
Pension co-financing: state program. Pension benefits in Russia

Since 2009, a co-financing program for the funded part of the pension has been launched. Now the Russians voluntarily give their retirement contributions, the state invests these funds in assets, returning money to the citizens with interest. Under the program, you can get as much as 480 thousand rubles.


The pension co-financing program has been developed for all categories of the population. Its essence lies in the fact that a citizen contributes funds to a separate account. The minimum investment amount is 2,000 rubles per year. The state doubles this money and pays an amount equal to the contribution. Co-financing of a pension allows participants to receive a maximum of 12 thousand rubles. in year. If a citizen within the program contributed 12 thousand rubles, the state will pay the same amount. But if the amount of the investment exceeds this figure, then the budget will still receive only 12 thousand rubles.

pension co-financing

The maximum duration of the program is 10 years from the date of receipt of the first installments. Each participant can decide on the termination or resumption of transfers, to regulate their size. The maximum amount of surcharge that can be obtained in the framework of such a project as pension co-financing is 120 thousand rubles. For working pensioners who have not yet applied for benefits, the maximum contribution for the year is 48 thousand rubles. For the entire duration of the program, you can get 600 thousand rubles.

How to get involved?

It is necessary to write an application for state support in the pension fund at the place of residence, send it through the employer or transfer agent. This is an intermediary between the PF and the population. Non-governmental PFs, asset management companies (AMCs) and other financial institutions may act in this capacity. If the citizen is outside the country, you can send a statement certified by a notary or consular officials by mail.

Pension Co-Financing Program

All listed contributions are included in the composition of the citizen's savings and are credited to his personal account. That is, the same organization that manages the funded pension is engaged in management. By default, it is AMC Vnesheconombank. Citizens can choose AMC or NPF as an agent.

The funded pension is kept on an individual account and can be paid:

  • at a time;
  • several payments during the specified period;
  • parts together with the main payment.

pension co-financing program

In the second and third cases, the amount of payment is calculated according to a simple formula. The Russian pension, held on an individual account and including the funded part and investment income, is divided by the specified number of years or months. The amount of payment depends on the amount of money in the account. Therefore, a program of state co-financing of a pension was developed so that citizens could independently replenish their social benefits.


At the end of each year, citizens can decide on the formation of savings and insurance premiums. If a person abandons the formation of savings, then all insurance premiums paid at a rate of 16% will be sent to the insurance payment.

“Silence”, who had never chosen AMC or NPF before, should have submitted an application to the FIU on choosing the option of accumulating pension savings by the end of 2015. All other citizens can also move to another PF or refuse a specific intermediary of AMC or NPF. For this, they should also submit an application.For persons who wish to remain “silent” for 2016, pension accumulations at the expense of employers will no longer be formed from 2017, and all contributions will be sent to the insurance payment.

Persons who in previous years at least once filed an application with the UK or NPF, and it was satisfied, the funded pension will still be paid from insurance premiums. They do not need to submit an additional 6% application. You can get savings in type of pension (social, labor, disability, in case of loss of the breadwinner). After the death of a person who did not manage to receive his payment, the money will be given to his heirs.

state pension co-financing program

Changes in pension co-financing

Any citizen can transfer fees. But co-financing for pensioners will work only if the citizen has not yet received social benefits from the state. For a retired judge, the restriction is to receive monthly maintenance. These features do not apply to military personnel, firefighters, internal affairs.

The state pension co-financing program is limited in time. Recent statements were adopted in December 2014. The program began to operate if the first installment was paid before January 31, 2015. Persons who did not manage to meet these requirements on time, funds from National Welfare Fund don't get it.

Long term programs retirement savings in European countries have long become a familiar phenomenon. In Russia, the demand for them is not so great. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

co-financing for pensioners

Lack of control

By investing in a pension program, a person loses control over them. Unlike the same mutual funds and deposits, co-financing of pensions cannot be stopped ahead of schedule. But sometimes there are situations when you need a large amount of money. For example, to organize a wedding or start your own business. In such a situation, accumulation may be required.

Lack of confidence in the retirement plan

Most of the working population of Russia works informally and receives salary in an envelope. In the best case, the official income of such citizens is shown several times lower than the actual one, in the worst case it is absent at all. In theory, co-financing of a pension is just intended for such categories of citizens. But then the duration of the program should be lifelong.

Russian pension

I want to live well now, and not in the distant future

As you know, the hardest thing is not to make money, but to postpone it. Under this program, citizens have to transfer funds to the PF or AMC account independently. That is, a person must consciously refuse to satisfy his needs in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. today, in order to receive in two decades a sum twice as large. This is difficult primarily psychologically. When an ordinary salary is issued, all deductions are carried out by the accountant. The employee already receives a “net” amount of funds.

In addition, the retirement age is constantly increasing. Some people just don't live up to it. The mentality of our fellow citizens is also of great importance. All state and long-term is considered as another way to withdraw funds from the population.

changes in pension co-financing


4 million 680 thousand citizens receive money from savings. Almost 16 million people participate in the pension co-financing program.

In 2012, since the entry into force of the RF law "On the Procedure for Paying Pension Savings", 5 million people applied for benefits. For 4.5 million applications, a decision was made on a lump sum payment, since the amount of funds in the accounts was not enough to arrange a pension. Another 3 thousand people receive urgent payments. And only 20 thousand citizens use funds from the funded part of the retirement pension. The average size of such payments is 9.4 thousand rubles, 831 rubles. and 692 rubles, respectively.

As of December 31, 2014, 15 million 934 thousand people became participants in the co-financing program. In 2014, the total amount of contributions amounted to 9.6 billion rubles.That is, the average transfer size increased from 6.962 thousand rubles. in 2013 to 8.497 thousand rubles. in 2014. Over the same period, the amount of contributions transferred through employers increased by 7 1% and amounted to 200.5 million rubles. Over the past two years, about 40 billion rubles were raised. The state received transfers worth 12.422 billion rubles.

pension co-financing payment


Pension co-financing payment will be available to citizens who:

  • annually transfer more than 2 thousand rubles. in the form of contributions;
  • filed an application until 12/31/2014 and paid the down payment until 01/31/2015.

To date, new members can no longer join the program. Existing PFR or NPF clients may continue to form or refuse to accumulate pensions.

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