
Own business. Cell phone repair from A to Z

To organize a small business, first of all, it is important to study the market of goods and services, to collect information about what is most popular with consumers. In the field of electronics, there is a niche that a novice businessman can successfully occupy. This is the creation of a workshop for the repair of cell phones - a business that requires a minimum of costs and guaranteed revenue.

cell phone repair business

Business Ideas Prospects

Mobile electronics in general and cell phones in particular have become a necessary thing for a modern person. And children, and their parents, and elderly people do not part with these devices. They are easy to use, they provide a comfortable connection with any person, no matter how far he is.

A variety of models is provided by popular electronics firms. Thanks to rapidly developing technologies and fashion trends, new models appear very quickly. The old ones fail, break down. Therefore, it is necessary to repair cell phones, which can still serve, given to the use of grandparents and children.

cell phone repair business

Material costs

Any business requires material investments, initial capital. Its size should be from five to ten thousand dollars. This is quite enough to organize your business and the functioning of the workshop for a month. You can open a business on your own savings or apply for a loan at the bank.

First of all, renting premises, purchasing equipment, supplies, paying taxes and salaries to hired employees will require money. To purchase a set of tools you need to prepare from fifteen to thirty thousand rubles. For the purchase of equipment and spare parts you need to save a certain amount every month. In addition, you will need to pay for the Internet.

cell phone repair business

Company design

When planning the repair of cell phones as a business, it is necessary to organize the business correctly, arrange the company as a legal entity. The "individual entrepreneur" form is suitable. The tax authorities need to submit an application and register. The scope of the business being opened is the provision of services, namely telephone repair.

cell phone repair


You can start a cell phone repair business by renting a small room. Its area should be sufficient to organize the work of the master, storage of equipment and repaired devices, as well as customer service. Two rooms are ideal for these purposes.

But enough and only ten square meters. The basic requirements for the room: it should be located in a place where there is a large cross of people, have all utilities. First of all - uninterrupted power supply, grounding, ventilation.

In addition, you will need the Internet. A good idea would be to organize a workshop in a large shopping center or in the neighborhood of the services that deal with household services. Thus, you get a guaranteed clientele. But the cheapest are squares located in the basement (basement, semi-basement). At the beginning of the business, perhaps you will be engaged in repairs in your own apartment. This will reduce rental costs.

creation of a cell phone repair workshop

Equipment purchase

If you are at a loss when choosing the necessary tools, you can look at the Internet and find there a detailed list of everything you need. But it is worth mentioning the most obvious devices that will be required in your business. In addition to tools, it is necessary to purchase diagnostic equipment.

You can not do without a soldering station with a hairdryer, a set of cables, UFS for flashing phones and installing programs, a power supply, an ultrasonic bath, a set of tools designed to open phones (tweezers, screwdrivers), and disks with software. It is necessary to purchase consumables, such as liquids for cleaning boards, solders, fluxes, etc.

Costs will require payment for Internet access and the services of sites from which you can download software for phones. Such opportunities have owners of UFS programmers. Also, the repair of cell phones will require the organization of a shop window and the installation of a cash register. You can order all this through the website. Too many tools do not need to be purchased.

Most often, phones fail because the model itself becomes outdated. Parts for mobile electronics are best purchased as needed and only those that are in great demand. It is good if you have a regular supplier who will not only provide you with parts, but also replace defective parts with similar high-quality ones.

You can resort to the services of a transport company that deals with regional transportation. This will reduce time and money. If you build the Cell Phone Repair business correctly, you can make a substantial profit. For example, to purchase inexpensive models of mobile electronics (in the price range up to one hundred dollars). The fastest way to repair and resell cheap devices.

cell phone repair business plan

What kind of work does the workshop do?

Out of fashion models are most often affected for several reasons. Software can fly off, and then a flashing of the device is required. Replaceable are almost all elements of the phone: housing, screen (even a touchscreen), telephone card, speaker, microphone.

In addition, the workshop can provide additional services. For example, recording ringtones, ringtones on phones, videos, selling related products. You can sell cases for phones, batteries for electronic devices.

cell phone repair business plan

Hiring staff

Staff recruitment is a compulsory item that includes a business plan. Repair of cell phones at the beginning of the workshop can be carried out by only one employee. The master, who will be engaged in the direct repair of mobile devices, will become and serve customers. He must be a true professional, qualified specialist.

As a rule, people go into such a business who are not indifferent to electronics and are well versed in it. Workers who are attracted to the Cell Phone Repair business can be found by posting on specialized print media, newspapers, or on the job site.

It is possible to identify how competent a person is in the field of electronics repair, whether he is suitable for you at an interview before hiring. It is imperative to conclude a contract with a hired employee under which he is a financially responsible person. Subsequently, when your business grows stronger and gets to its feet, you can hire additional workers. It will take people in charge of bookkeeping, acceptance of goods.

Business advertising

In the implementation of any project, a great role is played by how the information about it is delivered. People should know about your workshop, choose you from a set of competing firms. Therefore, your business - cell phone repair - should receive media coverage.

For example, you can publish announcements in newspapers, run a running line on television, install billboards on the street, next to the workshop. The Internet is the most effective means of mass communication. Therefore, do not neglect its advantages. It is enough to create your own page with brief information about the company, its services and location. Ads on third-party sites, on social networks will be of great help.

Also, in crowded places, you can place ads on the purchase of mobile phones, publish them in the media. As a result, a lot of people, your potential customers will recognize about your business - cell phone repair.

Additionally, you can attract visitors to mobile phone stores. It is necessary to conclude a cooperation agreement with the organization. You will be given permission to advertise the business in the salon, you can declare yourself as a service. It is necessary to think over marketing moves to attract customers. For example, discounts on services, bonuses for commissioned used equipment.

Business organization

In the workshop it is necessary to hang on the wall the master’s work schedule, price list for services, and rules for consumer services. AT consumer corner There should be a book of complaints and suggestions. The face of any company is its sign. It should be bright, attractive, informative. Keep in mind that cell phone repair is a business for the future.

You always need to look ahead and plan how your business will develop in the future. If all the repair work will be carried out efficiently, and your employees will politely serve customers, then there will be many visitors in your workshop and this will provide you with a stable income. As a result of business expansion, you can open several points in the city and expand the range of services.

Project payback

How successful was the business plan of the workshop for repairing cell phones, can be estimated by calculating its profitability. First of all, the income will consist of the cost of repairing electronic devices, software costs and wrapping, which is done on purchased parts (it is one hundred percent). The older the phone comes to you for repair, the higher the extra charge for parts for the device.

As an additional income, you can purchase obsolete devices. They can be repaired and sold at an affordable price. As a result, if you withdraw net profit (business income minus the cost of premises, equipment and salaries for employees), you can calculate how long the project will pay for itself. In one month, you can make revenue of up to one thousand dollars. On average, they say a period of up to three months.

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Reason for complaint
Mikhail Tonkovckiy
I would like to create my own business, but how much money will be spent on everything?
Andrey Chernoshtan
The article is interesting and useful, but very superficial.


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