
Sample application to the prosecutor's office and all the details of the correct filling

The prosecutor's office is an important body of each state, which monitors compliance by citizens with the laws of the country.

If a person has witnessed an offense, he is obliged to apply to the relevant authorities. In order for the appeal to be considered as quickly as possible, it must be correctly composed. And the sample application to the prosecutor will contribute to this.

sample application to the prosecutor

Government function

The prosecutor’s office protects the rights and interests of citizens in accordance with the laws of the country. The main functions of this structure are the investigation of criminal cases, as well as control over:

  1. Acts of law enforcement.
  2. The implementation of laws by federal authorities.
  3. Respect for human rights and freedoms.

The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is a single centralized system of bodies and institutions, which includes:

  • Attorney General
  • Territorial (organizations of cities, regions, etc.).
  • Specialized prosecutor's offices (military, transport, environmental, etc.).
  • The Investigative Committee, whose task is to conduct an investigation.

sample application to the prosecutor for fraud

How to draw up an appeal to the authorities?

An application to the prosecutor's office can be written by both an individual and a legal entity. The complaint must contain information about the offender. Be sure to indicate the last name, first name, middle name, address and contact details of the applicant. The appeal is made in writing to the name of the prosecutor. Relevant documents (if any) and evidence are attached to it. If the document does not contain enough requirements, it may be rejected for additions. Therefore, it is better to use the services of a lawyer who will correctly draw up a sample application to the prosecutor. Example:

To the prosecutor

__________________ district


residing at____


Tel .______________________


I ask you to conduct a prosecutor’s check and protect my rights for the following reasons:



Date Signature

According to the current legislation, the period for consideration of applications is from 15 to 30 days. An answer will be given in writing to the address provided by the applicant. Only one complaint is filed. Repeated appeal on the same issue is not considered.

Sample application to the prosecutor’s office

A statement is an appeal by citizens to the appropriate law enforcement authorities in order to take appropriate measures. Complaints are always subjected to investigations and checks, as they are associated with the inaction of certain organizations and structures.

A considerable number of them go to housing and communal services. When some citizens come to terms with such concepts as garbage collection and a leaking roof, others do not want to put up and defend their rights with the assistance of officials.

Before you write a statement to law enforcement agencies, it is worth trying to figure out the municipal organization yourself. To do this, you need to go with a similar complaint to the housing and communal services and describe the cause of the inconvenience. The document is written in duplicate.

It must contain the number and signature of the applicant. Both copies are registered in the housing and communal services, one remains in the hands of the person who is addressing. If the communal organization ignores the presented requirements, then it is already necessary to go to the prosecutor's office.

The complaint must indicate which service is not provided by the utilities. You also need to attach evidence (this may be photographs) and a copy of the appeal itself to this organization. The application is made in duplicate.

sample of registration with the prosecutor’s office

Employer Application

One of the most common complaints is against the employer. This is due to the fact that today there are more and more private enterprises.Employees of such structures are not socially protected.

Often, an application for an employer is associated with non-payment or delay of wages, as well as life-threatening working conditions or failure to comply with safety regulations.

The complaint must be filed at the place of registration of the organization of which you are an employee. The document is drawn up in 2 copies - one sample of the application to the prosecutor’s office for the employer remains with the victim.

Complaining about “his superior”, in addition to evidence, it is necessary to stock up with witnesses who will confirm the applicant’s words. It should also be noted that any false treatment is punishable.

This type of application is written in the standard form: the heading indicates the applicant's first name, middle name and last name, address and telephone number; the main part describes the situation and the request for action; at the end is a number and a signature.

sample application to the prosecutor's office of the employer

Sample application to the prosecutor for fraud

According to article 159 of the Criminal Code of Russia, fraud is a criminal offense. The victim has the right to apply to the prosecutor's office to recover material damage, where criminal proceedings may be instituted against the fraudster.

The application is submitted both in writing and orally. In the latter case, a protocol is drawn up, which indicates all the personal data of the applicant. The document is fixed by its signature.

Any statement must be in accordance with all office rules. This is the main guarantee of success. Therefore, it is better to use the help of specialists who will help to draw up a sample application to the prosecutor’s office regarding fraud. A well-composed appeal has:

  • Correctly stated and formulated facts.
  • References to regulations.
  • Appropriate writing style.

Incorrectly written application will not be considered. A response to the appeal will be received within 10 days.

sample application to the prosecutor

Criminal proceedings

This procedure is the first stage of the criminal process during which authorized officials establish the presence or absence of a reason to start proceedings.

Only officials can initiate a criminal case. The basis for this is as follows:

  1. Statement of the crime committed.
  2. Confession Turnout.
  3. Media reports about the crime committed or the intention to commit it.

Statement in law enforcement the victim or another citizen who knows about the crime can write about the crime committed. It must be correctly composed, listing the arguments and facts. Information about the applicant is indicated - his surname, first name, address and contact details; the place and time of the crime committed, and the nature of the damage. How to draw up a document? To do this, there is a sample application to the prosecutor’s office on criminal proceedings, and you must provide it. The complaint must be registered, a protocol is drawn up and only then sent to the desired structure.

Material on the crime is transferred to the investigation department, which begins its investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, a criminal case is instituted.

Sample Fraud Prosecutor’s Application

Pending complaints

The application, which got to the prosecutor's office, is considered within 15-30 days. After a prosecutor’s check, an answer about the resolution of the case arrives at the applicant’s address. It may be satisfactory or explanatory. The complaint may be redirected to other authorities for resolution, which the applicant is also notified of. Sometimes the appeal to the prosecutor's office is rejected. This is due to several reasons:

  • The statement contains foul language.
  • Composed pointlessly.
  • Written in illegible handwriting.
  • He has insufficient information about the applicant and is equal to anonymous letters. The prosecutor’s office does not consider anonymous letters.
  • A statement on the same issue has been resubmitted.

That's why, before contacting law enforcement with a complaint, you should consult an experienced lawyer. In addition to the consultation, the lawyer will help draw up a sample application to the prosecutor's office, which, in turn, will expedite the time for consideration.

criminal case filed with the prosecutor

In the end

In each country, a person has his rights and obligations. If his rights are violated, do not tolerate, you should contact the law enforcement authorities for proceedings. After all, when unlawful actions are punished, then there are less crimes. In order for the appeal to the authorities to be considered and satisfied, it should be correctly written. For this, there is a sample application to the prosecutor’s office, which specialists for lawyers will help to prepare for a moderate fee.

Download a sample application to the prosecutor for the management company

Sample application to the prosecutor for non-payment or delay in wages

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Hello, a very important and interesting topic. We recorded a video in which we examined in detail how to write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office - https: //www.youtube.com/embed/5g0dziD_sxI&t = ...
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