
Useful tips on how to get a gold medal at school

In the old days, graduating from high school with a gold medal was a guarantee that any higher educational institutions are open to the children.

how to get a gold medal at school

Benefits to Gold Medalists

The certificate for grade 11 was issued in a special form; it was a kind of pass for preferential admission to the most prestigious educational institutions of the country. Of course, this situation also contributed to the emergence of soil for abuse by the administration of the educational institution. Many high school students dreamed without any problems to get an excellent certificate for 11th grade and without additional exams and problems to be a student of a chosen university.

full secondary education is

Modern realities

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, enough time passed, society changed, but gold and silver medals remained in educational institutions. Some educational institutions do not take them into account when compiling rating lists of applicants, but the majority of middle and senior level institutions add points to excellent students and willingly accept such graduates into their walls.

The medalist must pass additional exams along with other applicants, while the gold medal of the graduate of the school guarantees priority in situations where several children have the same number of points.

The incentive for possessing such a high award as a medal is the opportunity to receive various prizes established by the city authorities, numerous sponsors, constituent committees at public institutions.

certificate for grade 11

What are the conditions for getting a gold medal at school?

Let's try to figure out how to get a gold medal at school. The sign “For special academic success” is awarded to students in grades 11 (12 grades) who have only excellent marks in each half-year at the senior level of education. In addition, one of the requirements for presenting this prestigious award is passing in the 11th (12th grade) compulsory final exams in the form of the Unified State Exam no lower than the passing score. Currently, such compulsory exams are in two main subjects: mathematics, Russian.

The conditions for receiving a gold medal at the school do not allow such a reward for students who have studied in the form of an external studies, as well as for those guys who have received excellent marks when they passed the exams.

The decision on whether to award certain students a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of a particular educational institution. Further, the decision is agreed with the local executive authorities and approved by a special order of the school principal. Full secondary education this is a chance for children to enter higher institutions, to become the owner of a prestigious profession.

gold medal conditions at school

Way to success

Many first graders ask how to get a gold medal at school, and systematically go to the task. Will have to work hard to achieve such a high result. The school administration is trying to provide all kinds of support to talented children who in the 10th grade did not receive a single mark of “good”. If desired, the potential medalist can enlist additional teaching aids and consultations with teachers outside school hours. In addition to excellent study, special emphasis must be placed on active social life. Such children also succeed in competitions at various levels, conduct research, participate in projects and competitions. Full secondary education is hard work, especially if the student is fully engaged, demonstrates good results in educational activities.

gold graduate school

Regulation on awarding the medal “For special educational achievements”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and approved a special provision that sets out all the rules for how to get a gold medal at school. In addition to "gold" issued "silver".

  1. Graduates of 11 (12) grades studying in schools with an official certificate of accreditation have the right to receive such an award. Graduates of vocational primary education institutions that have passed state accreditation can also receive a medal.
  2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates who have, for six months, a year, final marks in all subjects “excellent”, who have successfully passed the final exams. A similar award is noted for graduates of vocational schools, who, upon receiving a full secondary general education, demonstrated excellent knowledge in all disciplines for six months, a year, including the specialty that passed the exams for "5".
  3. If in one of the six months the graduate had no more than two “good” marks, he has a chance to get a silver medal, he is deprived of the right to receive “gold”.

Graduates who become holders of a gold or silver medal, emphasizing their particular successes in the learning process, are awarded a certificate of a special type, having silver or gold stamping. Medals are awarded at the graduation party together with an official document on the appropriate level of education.


When answering the question “How to get a gold medal at school?”, You need to understand that students who can choose from various elective and elective courses in addition to their regular academic disciplines can count on such a prestigious assessment of their educational activities. For many modern graduates, the presentation of a gold medal at the graduation party is a confirmation of their high intellectual development. Parents of gold medalists are rightfully proud of their excellent students, because their merits were recognized already during their studies at school. The gold medal is the highest standard that many modern teenagers strive for, whose life plans include further training in prestigious educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

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