
To what age is a military-laden man drafted into the army?

Up to what age can a military man be called up for military service? And in general, what kind of concept is this? It's no secret that all men in Russia are required to undergo military service. With rare exceptions. But in what period should be kept within? After all, there must be some restrictions! And indeed it is. True, the situation here is ambiguous. Indeed, in Russia, many are trying by all means to evade service or simply have no idea when the moment of “reckoning” with the state comes. To what age can a conscript be called up for service? And when does it all start?how old is the military

Until adulthood

In Russia, preparation for military service begins even before adulthood. What age is considered military duty? It can be difficult to determine here. For example, you need to understand which military duty there is a speech.

So, all young people over 16 years old in Russia must register with the military registration and enlistment office, as well as undergo special training. It is called military assembly. A citizen receives a notice from the military registration and enlistment office at his home address so that he appears to take the course of the young soldier. This should not be feared. On average, the duration of such training is 1 month. After him, as they say, they will leave you for a while. And there’s no question of any military duty. True, the situation will change over time.

To Army

To what age can a person liable for military service in Russia be called up for military service? To determine this, you need to find out at what point the service begins. Everything here is also extremely simple to understand.to what age is liable in Russia

Why? Russian law says that all young men who have come of age are called up for military service in the army. Regardless of social status and financial situation. It turns out, as soon as the guy turns 18 years old, he is considered liable for military service. Nothing difficult, right? But there are exceptions. Far from all citizens are called up for military service. In case of health problems or in obtaining a higher education, a deferment or full exemption from stay in the armed forces of the Russian Federation is given.

Termination of the call

Can a man be called up to what age? Is he obligated or not after 20 or 25 years? Most men in Russia are interested in this. As already mentioned, the answer here is definitely not possible. It all depends on what exactly you mean.

If we are talking about a call for military service, then everything is extremely easy and simple. According to modern law, at the age of 27 a man can be drafted into the army for the last time. In other words, the period in which the stay in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation takes place has limitations. And this is from 18 to 27 years. Please note: urgent service at the moment lasts only 1 year. For this reason, many are trying to pay off their debt to the Motherland early, so as not to get out of an already established lifestyle.how old is a man liable for military service

On this, to be honest, communication with the armed forces does not end there. To what age can a person liable for military service in Russia receive a second subpoena? After completing the compulsory service, a person is placed in the so-called reserve. And under certain circumstances, a man can be drafted into the army to participate in hostilities or anti-terrorist operations.


There are also restrictions. After all, no one will call on the old man to participate in hostilities without fail. To what age can a person liable for military service be involved in this activity? A huge (and main) role is played here by your military position.Depending on it, the age at which the government is able to return you to the service also changes. Remembering the restrictions is not so difficult. Most of those laid off in the reserve can be involved in the army for up to 50 years. After that, no one can force you to do this business. The rule applies to those who rose to the rank of senior warrant officer. Or is at least a corporal.

Captains and majors

To what age is a man considered military liable? On average, it is believed that this indicator varies from 45 to 60 years. Given the average life expectancy of men, it’s easier to say that there is always a risk of being at the training ground: from 18 years old, when the draft age begins.what age is considered military

Captains and lieutenants can be called up for service, according to the law, up to 55 years. But other officers, up to the lieutenant colonel - up to 60. In other words, until reaching retirement age. In practice, it usually turns out that officers, such as majors, as well as other military personnel with a serious position or status, remain in the service under a contract. And they work in this area until retirement. Do not have to think about how old a military-liable person is. Although not everyone wants and can be fighters until old age. Most often, the bulk of the citizens (belonging to ordinary posts) still try to avoid the armed forces, contact with the soldier's life.


How old is a man liable for military service? Again, it all depends on what position you had when you were transferred to the reserve. The upper strata, as practice shows, are called to service for the longest time. If you had the status from the major general to the general upon dismissal, you will have to be liable up to 65 years. With an average life expectancy of men (approximately 63 years), one will have to fear returning to the trenches, as in the previous case, all life. In practice, such events rarely occur. Whoever considers it necessary remains in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for work.

And what is the situation with women? In general, in Russia the weaker sex is freed from military duty. And not called for either military service, or to participate in hostilities in principle. The exception is situations when a woman herself is registered and serves. When retiring to the reserve as an ordinary (up to 3 categories), military duty ceases at 45 years. For senior posts there is a limit of up to 50 years. It is not difficult to understand, as it seems at first.how old is a man considered military

That's all. From now on, it is known at what age a liable person can be drafted into the army. Do not confuse two different concepts - draft age and liable for military service. In the first case (it was considered earlier), only compulsory service is taken into account, in the second - general restrictions on conscription for all those who have gone through the process of repaying debt to their homeland and who are transferred to the reserve.

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