
Breed of geese Linda: description, content, breeding

The breed of geese Linda was registered not so long ago - in 1994. However, by now it is considered almost the best in the world. This breed belongs to the meat direction of productivity, differs in unpretentiousness in leaving and resistance to diseases.

A bit of history

The breed of geese Linda was bred in our country, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The base parent for her was Chinese. Initially, the Lindovsky geese were crossed with the local Nizhny Novgorod, as well as the Solnechnogorsk and Adler. Then to weight the birds, increase growth rate To improve the quality of fluff and feather, as well as to improve the ability to fattening on a fatty liver, a cross was carried out with Lad and Arzamas breed. As a result, highly productive geese called Gorky geese were obtained.

breed of geese linda

Subsequently, the new breed was bred by selection. At the same time, work was carried out both on the paternal and maternal lines. As a result, Lind geese were bred.

To date, this breed is recognized not only in our country. Huge herds of this bird are bred by farmers from Hungary, Germany and France. In Russia, these geese make up 50% of the total population.

Lind meat geese: breed description

Among other things, the bird of this species has a very attractive appearance. The physique of these geese is very large, and the plumage is snow-white with beige tan. The difference between mother hens and males is that the latter have a more pronounced frontal cone. The paws of a bird of this breed are dark, and the beaks have a bright orange color. Females look somewhat squat gander. The eyes of the bird are small, dark. In addition, the features of the Lindov breed include:

  • proportional large head;
  • elongated massive and compact enough neat body;
  • long, thick neck;
  • strong, short, widely spaced orange legs.

Farms are grown not only pure white geese Linda. Gray backs in birds of this breed are rare, but they are sometimes found. The disadvantage of the exterior is not considered. Some individuals have gray feathers under the wings.

geese linda breed description

Geese Linda: Productivity Characteristic

Linda males weigh an average of 8 kg. But there are individuals whose mass reaches 12 kg. Very good indicators of productivity and geese of this breed. The weight of females can reach 7 kg. Excellent results with good care of the geese linda show and egg laying. The productivity of the breed in this regard is up to 50-70 pcs. in year. Eggs weigh about 150-170 g.

The special value of such a bird as the breed of geese Linda is that it continues to grow even after reaching the age of three months. This bird is allowed to be slaughtered after juvenile molting. No other modern breed can boast of such an advantage.

Distinctive features of Lindov geese are also good hatchability and excellent viability of young animals. This breed surpasses many other varieties in the quality of fluff.

geese linda gray


The advantages of this breed is just a huge amount. In addition to high rates in relation to weight gain and egg laying, the white goose Lindovsky is distinguished by such advantages as:

  • precocity
  • strong immunity;
  • unpretentiousness to feed;
  • resistance to both heat and cold;
  • calm nature;
  • excellent taste of meat.

Disadvantages of the breed

Of course, like any other, the breed of geese Linda has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.This bird, unfortunately, is poorly resistant to a disease such as hymenolipedosis.

geese linda characteristic

Content Features

The white goose Lindovsky in the event that the farm owners decided to breed these birds, of course, needs a house. When designing a barn, it should be borne in mind that these birds prefer warm, well-lit rooms. The crawler can be built from any materials: wood, concrete, brick, blocks, etc. The main thing is that it must be insulated. Also inside the barn should be equipped with ventilation and heating system. In a small room, you can simply make two through holes in the opposite walls, top and bottom, as well as install heaters. In any case, the air temperature in the jib during the winter should not fall below -4 degrees.

The shed must be designed so that there are no drafts inside. Their geese are very afraid. The height of the house should be at least 1.7-2 m. The optimal density of landing of Lindovskaya geese is one individual per square meter.

How to equip a house

Geese Linda (the description of the breed given above allows us to judge it as one of the best today), of course, they should not feel any discomfort in the house. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve good results in cultivation. A sufficient number of drinking bowls and feeders must be installed in the gusyachnik. You can use buckets or troughs for drinking water in the barn. For dry food, it is allowed to use low wooden boxes, for wet - metal containers. The size of the feeders should be such that geese do not push when eating.

white goose

Feeding Features

The diet of geese Linda should be nutritious. After all, this bird is gaining a lot of weight, moreover, it is characterized by early maturity. Experienced farmers advise feeding Lindov geese in much the same way as broiler turkey poults. That is, in the first two weeks of life, the bird needs to be given special feed for young animals with vitamin and mineral supplements (nulevka). This will help reduce the percentage of lunge. Then, for up to a month, goslings are fed with another type of compound feed intended for growing birds. Of course, you need to purchase feed in prosperous farms that enjoy a good reputation.

In feeding goslings with compound feed there are difficulties. The fact is that this product is not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment. Otherwise, he may lose some of his useful properties. However, many farmers believe that goslings under the age of one month should not be given dry feed. This can lead to intestinal inversion. Therefore, they still advise steaming compound feed, or at least diluting it with boiled water. In this case, the finished food should not be too liquid. Otherwise, goslings may get nasal passages. From a month of age, you can gradually start adding oat or wheat crusher to compound feed.

From the first days of life, in addition to compound feed, goslings should receive finely chopped greens. This may be the tops of carrots, young nettles, etc. It is best to knead greens on yogurt. Grated apples, carrots, duckweed, etc. can also be added to the resulting salad.

How to increase livestock

Next, let's see how the geese of Linda breed. Breeding this bird is a relatively simple matter. The maturity period of geese of this breed begins at the age of 8 months. Fertilization of eggs is 85-90%. The instinct of motherhood in the geese Linda is not lost, and therefore they can hatch chicks, including independently. With the natural method of breeding, about 90% of goslings survive. It is possible to increase the livestock of the herd of Lindovskaya bird by artificial means. During incubation, about 70% of the chicks are hatched.

geese linda reviews

What to do after the goose sits on eggs

The bird is bred in a natural way, usually from the end of February until the last days of May.After the goose sits on the nest, it should just lay a few more eggs from other females. Their number depends on the size of the bird. The first days the goose sits in the nest constantly. Then she starts from time to time to leave him for 15-20 minutes. In one of these exits (on the 16th day after the start of incubation), eggs should be sprayed with warm water.

Hatchery dilution

In this case, goose eggs are harvested within a week. Dirty at the same time carefully cleaned with sandpaper. You need to store eggs in the refrigerator. Before laying in the incubator, they should be kept at room temperature for 2 days. Experienced farmers are not advised to take for hatchery eggs laid at the very beginning of the laying. The fact is that they are usually unfertilized. Actually, the incubation mode of the eggs of Lindovian geese should be the same as in any other breed.

Farmers Opinion

The poultry farmers of our country deserve very good geese linda reviews. Both large farmers and summer residents, as well as villagers praise them. In addition to all of the above, the advantages of this bird include very tasty meat, good survival of young animals and unpretentiousness. Difficulties with the purchase and rather high cost are, according to farmers, perhaps the only drawback inherent in such a bird as geese linda. The price of one chick is about 150-160 rubles.

geese linda breeding

Care Features

The content of meat geese of the Lind breed can be divided into two main periods - winter and summer. In the warmer months, the bird is usually driven to pasture. It is very good if there is a pond near the barn. With this method of keeping, it is not necessary to give the geese a mash. If there is pasture and a reservoir, you can feed them once or twice a day. Combined feeds are given for the first time in the morning, and secondly in the evening. It is allowed to let young animals out in the field already at the age of 7-10 days.

In winter, geese linda, whose early maturity and weight gain are just excellent, should be fed at least three times a day. At the same time, feed and crusher are also given in the morning and in the evening, and in the daytime - mash-ups. It is very important in the cold season to take care that the bird in the crawler is warm. The floor must be covered with a thick layer of sawdust, straw or peat. Of course, you need to try to make sure that the linda geese room is dry. Otherwise, the bird will begin to catch a cold. In addition, geese experiencing discomfort will eat much more food. And this, in turn, will lead to additional costs.

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