
Profitable business: production of milk powder. Equipment for the production of milk powder

milk powder production

Today, its own food production business is beginning to acquire more and more importance, as this industry allows to make good profits. Unfortunately, at present, many entrepreneurs are completely oblivious to the production of milk powder.

But this is sad and stupid! In most regions of our country, there are no manufacturers left at the local level. Meanwhile, the needs of the food industry in this raw material are great, and sometimes it is necessary to import it from abroad.

Where is it used

Oddly enough, but milk powder is used much more often than ordinary people remember about it. For example, it is used for the production of expensive varieties of natural cosmetics, for the manufacture of reconstituted milk and some dairy products. This is especially true for regions of the Far North, where cows (for obvious reasons) cannot be kept.

Of course, it is widely used in the confectionery industry, in canning and in the manufacture of animal feed. In short, the production of milk powder is justified, if only because the market is huge, and its saturation is negligible.

This is especially true for those regions where dairy farming is poorly developed for some reason.

Raw materials used

The advantage of the freeze-dried milk business is that it does not require large investments. It is permissible to use the cheapest milk with low fat content and the maximum content of somatic cells as raw materials. The requirements of GOSTs and equivalent Federal Laws (which are not yet available) are quite soft.

Development prospects

Establishing the production of milk powder, you can very well count on its further development. You have every chance to establish a full-fledged plant producing all types of dairy products. Given the cost of it in recent years, you will hardly have to complain about low profits.

If you are not afraid of the strict requirements of the SES and constant inspections, we recommend that you pay attention to the production of dry infant formula for baby food.

milk powder production technologyIn addition, on the same equipment it is possible to produce egg powder, bases for soups and broths, and perform extraction.

Thus, you get a multifunctional complex that can bring huge profits. By the way, how much is milk powder?

Even in international markets, the demand for milk powder is huge: for example, up to 4 thousand dollars can be earned per ton of this product in the USA and Canada, in Australia it can be sold at about the same price, and Europe buys it at 3-3.5 thousand. Please note that these are only non-fat varieties!

If we talk about products of standard fat content (about 25%), then a batch of such milk will leave at 5 thousand per ton. In our country, a ton of products with the same fat content will cost about seven thousand rubles. Despite this, even in our country the production of milk powder is quite a profitable business, the profitability of which is 30-40%.

Workshop Requirements

The premises in which this food product will be produced must meet sanitary requirements. Be sure to have a water supply system, sewage and heating, as well as electrical wiring, designed for 380 volts.

It is imperative to equip the workshop with system forced ventilation, and to tiling the floor and walls with ceramic tiles. For this purpose, you can use plastic or other materials that lend themselves well to washing and disinfection.The same requirements apply to warehouses, with the exception of heating, optional in this case.

Necessary equipment

The production of freeze-dried milk requires only one unit. This is a special drying chamber, the design of which includes several units at once, a pump, a sublimation chamber itself, which is powered by gas or electricity, a bunker for finished products. Powdered milk is fed to a special sifter, and then goes to the packaging machine. Recuperators, conveyors and fans, fat meters, etc. will also be required.

Direct production technology

The technology for the production of milk powder itself includes several stages at once: acceptance of the feedstock and its purification from mechanical impurities, normalization of fat content, pasteurization and cooling. After that, in the sublimation chamber it first thickens, then it is brought to a homogeneous consistency, after which it is finally dried.

Consider all stages of the process in more detail.

Detailed production description

First, the milk warms up to a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius. After that, it goes to the cleaner, where it is run through a system of filters that remove small fibers, wool and other debris that has passed through the filters on the farm.

Often, milk powder producers in Russia are faced with a high content of somatic cells. This is due to the fact that cows with mastitis are not so rarely milked into the general stream. So in our case there are no extra filters!

Milk is heated so that products with different organoleptic characteristics mix as evenly as possible. Immediately after this, it is sent to the normalizer, where there is a separation into the product with the required fat content and cream.

skim milk powder production

After this comes the turn of pasteurization, the conditions of which can vary greatly depending on its type: if the milk is heated to 65 degrees for half an hour, then we are talking about a long-term variety; when it heats up to 95 degrees for a minute - about short, and at 98 degrees and a couple of seconds of heating - about instantaneous.

This process serves to destroy the harmful microflora. After this, the milk is cooled, filtered again, and then enters the sublimation chamber, where it is evaporated until 40% of the dry matter remains in the mixture.

Then the resulting composition is homogenized, that is, adjusted to a homogeneous consistency. And only after that the production of skimmed milk powder passes to the final stage when it is subjected to final drying. Subsequently, the finished product is packaged in branded packaging.

Equipment and its cost

Today on the market there are lots of offers for the sale of the equipment you need. Moreover, for about 55-60 million rubles, you can become the owner of a monoblock complex, where it is easy to produce not only milk powder, but also the entire line of dairy products, even cheeses.

A separate sublimation unit will cost around 10 million rubles. Price depends on capacity, manufacturer, and other factors. It will be necessary to purchase cooling and heating plants, pasteurization machines and fat analyzers, filtration systems and tanks.

What to buy: a finished plant or each component separately?

If you see what equipment for the production of milk powder you need to purchase separately, then you probably decide that the purchase of a plant (monoblock) is more justified. In principle, the way it is. Firstly, it will be much easier to establish. Secondly, having the opportunity to produce such a wide range of products, in any case you will find your niche in the market.

Simply put, high-quality and fresh dairy products will be happy to take on sales chains. Another thing is that finding a suitable site for such a large-scale production can be difficult.

Alternative approaches

Despite the extremely high profitability of the sale of milk powder in regions with poor agricultural development, an entrepreneur may just encounter a situation where there is simply no raw material for production.

In this case, the only optimal solution may be to organize your own small dairy farm for at least 500 cattle. Of course, all this makes setting up your business more expensive ten times, but in the future you can get excellent dividends.

milk powder factory

In addition, we draw your attention once again to the fact that, whenever possible, you should not focus on milk powder only: the more varieties of these products you produce, the more protected you are from market risks.

In this case, the business will become much more sustainable. In short, summing up all of the above, I would like to recommend the construction of a plant for the production of milk powder in those regions in which there are no problems with raw materials. In this case, it will be necessary to establish good logistics for the delivery of products to those areas in which there is a shortage.

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Please tell me where can I buy milk powder for 7000r ton? dnc.vrn@yandex.ru
Good day! I was interested, well written. And with whom to consult about a purchase. I will be grateful . With respect, Nicholai . Write to mironov.mtsensk@yandex.ru
Good afternoon. I was interested in this idea.
Tell me if there is a project consultant
making milk powder?
Sincerely, Dmitry Semenov
Oleg Oleg Dmitriy
I am not a site moderator, but we ourselves are in search of investments for our production. If you have the necessary means, we can talk and find common interest. We are a strong team of COM manufacturers.
Email: oooleeegggg@gmail.com


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