
Types of pensions: sizes and some subtleties of their calculation

Now we will try to study the types of pensions with you. This question is not so difficult. But to know how much pensioners should receive as state support in a particular case is another question altogether. Just it, frankly, excites many. Pensions in Russia are recalculated annually, and the system itself is constantly undergoing some changes. Sometimes they are not always in favor of the population. Let's find out what types of pensions are found, and also consider the nuances of their calculations.

The concept

But first, let's figure out what we are dealing with? What is a pension? Perhaps few people do not know what this concept means. And the types of pensions now play a key role in the person's entry into adulthood. After all, from the moment of building a career this or that citizen begins his relations with our today's system.

types of pensions

Pension is a kind of support from the state. It is paid either to the needy (which is extremely rare and in exceptional cases), or to pensioners. That is, people who have reached the so-called retirement age. Types of pensions in the Russian Federation are divided into many types. And each type has its own calculations. So what can pensions be?


The first type that you should pay attention to is insurance payments from the state. They are enshrined in law and spelled out in federal laws, but not all are required. Types of insurance pensions have three directions:

  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • by the loss of a breadwinner.

types of labor pensionsThere are no other types of such “contributions”. In any case, almost any citizen can receive such payments, but only after reaching retirement age. For men, at the moment it is 60 years old. In the near future, this figure will increase. Women can expect an insurance pension after 55 years. They should also prepare for certain raises of the “bar”. True, in order to receive an insurance pension you will also have to have a certain length of service.

Insurance Pension Terms

Types of pensions - this, of course, is quite an important point. However, it is also worthwhile to understand who has the right to apply for one or another state payment, as well as how exactly calculations are made for one or another type of compensation from the government. What do you need to get an insurance pension?

First, as already mentioned, retirement age is needed. Prior to it, you will not be able to apply for an insurance pension. But after - easily. Secondly, for each species there are specific rules. For example, in order to receive a disability pension, you must be a disabled person. And help for the loss of the breadwinner is paid to families who have lost the only "earner." People should be disabled or dependent. This is such a strange and complex system. When it comes to old-age payments, a pensioner must have at least 15 years of work experience.

types of state pensions

The sizes of insurance pensions have their own calculations, in principle, like any other compensation. For starters, it’s generally worthwhile to understand what types of pensions in the Russian Federation are taking place. Indeed, practice shows that a citizen has the right to only one type of compensation from the state.


Go ahead. The following payments are made only to those who have worked for many years. After all, we are talking about labor pensions. Perhaps they are more interested in people than any other compensation. There is nothing surprising in this, since working officially and transferring a certain amount of income to the Pension Fund, I would like to receive a corresponding reward in my old age.Types of labor pensions do not differ from insurance. If you believe the Federal law, then here you can get:

  • old-age pension;
  • disability
  • with the loss of the breadwinner.

True, this is not all. We will find out the conditions and calculations for this type of pension a little later. They are not so difficult to understand if you work officially and have some kind of stable salary. In the meantime, what types of pensions can still be found? Indeed, this is not the end of our conversation.


Do not forget about those who served in the army. Such people are most often entitled to special pensions. The “servicemen” are assigned the so-called military pension. Perhaps it is she who brings the least problems. Everything is very simple here: the more you served, the higher your compensation will be in the future. It all depends mainly on the length of service and, of course, on the salary.

types of insurance pensions

But here, the types of pensions cannot be completed. Among other things, you can count on state and social compensation and support. The former, as a rule, fully cover the needs of people, and the latter partially.

Composition of pensions

Kinds state pensions we, in principle, have studied. Now you need to understand what they consist of. After all, money for payments must be taken from somewhere. In some cases, the state budget takes full responsibility for this, but somewhere it all depends on the person and his work.

In general, any payments that are due to working people have two parts — insurance and funded. The first point is usually fixed. It is determined by the state and recounted from year to year. But the funded part of pensions is already a more difficult moment. It depends on your seniority, as well as the salary that you received.

About social pensions

What about pensioners who have never officially worked in their lives? Or, for example, housewives and mothers who constantly sat on maternity leave, as well as just citizens who do not have particularly long working experience? They are entitled to social benefits. Types of social pensions are no different from previous options. All the same - by age, disability and loss of breadwinner.residence permit pension

In principle, one should not rely especially on these payments. Why? Social support is now not very large. And it is paid only if you have at least 5 years of work experience. This is for 2016. Whether this indicator will increase or not is unknown. This may include caring for the elderly, as well as raising children under 3 years of age. So you can get to social pensions without any problems. On average, in Russia you can count on approximately 8,311 rubles a month for such calculations. This is for able-bodied pensioners who for some reason did not have seniority. People with disabilities are entitled to about 12,371 rubles (for children).

Old age pensions

We already know the types of pensions. But now it’s worth finding out the details of the calculations. This is perhaps the most important. After all, if you have a small salary, then sometimes it makes no sense to work tirelessly in pursuit of good retirement benefits in the future. Especially since modern pension system annually undergoes some changes. And these laws that were used last year are no longer relevant for the current one.

Old-age pension is calculated according to a simple system. It consists of insurance and funded parts. Savings is calculated according to this principle: all the money in the account with a pensioner in the Pension Fund is divided by 228, and you get the amount that is added to the insurance payments. Here the divider is the number of months how much the pension will be supposedly paid. By working more, funded accruals can be increased.

concept and types of pensions

But the insurance part has a different scheme. Here, fixed payments are multiplied by the retirement deferral coefficient. After that, they need to add the product of the individual pension deferral coefficient with preliminary multiplication by the cost of the pension coefficient.It turns out something like:

Insurance = (COP * FV) + (COP * IR) * PC.

Nothing difficult, right? True, special attention is now being paid to labor pensions. How exactly are they calculated? What are the nuances here? All this will have to talk in more detail. Maybe at your work you cannot secure a good old age.

Military calculations

Military pensions, as has already been said, least of all cause troubles to people. And this is understandable - here the settlement system is extremely simple, it does not suffer any significant changes. How to find out how much a soldier should be paid for service after retirement?

The first 20 years give 50% of the salary accrued to the employee. And after that, for each "additional" year, 3% is added. But there is one limitation: it is impossible for the amount of “premiums” to exceed 85%. The result, as practice shows, is only pleasing. After all, the military has a rather big salary. And pensions too.


What to do if you just worked all your life and counted on good help from the state in your old age? Here you have to grieve - labor pensions quite often undergo a variety of changes. And since 2015, a point system has been introduced. Depending on your experience, you get special “points”. They, in turn, will provide you with certain payments.

what types of pensions

That is, the system is approximately the following: the sum of all points is multiplied by the cost coefficient. Now, in 2016, it is about 70 rubles. This value will be indexed annually by the state. Therefore, no one can say exactly what kind of pension you can get in a few years. This is not the best moment, but it does occur.


To receive a pension, of course, you will have to submit an appropriate request. And only after that you can "earn" pensioner status. What exactly is required of you? The list of documents is not so big, but it is better to know. So, take to the Pension Fund:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • residence documents (or residence permit, pension without such papers is not accrued);
  • confirmation of experience;
  • statements of income;
  • SNILS;
  • work book;
  • account details for accruals;
  • "papers" confirming the state of health or the need for support.

If you are being registered as a pensioner at the same time, you will have to bring an application for the issuance of a pension certificate and 4 photos of size 3 by 4. That's all. Submit documents and wait for a response from the Pension Fund.

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