
How to write a collective complaint: sample. Collective complaint: how to write

We are all human beings and we are often dissatisfied with something - it’s elementary with the weather, but here we are powerless, with a dirty entrance, a “bad” boss, neighbors, in the end. It happens that our indignation and indignation on this subject remains undivided and incomprehensible, purely subjective. However, sometimes such cases are widespread, and here the question arises of how to write a collective complaint. You will find a sample and some recommendations on this subject in the article, as well as information on where to submit it.

Collective complaint - protect your rights

Sample complaint.

It is difficult to say to the question of which is better, an individual or group appeal to the appropriate structures. A collective complaint is often written after a person has already addressed personally, but they did not take it seriously and did not respond properly. If the number of victims of unscrupulous sellers, manufacturers of various goods, persons providing certain services, employer, etc. includes at least two people, then cooperating you can safely write an appeal.

The main advantage of this form of protection of rights is that it is possible to collect in one document, which is called "all in a heap", for example, when the first did not receive a salary, the second was not given overtime, the third was refused leave, etc. The downside is pretty much the same. For example, such a collective complaint against the head will entail a very narrow check by the supervisory authorities on certain facts, it is no secret that they are often carried out simply to give a response to the people who contacted. If the matter is serious and the issue could later develop into a lawsuit, keep in mind that claims will need to be filed individually. Therefore, it is worth considering what effect you expect from your treatment and how far you are willing to go.

Claim Structure

Sample collective complaint.

Any collective complaint (to the prosecutor’s office, local government, court, labor inspectorate, etc.) is written on the basis of the so-called skeleton, common to all. It consists of the following elements:

  • “Cap” indicating the addressee's data and communication methods (phone, email, postal address);
  • an introduction disclosing the relationship of the complainant with the offender and a reason for contacting;
  • the main part - in it list the facts of violations with evidence, references to legislation;
  • in conclusion, put forward your requirements, request; in particular, that the situation was analyzed, evaluated properly, and violated rights restored.

Submission methods

Collective complaint against neighbors.

Knowing how to write a collective complaint (sample below), do not forget to consider how to file it. This can be done in the following ways:

  • personally;
  • by mail with a notification letter;
  • through a form on the organization’s website;
  • in any other way, if the regulations of the relevant organization provide for this.

Important! Do not forget to write the complaint in duplicate if you file it personally. Be sure to ask for the number on the journal of incoming correspondence and the date of adoption, as well as the position and name of the receiving person. In the future, this will save you from many problems. If sending was carried out by mail, then keep the return receipt returned to you.

Some helpful suggestions

Before writing your own, based on a sample of a collective complaint, several tips from specialists should be taken into account:

  • you need to talk with other participants, find out their opinion on a problematic issue and try to come to a consensus, a common opinion;
  • Before making a collective complaint, be sure to write down the contact details of all participants so that you can contact them if necessary;
  • to write a complaint in the literal sense collectively does not make sense, let it be someone alone, but at the same time objectively reflect all significant circumstances and facts, the rest of the participants will familiarize themselves with it and subscribe or make certain adjustments;
  • in the text of the complaint, stick to the use of the pronouns “we”, “to us”, i.e. in plural;
  • We recommend all claims to be stated in essence, as little as possible emotions and more facts, references to legislation are welcome; do not pour water; voluminous text is not always good;
  • put forward your requirements in conclusion;
  • a mandatory annex to the complaint is a signature sheet of all interested parties;
  • be sure to provide contact information, if there are many participants, it is better to indicate only one - a representative.

Complaint Response Dates

The previous step, namely the registration of the appeal, is required for two reasons. Firstly, confirmation of the fact of receiving the complaint by the addressee, and he will be required to respond to it. Secondly, from the moment of registration of the document, the period established by law for responding to such an appeal from citizens begins to count. It can be different and depends on where the claim is directed (an example of a collective complaint to the prosecutor’s office below).

If your collective claim falls within the scope of legislation on the protection of consumer rights (the purchase of low-quality goods, the incompetence and rudeness of the seller, etc.), then they must be answered within 10 days.

When contacting government or local authorities, you will have to wait longer. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, 30 days are given to provide an answer, counting down from the moment of receiving a collective or individual complaint.

Collective complaint to the prosecutor.

The answer provided to you should contain information regarding options for resolving the dispute, the time period within which these actions can be implemented, or a partial or complete refusal to fulfill the requirements, but with a mandatory justification, indicating the reasons.

How to write a collective complaint: sample

Take for example one of the most common types of claims - to a housing maintenance company.

LLC "ZhEK-18", Severny

Address: 340961, Russian Federation, Samara region,

Sevny city, st. South, 23

from residents

No. 159 st. Solar city of North

A complaint

We, the undersigned owners of apartments No. 101, 102, 103, 105, live in a house that is serviced by your organization. Due to the fact that you are an executor of home maintenance services (common property), your organization must provide services of appropriate quality in accordance with established standards.

For our part, we perform our duties in good faith and pay contributions on a regular basis.

The roof of the house number 159 on Solnechnaya street is in poor condition, there are numerous leaks, the consequence of which is the flooding of our apartments.

Based on the foregoing and guided by .... (indicate regulatory legal acts), we require:

  1. Correct the cause of the leakage of the roof during the day.
  2. Pay us the amount of damage.


  1. Expert opinion in 1 copy 50 liters

Signatures of applicants with decryption.

Collective complaint against the boss

An example of a collective complaint.

It’s a sin to hide, in our country tyranny and tyranny of leaders is a completely ordinary thing and familiar to many. Another thing is that employees allow this, often without taking any measures for fear that they will be fired, deprived of bonuses, etc. And according to the thumb from year to year, complaining about life and work, they continue to endure. But if you turned to this article, it is unlikely that you belong to this category of persons.To find a council for an unscrupulous leader is possible and necessary. We offer you a sample complaint, which can be taken as a basis when compiling your own document, below. However, for starters, still try to resolve the problem peacefully through negotiations.

A collective approach is to some extent better than an individual approach. This implies the validity of the requirements, and not a purely subjective personal opinion.

Reasons to write a complaint to the leader

An employer can be held liable if he violates:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (overtime work without payment, refusal to leave, requirement to perform work not established by the labor contract);
  • labor protection rules (absence or non-compliance of a workplace with established standards, refusal to issue personal protective equipment, etc.);
  • internal regulations: orders, instructions of the senior management, disruption of the project or work plan.

It is most effective, as practice shows, to send it to the prosecutor's office, but first you can send it to the Labor Inspectorate, a higher boss, to the departmental bodies. So, for example, to the chief doctor - to the Ministry of Health. Depending on this, the cap in the upper right corner will change.

Sample complaint to the manager

To the prosecutor of Ensk

Clever P.D.

from employees

MBOU Lyceum №5 of Ensk

Collective Complaint Statement

We, the undersigned employees of MBOU Lyceum No. 5 of Ensk, ask you to check the organization for the correctness of payroll and protect our constitutional rights.

The employer, represented by the director of Lyceum No. 5, Zhadny P.P., unreasonably underestimates the wages of his employees. However, we can’t get any clarification from him. When a payroll sheet is requested, it is not issued.

To the employee Popova P.L. refused annual paid leave, motivating it with production necessity.

We are attracted by internal orders to overtime work not stipulated by labor contracts, while the issuance of a copy of the order is refused.

We ask you to understand this situation and punish the perpetrators.

Signatures of applicants with decryption.

Complaint to neighbors

how to write a collective complaint: sample.

The neighbors are different. If you believe one of the folk wisdom, then you should first choose them, and only then housing. But what about an apartment building in this case? Unfortunately, we want or not, but we must live in the neighborhood with different people. Moreover, violations of order on their part can relate to completely different aspects of life. Unfortunately, a collective complaint against neighbors is a very common phenomenon. Three situations are most typical: non-observance of cleanliness in the entrance, a problem with pets, noise.

In the first case, both the neighbors themselves and their pets can be a source of pollution. If your oral comments do not give any result, then you can contact the office, which is engaged in house maintenance, in other words, ZhEK. The procedure for filing and writing a complaint is similar to the examples given. When the solution of the issue is delayed or ignored, then the next step is a statement to the district police officer. In the second case, a veterinarian can be involved in these actions.

How to make a collective complaint?

When the neighbors are too noisy, especially in night time, then contact the police directly. Moreover, the more people subscribe to your claim, the better. Such complaints are taken more seriously.

Gather information and evidence of what is called, as much as possible before writing a collective complaint. The sample given above will help in writing it correctly. Take the specified structure as a basis and fill it with your content.

To summarize all that has been said, we want to remind once again that efforts should always be made to solve the problem peacefully, through negotiations and concessions, and only in case of failure proceed with decisive action.

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