
Potential is hidden opportunity. The main types of potential

What is the potential? This term is found in economic literature. It is also applicable in areas such as biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry. In a general sense, potential is some reserves that are available and can be used if necessary. In this article we will examine in detail the etymology, meaning and use of this word.

potential is

The origins

This term comes from the word potentia, which is translated from Latin as “power”, “power”. In every European language there are many borrowings from the speech of those citizens who once inhabited Ancient Rome. And especially many words of Latin origin are present in various terminologies. Potential is a term that first appeared in medical vocabulary.

Biology and physics

A neuron is a structurally functional unit of the nervous system. Membrane potential is a kind of neuron reserve in an unexcited state. In biology, the term in question in this article is used quite often. Thus, certain physical processes are characterized. In addition, the word is applied to various biological objects. In physics, potential is a quantitative characteristic of fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational).

economic potential


From the above, we can summarize. Potential - these are sources and opportunities that can be activated to achieve a specific goal. Each state sets itself certain tasks. The main goal is to achieve the cultural and material standard of living of the people. Economic potential - a set of sectors of the economy designed to produce the necessary products and provide services to the population of the country. States in economic terms differ from each other in terms of labor resources, the level of development of agriculture and construction, and the achievements of scientific and technological progress. All these features are factors that determine the economic potential.


The potential of a person is hidden opportunities, that is, a person’s abilities that may not be noticed, but become apparent with their development. In order to determine the presence of any makings, the external and internal indicators are analyzed. The latter include the mental health of a person and what he seeks to fill his life with.

Creativity is the side of intelligence, which is responsible for the personality's ability to form an original point of view, to open new paths in solving assigned tasks. To identify such opportunities, psychologists have developed many special tests. But even without conducting research, it can be determined without difficulty that a person who is not limited in his activity to repeating learned actions, but creates something new, has significant creative potential.

creative potential

When it comes to the artist’s potential, it implies a combination of factors such as age, mental and physical health, professional training, ability to work, work experience and personal characteristics.


In pedagogy, there are a number of terms used to determine those or other opportunities of students. In addition to creativity, one can also name cognitive, value, communicative and artistic. In the formation of a harmonious personality, the development of all the baby's abilities plays a significant role.And, therefore, the main types of education in modern pedagogy is the uniform development of all the potentials listed above. Therefore, the educational process in primary school is aimed primarily at the development of creative, cognitive, communicative and artistic abilities.

concept of potential

Daily use

The concept of potential is firmly embedded in everyday speech. This word is used not only as a special term. It can be found in various contexts. For example, the term is used by interlocutors when they talk about work, personal interests, their development, training, abilities and talents. It is often used when talking about artists, writers, directors and other creative personalities.

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