
Fire safety at school. Order, instruction, fire safety magazines in educational institutions

The school unites teachers and students, has a profound effect on children. In order for parents to calmly and confidently send their children to school, a tremendous amount of work is being done to ensure safety, special attention is paid to fire safety issues.

Preventative work

All preventive measures to prevent fires must be carried out on the school premises before the start of the school year. Classes should be examined by special commissions, and employees fire supervision must decide whether the institution is safe.fire safety at school

In order to protect the life and health of students and staff, parents and the material and technical base, the following preventive measures are taken:

  • special storage facilities are being equipped;
  • automatic notification systems are installed;
  • availability of emergency exits;
  • an evacuation plan is developed and approved, in convenient places on each floor there are visual schemes for children to study;
  • visual agitation is being created (stands, diagrams, posters) on the topic;
  • exercises are conducted with students and staff to develop evacuation skills;
  • conditions are provided for the proper storage of equipment and products, and littering of premises is not allowed.

What is the responsibility of the head of the educational institution

Fire safety at school and all issues related to it should be constantly monitored by the head, who should:

  • by order of the school to appoint a responsible person;
  • provide him with all kinds of help and support and monitor his work;
  • provide regular briefings;
  • outline the duties and actions of personnel in case of emergency.

fire escape plan

A careful selection of qualified personnel, who will be entrusted with the process of installation, repair and maintenance of electrical wiring and equipment in the building, will ensure fire safety at school.

The documents of the administration of the educational institution should include all safety issues covered in orders, instructions, rules and plans for evacuation.

The principal in his work relies on regulatory and legislative documents. Local governments should provide support and assistance in the acquisition of high-quality and modern equipment and the implementation of control.

Instruction: fire safety at school

The instruction on fire safety measures must be approved by the school principal. It outlines measures for maintaining the school grounds, corridors and other school premises in proper order. The place for smoking, the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire should be determined here, the timing of the briefing and temporary hot work should be established, and the actions of personnel in case of fire should be signed.fire safety instruction at school

An instruction sheet is attached to the instructions, and the annex should include a plan for the evacuation of students and all personnel from the school building. The first steps necessary to follow when a fire is detected are outlined in the memo.

Actions of employees in case of fire detection

Fire safety at school is ensured by the observance of the rules by both staff and students. But if, nevertheless, a fire occurred, how should the personnel of the educational institution act?

  1. The teacher, at the first sign of a fire, must show by his own example how calmly and carefully decisions should be made.
  2. Should not allow students to panic and leave the room randomly.
  3. At the exit, the school room is de-energized, windows and doors are closed.
  4. The teacher must evacuate the class as planned. The first are the children. When the children are at a safe distance, roll call is carried out, necessary medical care is provided.
  5. If a fire is detected, the guard should give a warning call or voice signal, transmit information about the fire to the rescue service, notify the management or administration.
  6. All school staff, including librarians, kitchen and shift workers, should facilitate student evacuation.
  7. Medical personnel are responsible for providing first aid, for which the necessary medicines are prepared in advance.

What is an evacuation plan?

A fire evacuation plan allows you to streamline the process of evacuating people in emergency cases. It should consist of two parts: textual and graphic. In the graphic part, where the layout of the object itself is depicted, the following should be indicated:fire safety rules at school

  • all possible escape routes;
  • emergency exits and their exact location;
  • location of means for saving people and fire protection;
  • stairs, stairwells and emergency exits;
  • “You are here” marks (location of the plan).

In the text part of the plan, the decoding of all the symbols of the plan is indicated. It also indicates methods of warning of a fire, accident or other emergency, indicates the procedure for calling fire departments, emergency services, duties and actions of people.

The fire evacuation plan is used to facilitate the orientation of people in the emergency zone for emergency rescue and other activities at the scene.

How to make an evacuation plan

You need to start making an evacuation plan by drawing a floor plan of the building. In this case, only a minimum of the most significant details is depicted. Solid green arrows should indicate the main ways to evacuate people. Discontinuing arrows of the same color should indicate emergency escape routes. With the help of conventional signs, the locations of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, telephones, fire automatics on / off systems, electrical panels are displayed.

In the form of a table, you can depict the text part of the plan, which will reflect the methods of warning of a fire, the organization of evacuation, methods of checking the operation of fire automatics. This part can be supplemented with memos and instructions for workers, which will describe the main actions during a fire.

fire safety event at school

As an appendix to the table, a list of responsible persons with a graph for painting on familiarization with the evacuation plan should be made. At the end is the date of the plan, which is sealed by the seal of the organization and the signature of the official.

A school evacuation plan is posted on prominent places on each floor.

Student Evacuation Process

In order to organize the evacuation of students and teachers from school, teachers are appointed who are responsible for the procedure for leaving the building. These educators regulate the flow of people on each floor. The class should be evacuated by a teacher who had a lesson at the time of the fire.

Responsible for fire safety at the school for the period of sports or cultural and entertainment events, an organizer becomes, who must first go through and make sure that the possible escape routes are open, not blocked.

During the year, special classes and instruction should be held with the people responsible for the evacuation.In the educational work plan, the class teacher is obliged to include a conversation with students about the importance of observing fire safety rules not only in school, but in all areas of life.

fire safety at school documents

Fire Safety Activities at School

There are no secondary topics on the issue of child safety. At school and at home, children constantly need to be reminded of how dangerous fire is. Fire safety rules at school should be carefully designed and strictly followed by all. The main rules include the ban on smoking and teachers of the school, and, of course, students on the school grounds; a ban on bringing firecrackers or other explosive objects into the school; flammable substances, matches and lighters should not be brought into the school building and on its territory.

Fire safety at school as rules of behavior in such situations by students will be better and easier to assimilate if the information is included in different classes and extracurricular activities. The forms and methods of presenting information should be diverse, with a creative approach and involving the children themselves, their initiatives and creativity. Competitions, relay races, sketches can be devoted to the topic "Fire Safety". An event at the school can be held with the involvement of the Ministry of Emergencies or with a tour of the fire department.

Exhibitions of posters and drawings on this topic can be organized. In elementary school, a fire theme can be used as didactic material in a Russian language lesson. In addition, you can create a presentation appropriate to the topic with your favorite cartoon characters. Small students themselves can stage children's poems by Marshak and Chukovsky. There will be even more enthusiasm if there is an opportunity to change into costumes.fire safety measures at school

Pupils of secondary and high schools can be safely involved in the creation of posters, mock-ups demonstrating fire safety measures at school or the process of evacuating people from a building. The guys are happy to try on a set of clothes, deployed a fire hose, use a fire extinguisher.

Fire safety in the school will be ensured if the measures for the conduct are planned and regular. If the approach is chosen not traditional, but gaming - with the involvement of students in socially useful activities.

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