
How is pension accrued in Russia? Accrual of old age pension, disability pension

Pension is a regular state benefit issued monthly. It is intended for citizens who are already in old age and have a certain seniority. Other cases of pension accrual: in case of disability, loss of breadwinner in the family.

Pension accrual

This state benefit is provided for citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached advanced age. It is paid, including to those who continue to work further. The pension payment process began in 1932, and has not undergone significant changes since then. How old-age pension is calculated: for women this threshold is 55 years old, for the male population - 60 full years. The State Duma is stubbornly debating about this. It is possible that in 2-3 years the retirement age in Russia will increase, just as it is increasing in the CIS countries.how is pension accrued

To calculate the allowance, you must have at least 20 years of work experience for women and 25 years for men.

It is paid monthly by state social security funds. All issues are regulated by state bodies of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the law on pensions.

This allowance has three main types: old age, disability, and the loss of the breadwinner in the family. But there are a number of other coefficients that are accrued additionally.

Old age pension

To receive it, a person must be in old age. How is an old-age pension calculated? There are three main parts that make up the total payment: basic, insurance and funded.

When a citizen reaches 80 years of age, if he is not disabled and has no dependents, then the basic part will increase significantly. The calculation of pension capital is divided by the period of survival. Since 2013, its official figure is 19 years.

Pension calculation

How is a pension accrued? Its calculation is based on legislation. This takes into account not only age, but also the citizen's contributions to the Pension Fund, pension capital and a number of other indicators. How the insurance part is calculated: length of service is taken until 2002, average salary plus special coefficient. It is already accrued by dividing the salary throughout the country for that period. The funded part is calculated almost in the same way as the insurance, and the basic part is a constant value established by law, and it is indexed every year depending on inflation.

What does pension capital consist of?

Simply put, it consists of the amount that the employer pays. This is the citizen’s account at the time the pension reform was carried out in 2002. Since 2010, capital has been increased by 10%. Moreover, every year it continues to increase by 1% for those who worked before 1991. To calculate the amount of accruals, there are a number of correction factors.

How old-age pension is calculated: calculation

For this, the special formula SK x SZP x ZR / ZP is used, in which:

  • SK - insurance coefficient of the accumulated experience. It is equal for men and women who have worked the minimum length of service - 55% of the salary. For each additional year, 1% is added. But keep in mind that the coefficient will not be more than 75% of the salary.
  • SZP - the average monthly earnings, which is set from July 1 to September 30, 2001.
  • ЗР - the average salary for any five years, or for the period from 2000 to 2001.
  • PO - average monthly salary in Russia for the same period.

The above formula is the answer to the question of how pension is accrued.

What documents are required for registration?

Their list is established in the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.It is it that prescribes the issuance of necessary documents by special bodies, with certification by seals and signatures.

How is a labor pension accrued we already know, now let's talk about the list of documents for its design. initially you must write a statement to the Pension Fund. Next, you need to provide the following documents:

  • passport, which must indicate the place of residence, age and citizenship;
  • personalized card;
  • certificate of average income for 2000-2001, or for any five years until 2002;
  • child birth certificates (for women);
  • military ID (for men);
  • documents confirming the experience (work book).

Instead of the latter, other documents may be provided (employment contracts, etc.). If they are lost, the experience is confirmed by the testimonies of at least two witnesses who worked together with the applicant during that period.

Accruals to working retirees

How is accrued pension to working pensioners? The basic rate is charged to them in the same way as those who went on a well-deserved rest. In any case, the employer must transfer contributions to the FIU, whether they are from wages or other remuneration.

Such people are also subject to retirement insurance. Contribute insurance amounts until the 15th day of each month. If you are late, penalties are established, and in case of partial or full non-payment - a fine of 20% of all unpaid amounts by the employer. At the request of a pensioner, the manager is required to provide the PF with full information on the contributions paid. Based on these data, the FIU recalculates benefits for working retirees.

Disability Assessment

This allowance is established in connection with a permanent or prolonged disability. How is disability pension accrued? The amount of benefits directly depends on a number of factors: the nature of the work and the reasons for the disability. In this case, the circumstances of the incapacitation of a citizen are also considered. This may be a mutilation at work, as a result of which labor activity becomes impossible in the future. In this case, the pension will be accrued regardless of length of service. In the event of a disability resulting from an illness, supporting documents are required.

how is a labor pension accrued

The allowance is established for citizens with a 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, the recognition and purpose of which is determined by special expertise. It is carried out by a medical commission. To assign a pension, at least a minimum length of service is required. During military service for conscript soldiers, allowance for incapacity is accrued regardless of seniority.

The amount of allowance for disabled citizens

How is disability pension calculated? It depends directly on the group. For the first, it is assigned at a rate of 100% of the rate, for the second - 90%, for the third - 50%. Disabled citizens of 2 groups can apply for accrual of old-age pension, taking into account seniority. In this case, it plays a role when the first disability was prescribed.

Non-working citizens with a 2nd group, or recognized as disabled after reaching old age, as well as all persons with a 3rd group (if they have a proven seniority), can receive a pension in the amount of the old-age allowance.

Northern accruals

Starting from 2007, pensioners are accrued additional allowances for pensions. They are intended for those who worked in the Far North, as well as in places that are officially equated with it. Thanks to this bill, the basic part of the pension is increased if the length of service has been fully developed or old-age benefit has been received ahead of schedule. This applies to disability benefits.

How the northern pension is accrued: those people who have dependents (disabled family members) in their hands also have the right to receive this supplement. In this case, the increase is calculated depending on the number of such citizens in the family (no more than three people). Get extra north coefficient those who have experience in the Far North for 15 years, and in equal areas - at least 20, are entitled.

Law Enforcement Guide

How pension is accrued to police officers: payments for them are made at the rate of 54% of the salary. At the same time, the rank and length of service plays an essential role. The allowance is also taken into account. In accordance with the law, all accruals, thanks to amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation, are recalculated, regardless of the date of dismissal.

The maximum amount of payments, taking into account the length of service, can reach up to 85% of the monetary allowance. How is pension accrued in Russia for police officers? Payments are calculated by the formula: salary + title, plus a percentage of the length of service. Next, the result is multiplied by 0.54 (cash allowance). The monthly allowance is established depending on the length of service:

  • 2-5 years - 10%;
  • 5-10 years - 15%;
  • 10-15 years - 20%;
  • 20-25 years - 30%;
  • over 25 - 40% (maximum).

What is the pension for an individual entrepreneur?

Since individual entrepreneurs are themselves employers, they pay pension contributions on their own. How a pension is accrued to an individual entrepreneur: in addition to the basic part, on the basis of the contributions paid, the allowance is further accrued. Such amounts paid ensure the right of the individual to receive a pension, which will be equivalent to the total number of payments that are in personal accounts.how pension is accrued to an individual entrepreneur

An individual entrepreneur can expect to receive old-age benefits from the state.

At the same time, all periods when contributions were paid to the FIU are included in the calculation of seniority.

The list of documents that must be submitted to receive benefits depends on the tax system. The latter, in turn, often changes, so this issue needs to be clarified directly when applying.

The single tax is equated to insurance pension contributions. For those entrepreneurs who worked before 1991, renting a room, the period must be confirmed by financial authorities or archival certificates about making necessary payments. All periods in which payments were made must be confirmed.

New pension accrual

Pension reform has been ongoing in Russia for a long time, and it ends on January 1, 2015. The new rules for calculating benefits for citizens will come into force. How the pension is accrued now is understandable. And what will happen from 2015? If earlier it was possible to calculate the size of the benefit yourself, then in the future it will not be so simple. Pension points come into force, and accruals will depend not only on seniority, but also directly on the “white” salary with which payments are made to the Pension Fund.

Life moves forward, and everything changes and improves regularly. What will happen in the future is not very clear yet, but the state will take care of its citizens in any case. Therefore, pensioners have no reason to worry.

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Reason for complaint
Runova Irina
I was born in 1969, work experience 1988-1991 - primary school teacher, 1991-1992 - inspector of the adoption center, then there were no state of emergency payments to the pension fund, from 2008 to 2015 Metro Cash & Carry company with a white salary of 35,000 - 40,000 depending on the year (indexation). Will they be taken into account for calculating the pension of the year of work in the Metro Cash & Carry?


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