
What is a social pension? Social Security

The Russian state is regularly engaged in supporting citizens in need of support. There are several varieties of social guarantees, on the basis of which the government fulfills its obligations to legally incompetent or dodgy citizens. To understand what a social pension is and how it is paid, it is necessary to determine the segments of the population that need material support. This category includes pensioners, people with disabilities and other persons who do not have guaranteed sources of income.

Old age pension

what is social pension

Elderly people who have reached a certain age can apply for such a social pension. In particular, for men, this bar corresponds to 65 years, and for women - 60 years. The main condition for granting the right to receive such a pension is the absence of payments for seniority. By the way, a labor pension is not accrued if the person's experience is less than 5 years. In 2015, the social pension was indexed, on the basis of which its size amounted to about 4,800 rubles. At the same time, a bonus of 1,590 rubles is also provided for dependents.

In addition, representatives of the indigenous population of the North are entitled to receive this type of social pension. For them, the age limit for claiming payments corresponds to 50 and 55 years, respectively, for women and men. But it is important to note that not all nations can receive a pension under such conditions. The government compiled a list of small nationalities that are engaged in reindeer husbandry, hunting and other fishing activities characteristic of the far north.

Disability pension

amount of social pension

The main condition for the availability of rights to this kind of social security is the fact that a disability group has been established. This may be one of three groups. At the same time, it is important that disability be confirmed by an expert commission. To participate in the social security program, you must provide a disability certificate or an extract from the act of the survey. As a rule, these documents are issued by medical and social institutions. As in the case of old-age payments, a social disability pension can be justified only if the person has no seniority. In other words, if an incapacitated person does not have the right to receive a retirement pension, he can count on social support for the disability group.

Social pension for children

social disability pension

Minors can count on social payment pensions on two grounds. Firstly, by the presence of a disability group, and secondly, by the loss of a breadwinner. In the first case, minors who have a congenital or acquired disability are considered. Questions about what a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner is less common, however, this category of citizens also has the right to support from the state. It is important to note that adults also belong to this group of people. These are full-time students who have not yet reached the age of 23.

Pensions for loss of breadwinner

For the current year, the government has prepared a document that reflects the results of indexing pensions for categories of citizens who have lost the breadwinner, as well as the size of material payments. So, for 2015, the size of the social pension, depending on the conditions for receiving it, is as follows:

  • For disabled people of the first group it will amount to 11.455 thousand rubles.
  • For disabled people of the second group - 9.54 thousand rubles.Orphans and minors who have lost a single mother can expect the same amount. Such payments are accrued provided that the child has been disabled since childhood.
  • 4,769 rubles - this amount is charged to persons with disabilities of the second group who are not legally incapable from birth.
  • For disabled children of the third group, the amount of social pension will be 4, 053 thousand rubles.

Features of social pension

social pension indexation

Initially, this social support tool was introduced as a way of providing people who are not eligible for seniority pension. This determines the main condition for receiving payments by persons who do not have a guaranteed source of income. But over time, a legal conflict arose. For his understanding, it should be recalled what a social pension is and on what it is based. In a sense, this is an alternative to a retirement pension, but in some cases its size exceeds the amount of benefits for seniority. To resolve the conflict, the following criteria were introduced for determining persons who are not eligible for seniority benefits:

  • Citizens who do not have work experience to assign a pension of this type.
  • Do not apply for her appointment.
  • Citizens who are eligible for retirement benefits, but have applied for its recall.

The introduction of a clearer definition of the conditions for the payment of pensions made it possible for people to choose between two pension options, one of which is social. That is, if a working person can be accrued both a labor and higher social disability pension for payments, then he can refuse the first option of support in favor of social security.

Where is the pension assigned?

social pension for the disabled

Citizens with the right to social support have the opportunity to apply for a pension to the local Pension Fund. As a rule, territorial bodies work with citizens not only at the place of registration, but also at the address of their actual residence. But before applying it is necessary to determine whether there is reason to receive it at a particular time. For example, a social old-age pension can be accrued only if the citizen has reached a certain age at the time of application. The application itself can be submitted in person or by mail. In this case, the day of circulation can be considered both the date of sending, and the time when the application was received at the Pension Fund. It depends on which system the person uses the application - mail or the MFC.

Appointment dates

The setting of the moment from which the payment of the pension begins does not matter. In any case, the pension will be established on the 1st day of the month in which the application was submitted, but not earlier than the citizen had formal rights to it. So, if a social pension is granted to disabled children, then in any case, the calculation of payments will begin on the 1st day of the month of application. But there are exceptions. In particular, they relate to children with disabilities who, under 18, received a pension, the appointment of which was stopped due to reaching adulthood. The indefinite granting of a social pension, depending on the conditions for recognizing a person as legally incompetent, can be applied to all categories of citizens entitled to such support.


old-age social pension

Despite the many formats and conditions that govern the payment of social pensions, all of them are aimed at systematizing the material support of citizens. Again, it is worth remembering what a social pension is and why it is needed. This is a means of helping disabled people who, for one reason or another, are deprived of the opportunity to have guaranteed income. The state, for its part, is developing more and more new programs and ways to regulate the sphere of social security in order to provide more effective assistance to people with disabilities, elderly citizens and minors who have lost their breadwinner.

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