
The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Federation. Federal Law “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation”

Today we will be interested in the procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation. In general, this moment is extremely important for the state. After all, the choice of the head of state is a responsible matter. And the future of the country as a whole will depend on its results. So you have to study this process from all sides. How are elections held? What is needed for this? How long is the president in Russia elected? And what are the requirements for candidates? We will talk about all this and not only further!procedure for electing the president of the russian federation


To begin with, it is worth paying attention that the rules that we have to study are actually spelled out at the legislative level. This issue is regulated by the Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation." It is here that all the norms, requirements, and also the dates of the procedure for the election of the head of state are indicated.

This law has been in force since 1995. And so the procedure for election and termination presidential powers The Russian Federation has not changed for many years. This simply makes no sense. After all, all the restrictions are quite logical. And many citizens have long been accustomed to them. So what does our current law provide? How is the president of the Russian Federation chosen? And what are the requirements for candidates.

Term of election

The first step is to figure out the timing. For example, how many candidates will be president. After all, this issue is no less important than direct elections. Fortunately, there are no problems in this area. Many citizens already know how much the president is elected. Remembering the rules is not so difficult.

How long is the president elected? According to modern legislation, you can count on 4 years of work as head of state. This is the average duration of a presidential election in different countries.

But this does not end the career of the candidate. For how long the president is elected in Russia, we have already found out. Only now it is worth paying attention to the fact that the Federal Law allows the re-election of a candidate for the post of head of state. It turns out that the maximum duration of the selected person as president of the Russian Federation is 8 years. For the third and subsequent periods it is impossible to choose the same candidate. It is forbidden. Thus, the Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation" provides for a periodic change of leaders. In practice, a successor is usually simply put forward, after which voters will vote.Russian presidential election

Election Day

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the conditions for the election of the President of the Russian Federation, prescribed in our current law, provide for the appointment of a day for this event. That is, there is also a regulation on when and in what order the procedure for electing the head of state will take place.

The Federation Council makes an exact decision on elections no earlier than 100 days and no later than 90 days before the proposed voting day. This is considered the 2nd Sunday of the month in which the previous elections were held.

But the direct publication of the decision should be carried out no later than 5 days from the date of its adoption. These rules are provided for by modern legislation of the Russian Federation.

Ahead of time

But that is not all. Life is something unpredictable. And no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. Sometimes the president of Russia is able to leave his post ahead of schedule for one reason or another.What to do in this case? Will the country really have no leader remaining time?for how long is the president elected

Not at all. The federal law "On Elections" provides for some rules that will help resolve this issue. The thing is that the procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation in this case will be urgent. The Federation Council has 14 days to set the election day for a new leader. The countdown starts from the moment the previous president renounces his authority.

As in the past case, the decision is made public. It occurs no later than 5 days after the determination of election day. And all information regarding this process should also be published in the media to familiarize voters with established procedures.

No destination

But it is not always that the Federation Council can decide when the presidential election will take place. If they did not meet the deadlines, then the matter goes to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. She conducts the process on the last Sunday before the day when the 3-month period for the refusal of the previous head of the country from her powers expires.

And the decision on the day of the process is published in the media, as in all past cases, no later than 5 days after the decision is made. As you can see, our process today is not so simple. In any case, for the leadership of the country. Citizens can only come to the presidential elections in the Russian Federation and vote for one or another candidate.President of Russia

About voters

What else is worth paying attention to? For example, questions regarding voters. After all, it is always important to understand who has the right to vote in this matter. The President of Russia should be selected taking into account the opinion of the population. Only now far from every citizen can vote.

Fortunately, there are very few restrictions. Indeed, all adult citizens are vested with the right to vote. That is, a person who has reached the age of 18 has every right to come to the polls at his polling station (usually they are installed in cities by district) and vote.

Important: incapable citizens cannot be voters. Also, mentally ill people do not have this kind of rights. But the rest is an adequate and adult population of the country - completely. Only, as practice shows, there are not so many people at the polls. After all, the decision about whether to go to cast their vote for a particular presidential candidate or not is voluntary. Voting is not compulsory. So, if you do not want, you can not vote. This is your personal right.


Another point regarding voters is their votes. It should be borne in mind that every citizen has the right to vote only once. Therefore, you should first worry about making a final and correct decision.presidential candidates

According to modern law, each voter is given only one vote. And he can give it to any presidential candidate. Moreover, the decision is voluntary. Such a technique, as a rule, protects against falsification, as well as from ambiguous decisions. After all, there can be only one leader in a country. To elect him, each voter must vote in favor of only one candidate. Then there will be some certainty. If you have already voted, then you can’t do it again, be careful!

Candidates Age

An important point is the age restrictions for the president of the Russian Federation. And in general, the conditions that apply to candidates. Fortunately, there are not so many of them actually. And every citizen is able to remember them.

The first thing you should pay attention to is age. Presidential candidates cannot be young. More precisely, there are age restrictions. Some believe that from the moment of coming of age you can run for our current position without any problems. But this is not at all true.

Presidential candidates must be at least 35 years old. Only at this age can you legally become a party to the elections. So coming of age alone is not enough. You need to wait until your age reaches the bar of 35 years or more. There should not be any young candidates. Yes and can not - it is prohibited by modern law. Only mature and experienced people are allowed as presidential candidates. Yes, not everyone even grows up at 35, but this is usually the case. Therefore, you must comply with this restriction.


The procedure for electing the president of the Russian Federation is not so simple. In addition to age, there are still some requirements for candidates. But, as a rule, there are no problems with them. According to the laws, potential presidents of the country must live in Russia for a long time.conditions for the election of the president of the russian federation

How much exactly? Without a break, this period is 10 years. That is, only a citizen who not only has reached the age of 35, but also a dozen of them continuously lives in the country can be a candidate. Moving from city to city is acceptable. Fortunately, as a rule, there are no problems with this item.


Among other things, there are still some restrictions for presidential candidates. Which specifically? There are not so many of them. And almost every citizen can guess about them. The thing is that, in addition to the age and duration of residence in the country, there are some other bans.

For example, it is easy to guess that the potential leader of the country must be capable and with a healthy psyche. Citizens are inadequate, declared unhealthy mentally or simply incompetent, are not allowed before the election. No exceptions!

In addition, those who have been convicted also fall under the ban. That is, a citizen’s lack of criminal record is another requirement put forward for candidates. And it must be respected. If a candidate concealed certain facts forbidding him to run, then when he emerges he will be disqualified. Even if it was for this citizen that the majority of voters voted.


What else is very special and very important is the law “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation”? What rules does it provide for voting? The so-called election campaigns are allowed. That is, in any way to conduct their activities and motivate voters to vote in your favor.

The election program of the presidential candidate should not violate modern Russian legislation. The state provides for complete freedom with regard to campaigning. The main thing is that they do not violate existing laws and the rights of citizens.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the presidential campaign, which does not contradict the current principles of the country, can be carried out using a variety of media. The state guarantees all registered candidates equal access to these sources of information. It can be said that the principle of equal rights applies in elections. Initially, everyone is equal. And the decision about who will become the new leader of the country remains with the voters. By secret ballot they will bring the idea to life.


Special attention should be paid to such a point as publicity. It is spelled out in the Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation." And plays an important role. If this clause is violated, the whole voting process can be declared invalid.procedure for the election and termination of powers of the president of the russian federation

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the preparation for the process is open and transparent. All normative acts and conditions for the conduct of elections must be published without fail within the deadlines established by law (usually 5 days from the date of adoption of certain decisions).


Can foreign citizens participate in the presidential election in the Russian Federation? Are they entitled to this? The election procedure provides for special rules for providing this opportunity.

The thing is that in general, foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons or participants in international movements do not have the right to vote. So such a prerogative is not given to foreigners.

An exception is made only in cases when international (foreign) observers have been appointed. They should look after the preparations for the elections, as well as the direct implementation of the process. Their rights are governed by international treaties of the Russian Federation. But, as a rule, they have no voice. Only the right to indirectly participate in elections as observers is given. This is the procedure for electing the president of the Russian Federation. Not all that complicated as it might seem at first glance.

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