
Types of permitted use of agricultural land. Lease of agricultural land

The certificate of land right contains a column that indicates the category and type of use. In the current ZK there are 7 groups to which the allotment may belong. types of permitted use of agricultural land

Types of permitted use of agricultural land

Allotments can be intended for:

  1. Gardening.
  2. Fishing.
  3. Creating your own farm.
  4. Farm activities.

1, 3 and 4 types of permitted use of agricultural land are considered the most popular today. These plots are most often in private circulation.

Other classification

In practice, there are also permitted uses agricultural land as:

  1. The main thing.
  2. Auxiliary.
  3. Conditionally allowed.

The latter differs from the former in that it requires coordination. For example, it is required if it is necessary to locate a temporary commercial premises or office building on a site. To get this allotment, you must follow a certain order. Consider it.  lease of agricultural land

Features of the provision

A citizen can obtain a plot of agricultural land by submitting an appropriate application. According to the current charter of the district, public hearings are convened at which it will be considered. Participants in the meeting provide the commission with their comments and suggestions. The decision to provide an allotment is made by the head of administration. If the citizen is denied the application, you can go to court to appeal.

Allotment of land and modification of an existing category

Let us consider in more detail what agricultural land is intended for. The law establishes that on the allotment it is possible to carry out livestock and farm activities, to engage in truck farming, to conduct summer cottage construction, and to produce agricultural products. One or another category is prescribed in title documents. Thus, it is impossible to exploit for purposes other than those indicated in the papers. However, existing uses of agricultural land may be changed. The need for this may be related to:

  • The desire of the owner to make money on resale, since the price of the allotment of the settlement is higher than the cost of agricultural land.
  • Intended construction on the territory of a retail outlet or manufacturing enterprise.
  • The construction of a housing estate on the site, etc.

how much is agricultural land

Violation of norms

If the land owner uses it not for the purpose specified in the legal documents, he may be held administratively liable. For violation of the established norms, a fine is imposed. Its size will depend on how much agricultural land is worth, and the nature of the act. So, provided:

  1. I put up to 1% of the cadastral price, but not less than 10 thousand rubles. for improper operation (for example, a store was erected on the territory).
  2. Up to 0.5%, but not less than 3 thousand rubles. - for ignorance of agricultural activity on the allotment intended for this. For example, the arable land owned by the farm is idle.
  3. Up to 1.5%, but not less than 20 thousand rubles. - for the lack of construction work on the site intended for individual housing construction. agricultural land law


In addition to the property of the right to property, the types of permitted use of agricultural land are indicated in other documents that confirm the right.In most cases, such allotments are used to grow melons, berries, vegetables, fruits and other crops. Recently widespread lease of agricultural land. As a rule, the transfer of the allotment in such cases to other persons is carried out for a long period. Lease of agricultural land must be confirmed by an appropriate agreement. In addition, erection of structures is allowed on the allotment. They should also be used for agricultural purposes. In particular, the facilities manufacture, store or process agricultural products.

Important point

Construction work on a plot of agricultural land should be carried out in accordance with the zoning plan of the territory. In addition, during the construction process, the established norms and rules must be observed. It is not allowed to conduct construction work on field lands intended exclusively for agricultural production. Such a prohibition is established in Art. 4, p. 3 of the Federal Law governing private household plots. If there are prohibitions stipulated by law, the relevant entries are made in title documents on land plots. So, the right to property may state the following: "without the right to erect structures and buildings." agricultural land


The use of land for the purpose indicated in the documentation has special legal and environmental significance. Regulatory acts, establishing certain restrictions, ensure, therefore, the safety of the territory from the negative impact of human activity. Violation of certain regulations may adversely affect the condition of the soil. So, for example, construction work negatively affects the fertile layer, which is extremely difficult to restore. If you violate the established requirements, there is a risk of damage to the ecology of the area. In this regard, the legislative level provides for the responsibility of persons for certain acts.

Agricultural land is of particular value. They are the source of many products included in the list of essential goods. With skillful handling of the land, you can get a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. This work requires special skills and knowledge. Inappropriate use of land can lead to negative consequences. In modern conditions, the construction of residential and industrial buildings is quite active. For this, new territories are needed. Often, large agricultural land, pastures, and vineyards become construction sites. In this situation, the state needs to ensure proper control over the rational distribution of the territory.

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