
Bonus order: sample (form T-11)

At any enterprise, sooner or later a situation arises when it is necessary to draw up a bonus order. A sample of such a document should always be at the personnel officer's hand.

Basic concepts

Under production conditions, it is impossible to ensure that all workers work the same way. Someone will be sure to cope with their duties better than others. Such employees are usually encouraged. It can be anything: a letter, gratitude, a cash prize or a valuable gift. In any of these cases, you will certainly need to issue a bonus order, a sample of which should reflect the essence of the decision as correctly as possible.

bonus order sample

The task can be simplified a little if you first draw up and then approve a separate bonus provision. It should consider all possible ways of promotion, describing each of them in detail. Such a document should be in the accounting department and serve as a justification for the application of one or another option. Having such paper on hand, it will not be difficult to prepare the usual bonus order. The sample will help to make sure that the information is accurately conveyed to the desired employee.

Order of registration

As you know, an order is a document that expresses specific orders of management. Its publication should be preceded by a series of events taking place in a certain sequence. For example, one of the employees excelled at the workplace, and the management decided to somehow celebrate his labor impulse. In this case, first the immediate supervisor must draw up a report or memo.

In it, he is obliged to briefly describe the situation in which this employee showed himself in a special way, and make suggestions regarding the options for his promotion. The document must be registered with the secretary, and then, along with the rest of the mail, it will be on the head's desk. Having studied all the circumstances, he makes the final decision by setting the appropriate resolution. After that, the document goes to the personnel department, where the bonus order is formed. A sample in the form of a project is submitted to the director for approval. At this stage, any adjustments may still be made. The final version with the signature of the head is transferred to the accounting department for accrual.

Contents of the order

In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to understand what exactly should contain a sample order for bonus payments to employees. It is necessary to clearly understand what information should be in it, and in what sequence it is better to state it.

sample order on employee benefits

Any order of this kind in accordance with the rules of execution should consist of several parts:

  1. If the document is not drawn up on a special or letterhead, then the name of the company must be indicated at the top of the sheet.
  2. The following is the title of the document, as well as its date and place of publication.
  3. After that there should be a stating part. It details the reason that led management to make such a decision.
  4. After the word “I order” the administrative part follows. It should clearly indicate the size and terms of payment of the bonus. Here, the director instructs the chief accountant to monitor how the accrual will be made. After that, the individual responsible for monitoring the execution of this order is appointed as a separate paragraph.

The order is signed by the head himself. After that, he is given for familiarization to the employee.

Document form

To simplify the work of creating administrative documents in April 2006, the Goskomstat of Russia developed a unified form No. T-11.

employee bonus order

With it, you can very quickly and without much difficulty draw up an order for bonus payments to employees. The form is the main text containing omissions, and several separate tables are required. The document is executed on a blank sheet of A4 format. In the upper right corner there is a “cap” in which enterprise codes are recorded. Next, after the company name and details of the document is the selection of basic data about the employee. After that, the type of promotion is clearly indicated. Its description can be selected from the prompt indicated in brackets.

Then, after a detailed description of the promotion, a list of documents is compiled that are the basis for the publication of this order. At the very bottom of the form should be two signatures: the director and the employee to whom the award has been issued. Goskomstat took into account the fact that there are cases when incentives concern not only one employee, but also a group of people. For such purposes, form No. T-11a is provided. in text, it resembles the previous sample. Sometimes, for ease of reading, information about employees is collected in a separate table.

Drafting a document

There are three types of cash incentive orders. It all depends on the type of bonus. It usually happens: monthly, annual or one-time. But from this, the sample order for bonus payments to employees does not change significantly. For these cases, you can also use form No. T-11a.

sample employee bonus order

However, some enterprises prefer to independently develop the form of such a document. In principle, this is not prohibited by law. The main thing is that the text of such an order should contain all the main points that need to be reflected in order to substantiate the accrual. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the size of payments must also comply with the Regulation on bonuses, which must be at every enterprise. It is necessary to describe in detail the possible reward options and the corresponding maximum reward amounts. Before approving the draft order, the manager must consult with his leading experts so that there are no contradictions between the documents. Otherwise, any employee can apply to the court to restore justice in this matter.

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