
Pedagogical characteristic for a preschool child: sample and description

Preschool age is fundamental to the new social status - the status of a schoolboy. During this period, not only certain skills and abilities are formed, but also personal qualities that the baby will use in his future everyday life in society.

What is a pedagogical characteristic?

It is customary to distinguish three ages of a preschooler: younger, middle and senior. They all differ from each other, but at the same time they are one. The document, which gives a complete picture of the development of the baby at one age or another, is called the pedagogical description of the child.

pedagogical characteristic for a preschool child sample

It is compiled by the kindergarten teacher, signed by the head and secured by the seal of the DOE.

The pedagogical description of a preschool child, the pattern of which in one region of the country may slightly differ from the pattern in another, is one of the main documents that psychologists, psychiatrists, speech therapists and other specialists use in their psychological and pedagogical research.

Why is a pedagogical characteristic for a preschooler needed?

This document is an important part of planning different types of correctional work, as well as summarizing all educational activities.

The pedagogical description of a preschool child is aimed at a comprehensive study of the baby. This applies not only to his mental abilities and personal qualities. The main methods of the teacher are also conversations with the nurse or local doctor and with the baby's parents.

The pedagogical characteristic for a child of preschool age, the model of which many teachers always keep at hand, reflects the comprehensive development of the baby. On its basis, a child’s training program is being developed, which will further facilitate the joint work of teachers and parents of the pupil.

Ped fill form. characteristics on a preschooler

Many young professionals have difficulty filling out such an important document as a pedagogical description of a preschool child. A sample of it can always be found in the methodological literature. Adhering to his plan is necessary in all cases. Only in this way will it be possible to accurately describe the comprehensive development of the child and not to miss any details.

All points of the plan of the document "pedagogical characteristics of a preschool child" should be fully described. Otherwise, the representation of the individual will not be sufficiently complete. But there are exceptions when it will be possible to slightly change the structure of the pedagogical characteristics of the educated. This is permitted in some situations with certain pedagogical needs. In this case, it is possible to supplement and expand some positions.

pedagogical characteristic for a child of preschool age

Obligatory points which ped. characteristic

The pedagogical description for a preschool child, a sample of which is stored in at least one copy in each teaching room, should always be consistent. Now we will consider how correctly and in what sequence the information about this or that child should be stated.

  1. Name of pupil.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. The full name of the DOW and the group.
  4. At what age does the child attend this preschool.
  5. How the child adapted in the group.
  6. What hand the child writes.
  7. Description of the game activities of the pupil.
  8. The difficulties he experiences in the learning process.
  9. Assessment of visual and auditory perception.
  10. Assessment of memory and attention.
  11. Description of the thinking of the child.
  12. The degree of development of motor skills.
  13. Difficulties in communication with peers and seniors.
  14. Speech development.
  15. Social skills.
  16. A detailed description of the orientation of the pupil in space and time.
  17. Somatic health.
  18. Other features of the development of the child.
  19. Summarizing.
  20. Assessment of the psychological and physical development of the pupil.
  21. Teacher's suggestions.
  22. Signature of the tutor. Decoding: surname, name, patronymic.
  23. The certified signature of the head of the DOU.

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