
Passenger traffic as a business from A to Z. Business plan for passenger traffic

Passenger transportation is not only a responsible task, but also very time-consuming, which is why many bypass this direction. Nevertheless, those few who nevertheless come into this business are progressing quite quickly. Therefore, if you decide to organize passenger transportation as a business, then first you need to familiarize yourself with the theoretical part and find out all the subtleties and nuances.passenger transportation as a business

Organization of passenger transportation

First of all, you need to worry about creating a high-quality, and most importantly, an effective business plan that will make the business profitable in the shortest possible time. Of course, everything should be legal, so a little later we will talk about the package of documents necessary for opening, which, incidentally, is not always so simple and cheap to get.

Do not forget about such an important component as advertising. Without high-quality slogans and logos, it is unlikely that many customers will be able to quickly get. But if you have a clear and well-thought-out advertising campaign, then consider that half the work has already been done.

We also have to deal with the purchase or rental of vehicles, since without this we will not go far. Of course, you should immediately set yourself up for high expenses. For example, we rented a used bus. In addition to the fact that every month we pay a certain amount for it, so we need to repair it. It is best to prepare for the entire available amount another 10% for other expenses that will definitely be.

Passenger business plan

To say that this item is most important is to say nothing. Without a business plan, your company will fall apart in a month, so it’s better to pay great attention to its preparation. Without proper experience, it is not recommended to do it yourself. It is better to entrust this business to professionals who will conduct a structural analysis of the market and calculate in detail each item.

It should be noted that passenger transportation as a business should have something like this plan:

  • obtaining the necessary package of documents;
  • work room (office);
  • rental of necessary equipment (purchase possible);
  • market analysis;
  • organization issues (installation of routes, etc.);
  • advertising;
  • seasonal downtime.

Your business plan should look something like this, the only difference is that it will be described in more detail and will take several tens of pages, or even more. Now let's look at each item in more detail.

Step one: register a company

There are several ways to proceed. It is not recommended to open a private business register (an entrepreneur without a legal entity), since there are a lot of extra taxes. It is best to give your preference to a ZAO (closed joint-stock company), OJSC (open joint-stock company) or LLC. Of course, the easiest way to open a limited liability company, the hardest will be to open a closed joint-stock company, since the process itself is tedious and lengthy due to the presence of a huge number of nuances.

If you plan to open passenger transportation as a business, it is highly recommended that you seek the help of professional lawyers. This will not only accelerate the process of collecting documents, but also avoid various kinds of financial and legal errors. Today, there are restrictions in the form of making 10,000 rubles before registration. This amount must be deposited in a pre-opened bank account.

Is passenger transportation profitable

Search for premises for the company's office

So, it is the office of our transport company that will be the legal address of the organization. A special lease agreement will be concluded between the office owner and your company. In principle, this is a fairly simple and quick procedure that does not require lengthy processing.

If the starting capital is not so large, then at first it is advisable to limit yourself to recruitment. Nevertheless, you cannot work without people at all. The only adequate way out of this situation is to hire employees who can combine several posts at once, for 1.5 or 1.75 rates. Despite the fact that this will slightly slow down the development of your passenger transport company, this approach will allow you to save a little and fix the situation in the future.

In principle, all this should take into account the business plan for passenger transportation. I would also like to say a little about the working staff. Most often, it makes sense to recruit a young team and immediately train employees. This is guaranteed to improve qualifications, since it is very difficult to find a high-level specialist who will agree to work for a low salary.

A little about the positive and negative aspects of business

First, let's look at the main advantages of doing such a thing. Firstly, the organization of passenger transportation does not require large initial investments, since we will mainly rent everything. This is undoubtedly a huge plus. Secondly, such a business pays off very quickly. Literally in 2-3 months you will have at least a small but net income.

But as was noted at the very beginning of this article, there are also its drawbacks. For example, unforeseen expenses. This may be a payment of a traffic police fine, a bus repair, etc. But this is quite normal, in other areas you have to pay SES and other organizations. And we also need a license, and it’s not so easy to get it, which we’ll talk about now.

The necessary package of documents

what you need for passenger traffic

So, we cannot transport people around the city or intercity without the appropriate permission, that is, a license. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation issues such a document. To obtain a license, you need to have experienced drivers with a good reputation, experience and having the appropriate documents. It will also be necessary to draw up a license card, which is attached to a specific vehicle for the duration of passenger traffic.

Many are interested in what documents are needed for carrying out passenger transportation, except for the license itself. This includes a package of business documents. You also need to get an agreement from the medical institution "on the passage of pre-trip medical examination." The route passport is also compulsory. That's basically all that can be said about the documents required for passenger traffic.


It’s worth saying right away that this is not an easy task. Everything related to the compilation of a competent route requires a lot of free time and effort. If you plan to transport people around the city, you need to find a route that would be profitable throughout the working day, and not just in the morning or in the evening. You also need to pay attention to competition: the smaller it is, the better.

If this is a long-distance transportation, then a well-thought-out route is also required here. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the number of traffic per day, the condition of roads, etc. As a rule, there is no such struggle for the passenger outside the city as in its outline. Again, for this you will need a high-quality business plan in which you can calculate the approximate payback of the vehicle and rental space. The determining factors are the load on your chosen route.

Company advertisement

We have already decided how to open a passenger route, and now I would like to say a few words about the importance of quality advertising. For the passenger company's business plan, this point is extremely important.Firstly, immediately after the opening, you need to declare yourself loudly, and do it from the best side, but not annoyingly. To do this, you can hire professionals who will make a competent slogan of your organization and help to promote it.

Nevertheless, do not get too carried away with the advertising campaign, at least for the first few months. This is due to the fact that you may receive a large number of different offers that you may not be able to handle on time.

For a good start, you can place ads on social networks, on the Internet, etc. There are free message boards and many other ways and places with which you can promote your organization. Under any circumstances, you will have to work a lot, in the first stages you will do most of the work.

how to open a passenger route


We already know what is needed for passenger traffic. Therefore, I would like to say that the most optimal time for opening a company for the transportation of people is the summer period. This is due to the fact that at this time there is a low activity in the city, which will allow you to smoothly join the rut without any significant losses.

By the time the season of increased activity comes, it is usually autumn and spring, you will already know whether passenger transportation is beneficial for you, and how you need to work, get around competitors, etc.

In any case, in such a case as the organization of passenger traffic, every detail matters. The better you choose the route, the more you will earn, the more vehicles you have at your disposal, the faster you can earn.

One way or another, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of the company gradually, and it is advisable to do this thoughtfully, given all the features. One way or another, passenger transportation as a business is a very promising and profitable direction, but only if everything is properly designed and the attitude towards the client will be at the highest level.

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