
CASCO rules: execution, documents, payments

The purchase of a car insurance policy is a serious step for the car owner. The client’s signature on the policy means not only an understanding of the insurance process, but also the full adoption of the rules established by a specific insurance company. Of course, every insurer in his house is the owner. Therefore, the rules for CASCO payments in different companies can differ significantly from each other. But still they have common features.

In this article, we will try to identify the key points of the rules of some SCs, as well as their positive and negative sides.Casco rules

What is hull insurance?

Of course, every driver loves his car and knows its price. For the car owner, insurance of the “iron horse” is not a whim, but a severe necessity. To completely protect the metal friend from any troubles on the road, insurance companies vyingly offer car owners to join the number of policyholders.

Each insurance company is trying to develop its most affordable and understandable CASCO rules. This type of insurance has long entered our lives and has gained some popularity among car owners. Indeed, unlike compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, this type of insurance is voluntary. The main distinguishing feature of it is that the subject of insurance is your car. If the car had a trouble on the road or was suddenly stolen, the insurance company will compensate all the losses. At the same time, it is worth remembering that CASCO insures only the car. If the damage is caused to the driver, passengers or things have suffered, the UK will not help you.

There is a partial and full hull. The first type of policy insures only against damage and damage, and the second covers the risk of theft.vsk casco

Basic rules for concluding a contract

CASCO rules developed by most companies are voluminous multi-page documents. Despite their apparent difference, they all have basic points that are quite similar to each other.

  1. Sum insured. Depending on the contract, it can be aggregate and non-aggregate. The first means the total amount paid for the entire insurance period. No matter how many times during the year you get into an accident, you will still receive the amount specified in the contract, and nothing more. The aggregate amount has no such restrictions. No matter how many accidents, all payments will be made in full. Sum insured can be expressed in rubles or currency, as well as be complete and incomplete. In the second case, you are not offered to insure the entire car, but only part of its real value. But in the event of an accident, you will not receive the payment from the insurance company in full, but in proportion to the actual loss incurred.
  2. Termination of the contract. The text prescribes the conditions regarding when the contract can be terminated by you, and when the UK can do it yourself. For example, this can happen 10 days after you haven’t made another payment.
  3. Rights and obligations. This is the main section. This is where the "rules of the game" are defined. This section sets out all the risks, defines the rights and obligations of the parties. For example, an insurance company may oblige you to notify of any actions performed with the car: a trip abroad, transfer of control to another driver, sale, re-registration, and so on.
  4. Actions of the parties in the event of an insured event. Read this section carefully. This is where all your steps from the moment of the accident are described. Failure to comply with at least one of the requirements made in this section may be grounds for refusal of payment.
  5. Exceptions This section describes situations that will not be recognized as an insured event.
  6. The procedure for determining the amount of payment and the amount of loss. It is especially important in this section to study those lines where it is said about what amounts are not included in the damage. For example, it could be:
  • cost of license plates;
  • radio repair;
  • reimbursement of the cost of parts that did not break as a result of an accident, but on their own, and more.

Casco payment rules

What does the CASCO policy look like?

So, we discussed CASCO rules. And what is the policy itself? A single sample does not exist, so its appearance may vary depending on the wishes of the insurer. Most often, such information is reflected on the letterhead of the UK:

  • name and details of the insurance company;
  • customer data;
  • vehicle data;
  • policy cost;
  • validity period;
  • territory of the contract;
  • list of insurance risks;
  • list of persons authorized to drive;
  • Additional Information.


To issue a policy with any insurance company, you will need:

  • a civil passport or a document replacing it;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • other documents depending on the requirements of the UK.

You also need to provide the car itself. Before signing the documents, it must be inspected by an insurance employee and draw up an appropriate act. The absence of this document may also be grounds for refusal of payment.


As already mentioned, each company develops its own CASCO rules. Rosgosstrakh, for example, offers the following (short excerpts):

  • the policy can be paid in installments;
  • a wide selection of service stations is offered where you can be helped to troubleshoot;
  • to repair damaged headlights or windows you do not need to provide a certificate from the traffic police;
  • towing services are offered if necessary;
  • in the event of minor damage, an employee of the company will help you, who will eliminate the malfunction in the way (for example, change punched wheels);
  • there is no requirement to leave the car in a guarded parking lot;
  • once a year, it is possible to repair minor damage or replace one or two body parts without a certificate from the traffic police.

Also, company employees provide full assistance in the process of obtaining the necessary certificates from government agencies. Nevertheless, for all its apparent loyalty, Rosgosstrakh has rather stringent requirements for a package of documents. There are also significant differences in the level and quality of service in different regions of the Russian Federation.Casco Rosgosstrakh rules

IC "RESO – Garantia"

In the insurance company "RESO" CASCO can also be issued. SK offers its customers in some cases to receive a cash refund without certificates from the traffic police. And in the event of a complete loss of the vehicle, you can get more than 80% of the total insurance amount. When a car is stolen, RESO (CASCO) pays the insurance amount within 30 business days, and in case of damage - 25 business days, so you won’t have to wait long. By the way, the insured amount here is non-deductible, and will be paid in full each time.Reso Casco

In addition to the main risks, according to the rules of CASCO, they will pay for:

  • damage to the machine during loading and unloading;
  • theft or damage to the tent;
  • loss or damage to a car as a result of extortion, fraud or embezzlement.

But if you damaged the car as a result of subsidence of the ground or the failure of the road, they will refuse to pay you.

IC "Alfastrakhovanie"

IC "Alfastrakhovanie" CASCO draws up on the basis of irreplaceable (non-aggregated) payments. Compensation for calling a tow truck will be provided here as many times as needed. In Alfastrakhovaniye Insurance CASCO is offered in the form of several packages - at the client’s choice. You can also get an additional 15% discount for accident-free driving last year.Casco insurance

The price of the policy depends on the length of service of the driver and his age.You can ask for a discount on mileage limits. This will further reduce the cost of the policy for those motorists who do not plan long trips. The company offers an extensive network of service stations that specialize in the repair of specific brands of cars.

Documents are issued quickly enough, and if you purchase a policy on the Internet, you don’t have to visit the office at all.


The former Military Insurance Company (“VSK”) CASCO prepares and pays without delay. The damage here is fully covered, without limiting the number of insured events. For machines under warranty, an official dealer is offered, for non-warranty machines there is an extensive network. In the insurance company "VSK" CASCO, at the option of the client, can be issued with a deductible. Sometimes it is convenient and allows you to save money.

Of the minuses, the absence of an emergency commissioner and the denial of assistance in collecting the necessary certificates can be noted. Also, judging by customer reviews, VSK often delays with large cash payments, but the client receives a refund of small amounts rather quickly.

IC "Consent"

One of the hallmarks of CASCO from Concord is that here you will be offered a choice of monetary compensation or auto repair. Once a year you will be repaired (or compensated) without a certificate from the traffic police for one body part, without replacement. But glasses without reference will be inserted as many times as necessary.

Casco ConsentWhen deciding on CASCO (“Consent”), remember: this insurance company is not accredited by Sberbank. This point may be important for those with a car bought on credit. Other disadvantages include the following points:

  • damage to paint not made at the factory (for example, there is airbrushing on a car, for example), this risk will have to be insured additionally;
  • nor will they pay for damaged license plates, wheels and rims, if such a clause is not included in the contract.

Of course, all the above CASCO rules are just an extremely brief squeeze out of the multi-page documents developed by insurance companies. No matter how I would like to do otherwise, carefully read these rules before signing the contract. It is on this that your future relationships with insurers depend.

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