
Psychology of performance: what is a specialty where you can work

Psychology of performance is the name of one of the specialties of a psychological profile. If this concept seems unfamiliar and unusual, do not be afraid of your ignorance, as it appeared literally several decades ago.

Performance psychology: what kind of profession

A person who has mastered this specialty can be accepted for the post of psychologist in various organizations and institutions. During the teaching of subjects and disciplines, the main emphasis is on the study of the behavior of people in critical and stressful situations.

specialty performance psychology

Such specialists are able to conduct rehabilitation measures and consultations for employees of law enforcement agencies, evaluate candidates and select personnel for organizations, as well as adjust the general atmosphere in the work team of enterprises and companies.

Where Performance Management Services May Be Required

First of all, it should be pointed out that students who have mastered the specialty “Psychology of official activity” can rely on the position of full-time psychologist in some power structure or organization from among law enforcement.

In this case, their responsibility will be psychological assistance accompanying the official activities of the employees of these institutions (personnel of the army, police, rescue service, judicial and other systems).

The specialty “Psychology of performance” provides graduates with the knowledge sufficient to enable them to perform the functions of a personnel manager in enterprises of various forms of ownership. Today, a competent and competent psychologist is part of a team of business companies, private enterprises and government organizations.

performance psychology

As a personnel manager, such employees participate in the professional selection of personnel, evaluate them in different areas and indicators, and also help newcomers adapt.

Psychology and teaching

Composing a program for training specialists in the field of “Psychology of Performance”, the developers provided for the possibility of employing graduates in various educational institutions.

university psychology

Being in the state of municipal organizations, social and psychological centers, schools, kindergartens, universities, specialists perform the tasks of a psychologist or psychologist-consultant.

In addition, in the presence of leadership abilities, ambitions, determination and self-improvement ability, a graduate can achieve the status of a trainer manager, mentor, coach in any company. The activities of those specialists who are part of the HR department of large enterprises are to train employees of the organization, as well as to develop a set of various programs to optimize the educational process.

Able and hardworking psychologists open private practice and provide consulting services, establishing interpersonal relationships, are engaged in career guidance, career planning, professional or personal development of their clients.

Where can I get the specialty "Psychology of performance"

You can learn the wisdom of the art of psychology in many universities of a social or psychological direction, as well as in those that train managerial personnel.

performance psychology what kind of profession

For admission, you need to pass several entrance exams: two required (Russian language and biology) and additional (computer science, foreign language, mathematics).

Universities help students with the “Psychology of Performance” course get skills such as:

  • Compilation psychological portrait employee, forecasting, analysis and assessment of his working conditions.
  • Development of programs aimed at preventing possible violations of social and personal status, mental development of team members.
  • Rehabilitation and assistance to persons who received psychological injuries as a result of extreme situations. Recovery of their disability.
  • Compilation of dossiers of company employees.

Also, during the educational process, students learn basic medical knowledge and learn how to provide first aid to victims.

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