
Order on the appointment of a person responsible for labor protection. Necessity, conditions of creation and rules for writing a document

On the basis of Article 212 of the Labor Code of Russia, each employer is obliged to ensure the most safe working conditions for their employees. Responsibilities for such work are assigned to an individual employee. For this, a special order is created on the appointment of a person responsible for labor protection. To do everything right, you need to know the basic subtleties of this issue.

Legal requirements

Issues of labor protection are devoted to the entire 10th section of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, article 217 contains all the information that relates to the organization of this work in any enterprise. The first thing the employer has to do in this regard is to issue an order to appoint a person responsible for labor protection.

order to appoint a person responsible for labor protection

But before this, one important circumstance must be taken into account. In the case when the number of employees exceeds fifty people, a special service should be created or an appropriate position should be introduced into the staff. The specialist who will do this should have certain knowledge and skills in this area, as well as undergo appropriate training in advance. There are special courses for this, at the end of which the employee is issued a certificate confirming his competence. In enterprises with a small number (less than 50 people), such work can be done by the employer. It is also possible to use the services of a specialist from the outside, having hired him under a contract. In both cases, it is necessary to create an order to appoint a person responsible for labor protection. In the absence of such a document, all work carried out in this direction will be considered invalid.

Mandatory conditions

Before preparing an order to appoint a person responsible for labor protection, it is necessary to carry out several mandatory actions:

  1. Choose from among the employees who will be involved in this work.
  2. Get full consent from him. The law prohibits all kinds of coercion.
  3. Draw up an additional agreement to a specific employment contract concluded with this employee.
  4. Develop appropriate instructions and familiarize the performer with it.
  5. Refer a future responsible employee to a specialized organization for training. There, at the end of the course, he will be given a special certificate, which will become the main document giving the right to occupy such a position.

After completing all of the above items, the leader can already issue an appropriate order. In the first part of such a document (justification) the phrase “In order to ensure safe working conditions at the enterprise” is usually written. Then, as usual, the word “I order” goes, and then the functions that are assigned to the responsible employee are listed.

Enterprise electrical safety

According to existing rules, at each enterprise for proper organization of labor protection it is necessary to comply with certain electrical safety conditions. One of the company's employees should also be responsible for this work. It is possible to assign such duties to him only by issuing a special order to appoint him responsible for electrical safety.

order of appointment as responsible for electrical safety

This issue has its own subtleties.The fact is that only a person who has the appropriate certificate for this and the fourth access group can be responsible for the work of all power plants available at the enterprise. A mechanic or engineer who is responsible for the operation of the corresponding equipment may be suitable for this work. If these employees do not have such a document or it is expired, then it makes sense to undergo training. After receiving the relevant documents, you can with full confidence begin to issue an order. Some employers consider such an order unnecessary and optional. This usually happens in organizations where there is no powerful power equipment. This opinion is erroneous. Even the availability of a computer and fax requires responsibility for organizing the safe operation of electrical equipment. The order is issued by analogy with the previous version and has a similar wording.

Safe work indoors

Based on labor protection standards, fire safety is an important factor. It is also necessary to monitor it accordingly. And for this it is necessary to prepare an order for the employee responsible for the premises.

order of the person responsible for the premises

It will be assigned to him the responsibility of monitoring the state of a particular object. The first paragraph of the order indicates the person who will be responsible for work in this area carried out throughout the enterprise. But besides the main production, there are many other premises such as warehouses, shops, utility rooms and administrative offices. There, too, all fire safety regulations must be observed. Therefore, for each of the listed premises, an employee is assigned, who will monitor this work. As a separate paragraph of the order, control duties are assigned to them with the indication of F. I. O. and the position held. Usually, heads of structural divisions or heads of services are selected for this.

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