
CASCO law: terms of repair and payments upon occurrence of an insured event

CASCO, unlike CTP, is voluntary car insurance. Car owners make it out of their own free will and based on need. Each company has the right to establish its own terms of the contract. But still they must comply with the standards that contain "CASCO Rules", The Civil Code, the Law on the Organization of Insurance and the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. CASCO is not regulated by special law. Consider in this connection the general legal framework to which this type of insurance is subject.

Casco law


There is a decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of June 27, 2013 under number 20. On this basis, insurance payment is made. The document sets out various provisions, including the following.

If the UK refuses to pay compensation to the car owner, it may be fined. In addition, the beneficiary has the right to demand compensation for moral damage. If the court decides to satisfy the requirements of the car owner, then the company will be fined - 50% of the amount that the court awarded the beneficiary.

For every day when the deadline CASCO payments according to the law is overdue, the insurance company is obliged to pay the insured 1% of the total insurance payment.

A few words can be said about the prospects. Amendments to the law on CASCO insurance, concerning fines for insurance companies. It is supposed to recover from 1 to 2 million rubles for an unlawful refusal to pay or understatement of such, and from 3 to 4 million rubles - for the imposition of additional services. In addition, a fine of 500 to 700 thousand rubles will be imposed on the one who untimely or not fully provides information on insurance contracts with RSA.

insurance payment

Refusal to pay is considered unlawful in cases, for example, if a car owner who has forgotten the keys in the lock or registration documents in a car has stolen a vehicle, or referring to the fact that the car was not owned by the driver at the time of the accident.

It is important to know that insurance companies often underestimate payments in cases where repair requires from 70% to 75% of the cost of the car itself. They believe that this includes depreciation. But, faced with such a situation, it is best for the driver to abandon the suitable residues. Then the insurance payment will be transferred to him in the amount of the full amount.


Consider the most common situations when insurance companies are trying to reduce the payment.

Firstly, it is possible to do this due to those damaged parts that were not indicated in the traffic police certificate. In such cases, it is recommended to write a statement about additions to the fact of an accident and list all damaged elements of the machine. You can also require the UK to have an examination.

Casco agreement

Secondly, both the expert and the company’s full-time employee may overstate the amount of repair. The policyholder has the right to demand an independent examination. And if the conclusions of the experts from the insured and the insurer differ, then at the trial one more, forensic examination should be carried out.

Thirdly, there may be different interpretations of the phrase "market price". Best of all, even when the CASCO agreement is signed, to determine this concept.

Denial of payments

It also happens that the insurer refuses to pay insurance to the car owner. Then he issues a written refusal, as well as the rationale for the calculation.

The CASCO law, as we have found, has not been approved, but the provisions in the insurance rules, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the law of November 27, 1992, contain a list of grounds for refusal.

One of them is an accident while intoxicated. In this case, the insurer has the right to refuse payment, and the policyholder will have to indemnify all the damage on their own.

casco insurance law

Types of insurance

Which type of insurance to choose is up to the vehicle owner. You can divide voluntary insurance into:

  • full;
  • partial.

The first option includes insurance against both theft and damage. The contract may also contain additional options, for example, departure to the scene of the commissioner, collection of certificates and so on.

In the second option, the vehicle is insured only against damage. At the same time, you can save on the price of insurance. This is especially true when the car is not one of the most stolen and has a reliable alarm.

CASCO cost: what does it depend on?

Each insurance company sets the tariffs at its discretion. Any kind of CASCO law is not used. At the same time, SK uses coefficients developed based on the prices of spare parts, statistics of theft and accident, as well as work at the service station in a particular area.

CASCO policy usually costs from 5% to 10% of the price of the car. The main elements that make up the price of insurance are:

  • conditions stipulated by the contract;
  • vehicle specifications;
  • driver data;
  • SC itself.

An agreement, for example, can be concluded both for a year and for a shorter period of time. In the latter version, it will cost more. In this case, installment payment, various risks, additional services may be provided. The more of them, the higher the price.

Casco repair terms

The cost of insurance also depends on the class of the car, its make, year of manufacture and the presence (absence) of anti-theft systems.

Important and the experience of the driver. The more years he traveled without accidents, the lower the coefficient will be applied.

Who is suitable for hull insurance?

Large insurance companies may offer a deductible. The Law on CASCO (in particular, on insurance) by it means a part of losses that are not subject to compensation. She may be:

  • conditional;
  • unconditional;
  • dynamic.

The first involves the case when a car suffered from an accident for an amount less than that provided for by the franchise. Then the beneficiary does not receive anything.

In the second case, the difference between the loss and the deductible is calculated.

And the third involves an option in which the amount of insurance will depend on the amount insurance claims occurred during the term of the contract.

Only experienced and careful drivers who fully understand this mechanism and can pay for minor damages themselves should pay attention to the franchise option.

CASCO Special Offers

Casco payment deadlines by law

In companies, you can find special offers that are designed for various categories of drivers. For them, insurance can be cheaper due to some restrictions.

Benefits can often apply to:

  • new cars;
  • those that are secured by the bank;
  • specific models;
  • fashionable cars;
  • equipped with special anti-theft systems.


The financial crisis, rising prices are forcing the UK to look for easier contract options. These include the following:

  1. The franchise mentioned above.
  2. Limitation of risks and coverage amount (at the discretion of the insured).
  3. Implementation of satellite monitoring. Then the tariff will be set individually, based on the driving style of a particular car owner. All information will be transmitted through a device that is installed for a trial period in the machine.

2016 - what's new?

In the current year, usually the cost of the policy is calculated based on the cost of the machine, spare parts and repairs. Together with the issuance of a car loan, as a rule, a voluntary insurance contract is concluded.

Since car prices have increased, and in the field of car loans there has been a steady decline, CASCO plans to increase prices slightly. Insurance companies are seeking ways to reduce tariffs through the introduction of various additional mechanisms. This is a loss-free extension, and a franchise, and risk limitation, and telematics.

Casco Consumer Protection Act

Since a special law on hull insurance has not been adopted, insurers can look for loopholes for themselves. But the policyholder does not remain unprotected. If, for example, CASCO repair deadlines are delayed for various reasons, the beneficiary has the right to act on the basis of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and even apply to the court.

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