
Responsible for fire safety. Fire Safety Officer's Manual

One of the main conditions for obtaining permission from the fire inspection is compliance with established safety requirements. All requirements provided for by law and other regulatory enactments are binding. This rule applies to those enterprises for which the notification principle applies. fire safety officer

Engineering and organizational measures

To maintain the proper level fire safety at the enterprise certain activities must be carried out. These include:

  1. The introduction of an appropriate regime in the organization.
  2. Appointment of responsible persons. For the fire safety of individual structures, buildings, sections, premises, engineering and technological equipment, operation and maintenance of technical equipment of the safety bureau, these employees report to their immediate superiors.
  3. Drawing up plans (schemes) for the evacuation of people in case of fire.
  4. Defining the responsibilities that each person responsible for fire safety will fulfill.
  5. Approval of the notification system (order), familiarization of all personnel with it.
  6. Definition categories of premises and buildings for fire and explosion hazard, in accordance with the requirements of applicable regulations, and zone classes in accordance with the rules of electrical installations.
  7. Installation on the sites of the relevant signs of the PB, plates indicating telephones and a description of the procedure for calling the software.
  8. Training, approval and familiarization of staff with general instructions on safety measures for the facility and for all premises.

order for the appointment of a fire safety officer

Appointment of a fire safety officer

This procedure is carried out in accordance with the established requirements of industry regulations. The head of the enterprise takes an order in accordance with which the person responsible for fire safety is approved (a sample act will be described later). Authorized employees monitor the state of the safety structure of the entire building as a whole, as well as of its individual premises, sections, units. As a rule, the chief employee of the enterprise acts as the main employee who monitors the implementation of the safety requirements and the implementation of relevant measures.

Order for the appointment of a fire safety officer

This document lists the controlled units and facilities (workshops, laboratories, transport and production facilities, offices, warehouses and other premises). It also establishes employees who are authorized to oversee the state of the safety precaution in these areas. From the moment of familiarization or from the date established in the document, the employee begins to fulfill his duties. Each unit must have its own fire safety officer. The sample document includes a paragraph that describes the procedure for conducting targeted training sessions with the personnel of the enterprise. In cases established by regulatory documents, rules are provided for technical minimums for workers and employees. The order on the conduct of safety measures may include a clause on the formation of a special commission in the event of an accident. The order for the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety is provided to the employee for review under signature. fire safety officer


The fire safety officer must have some knowledge. In particular, he should understand:

  1. The code of laws, laws, regulatory and technical documentation on safety measures.
  2. The main causes of fires and explosions.
  3. Methodological materials on PB.
  4. Rules, regulations, instructions, safety instructions applicable at the facility and related to issues of ensuring fire protection.
  5. The procedure in accordance with which the operation of transport and equipment is carried out at the enterprise.
  6. The principles of the formation of the organization’s fire protection system.
  7. The procedure for the use of means to prevent fire.
  8. Rules for the evacuation of people in case of fire.
  9. The procedure for maintaining and monitoring the state of primary extinguishing agents.


The job description of the fire safety officer sets the tasks that the employee performs. His responsibilities include:

  1. The organization and conduct of training activities on safety measures for employees hired.
  2. Analysis of the state of fire safety of the enterprise.
  3. Organization and conduct of extraordinary and planned briefings.
  4. Personnel training on safety measures.
  5. Development and implementation of fire safety measures.
  6. Participation in identifying the causes of fires.
  7. Inspection of the territory and premises, assessment of their fire safety.
  8. Monitoring of emergency (evacuation) exits.
  9. Assessment of the state of readiness of primary extinguishing agents.
  10. Preparation of an annual report to the head of the organization on ongoing activities in the field of safety management.
  11. Assessment of the state of emergency routes.
  12. Establishment of the amount of material damage caused by fire.
  13. Conducting fire propaganda.
  14. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory acts in the field of industrial safety.

appointment of fire safety officer

The rights

The fire safety officer may:

  1. Suspend employees who have not undergone targeted training or do not have relevant knowledge of the safety precautions.
  2. Have access to fire safety information.
  3. Make suggestions to management on the modernization of the protection system operating at the enterprise.
  4. Organize checks to ensure and maintain fire safety in the organization’s units.
  5. Demand from the staff and the head of the enterprise full assistance in fulfilling duties.
  6. Monitor the state of readiness of primary extinguishing agents.
  7. Require the heads of all departments to provide information and documentation on the activities performed by the fire safety officer. fire safety officer instructions

The main issues of PB

The company must maintain documentation establishing the safety regime. Responsible for fire safety is involved in its development. The documentation is approved by the head of the enterprise. Papers should be stored in a special folder. The documentation should indicate:

  1. Rules for the use of electric heating appliances, open flame works, temporary activities representing fire hazard.
  2. Smoking area.
  3. The procedure in accordance with which the inspection and closure of the premises at the end of the work shift.
  4. The rules according to which maintenance of protective equipment is carried out. These include, in particular, fire alarm, smoke exhaust, automatic fire extinguishing systems, and hand-held fire extinguishers.
  5. Actions to be taken by personnel in case of fire.
  6. Responsible persons required to conduct briefings and special training for employees of the enterprise on issues related to fire safety, and the frequency of these events. designation of persons responsible for fire safety


Compliance with established fire safety requirements is mandatory for all employees of the organization. Proper implementation of the rules will ensure the safety of property and the lives of people working in the enterprise.The head is obliged to ensure control over the activities carried out by each responsible person. For fire safety, they report verbally and in writing. Management, in addition, should assist employees in fulfilling their tasks. For violations in the field of safety measures, administrative, disciplinary or criminal sanctions may be applied. Compliance of enterprise and documentation fire safety standards checked by supervisory authorities. They can organize both scheduled and unscheduled monitoring activities. If deficiencies in the fire safety system are discovered, those responsible must inform the management of this. The director of the enterprise, in turn, must take the necessary measures to eliminate them.

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