc. With a design rated voltage class of 1-20 kW, a power transmission zone is created without fail. 10 m - the minimum distance at which it is removed from the structures. For lines with self-supporting wires (insulated) located within the residential area, it is 5 m. A further security zone is created for the 35 kW power transmission line. She retires 15 meters.

Establishment of protective areas

The security zone of the power transmission line is created for any electric grid facility.When establishing it, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements for boundaries established in the annex to the Rules. The limits within which the security zone of the power transmission line is established are determined by the enterprise that owns the electric grid economic facility on the basis of ownership or on any other legal basis. The organization applies to the executive body of the federal authority authorized to exercise control and supervision in the field of electric power, with a statement to coordinate the boundaries of the protective territory in relation to individual installations.

The appeal is considered within 15 days from the date of adoption. Having agreed the boundaries, the electric grid company sends an application to the executive federal body, which maintains the cadastral registration of immovable objects. Based on the appeal, the specified structure makes the relevant information in the state cadastre and documentation for the site. From the moment the information about the boundaries of the zone is indicated, it is considered established. security zone power lines 10

Important point

Power lines are not allowed to pass through the territories of children's and educational institutions, as well as stadiums. For power lines up to 20 kW, it is allowed to accept remoteness from the boundaries of personal (individual and collective) plots, as well as private buildings to the extreme wires of at least 20 m. As a rule, the passage of lines over structures and buildings is prohibited. The exception is the production buildings of industrial enterprises 1-2 tbsp. fire resistance. When laying the lines, it is necessary to be guided by the fire safety rules and building codes. security zone of power transmission lines in settlements


The security zone of 110 kW power lines (and any other power) is a dangerous object. In this regard, special rules have been established for her. First of all, when installing it, the required distance from the residential development must be observed. As mentioned above, the security zone of 110 kV transmission lines is removed by at least 20 m. Within this territory it is not allowed:

  1. The implementation of construction, repair work, as well as the demolition of any structures and buildings.
  2. Placement of gas stations.
  3. Implementation of explosive, mining, reclamation and other similar works, planting trees and other plantings, watering agricultural plants.
  4. Cluttering up approaches and entrances to supports.
  5. Creation of landfills, garbage, snow.
  6. Warehousing of feed, fertilizers, straw, fire.
  7. Arrangement of sports grounds, stadiums, bus stops, any events involving the accumulation of a large mass of people.
  8. Climb the supports.
  9. Spray foreign objects onto wires and structural components.
  10. To be inside fences, in substation rooms, as well as open doors or hatches, make independent connection / switching. This provision does not apply to specialists who carry out authorized work and have the appropriate clearance.

plot in the security zone of power lines

To carry out any work, it is necessary to obtain a written permission from the organization in charge of the electric grid facilities. For example, it can be a car passage, the height of which (including cargo) is more than 4.5 m, earthwork, with a depth of more than 0.3 m, etc.

A responsibility

Violation of the established rules, if it entails a break in the power supply, involves administrative punishment. The guilty person is fined. For citizens it is 5-10 minimum wages, for legal entities - 100-200 minimum wages. In the event of more serious consequences, criminal liability may also apply to violators. security zone power lines 35


The security zone of the 110 kV power transmission line (or other capacity) provides the power grid company with access to facilities located in a private territory. To carry out preventive or repair work, eliminate accidents, and in other similar situations, specialists should be provided with passage / passage to the installations, the ability to deliver equipment and materials.In this case, planned activities are carried out exclusively with prior notice to the user (owner or other legal owner). The notification is made in writing and sent to the subject within the timeframe, taking into account the control period for sending correspondence. As a general rule, a notice must be received no later than one week before the work. The notice must indicate the duration of the proposed activities, their brief description.

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