
Breeding aquarium fish as a business from A to Z. Where to start an aquarium business

breeding aquarium fish as a business

Today, a lot of people are fond of breeding fish. So, aquariums can be found not only in apartments and houses, but also in offices. At the same time, some varieties are more popular, and some are less in demand.

In this regard, the cultivation of aquarium fish as a business is a rather interesting and promising idea. Moreover, this business cannot be called complicated, and serious competition in it has not yet been observed at all. We’ll talk about how to create an aquarium business from scratch today.

Why is it worth doing this?

Here are a few factors that make this business attractive:

- the prices for aquariums, equipment, fish and algae are quite reasonable, in this regard, you do not need a lot of capital to start;

- breeding aquarium fish as a business can be done at home, thereby not spending money on rental premises;

- there is no serious competition;

- technologies of the breeding process are quite simple, so you do not need special training - it will be enough to read the relevant literature;

- if aquariums are your hobby, you have a real opportunity to do what you love and earn money on it.

aquarium business

Which fish are best bred?

If you decide to start an aquarium business, then use a few useful tips:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of supply and demand in pet stores, markets, as well as advertisements in your city. Find out which species of fish are in greatest demand, and also find out which species are difficult to obtain.
  2. It is advisable to abandon the selection of the most famous and common fish species. Of course, their breeding is the easiest, but selling them will be more difficult. Indeed, for example, goldfish can be found almost everywhere, not only in pet stores, but also at home with aquarists.
  3. We also recommend that you refuse to breed very rare and little-studied fish, since it will be very difficult to find a buyer for such pets.
  4. It is undesirable to opt for imported fish (for example, the habitat of which is located in the coastal brackish waters of Asia, India and Australia). This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to get offspring from them.

business aquarium business plans

According to the owners of such a business, breeding aquarium fish as a business will be profitable if you choose the following species:

- Barbus Denisoni (its cost is from 500 to 1500 rubles).

- Synodontis Petricola (they can be sold at a price of 200 to 500 rubles).

- I read a knife (they sell it at a price of 800 rubles).

If you still decide to give preference to common species, then it makes sense to do the same goldfish or cichlid parrot.

breeding aquarium fish

Breeding aquarium fish as a business: procurement of equipment

Despite the fact that this business can be confidently called low-cost, a certain start-up capital is still required. Mostly he will go for the purchase of the necessary equipment, which will consist of the following elements:

- Aquariums. You can buy them at a price of 7-10 thousand rubles apiece. To breed fish you need at least a dozen aquariums.

- Compressors. They are devices for enriching water with oxygen. Their cost is about 1,000 rubles apiece.

- The filter for water purification (the price is from one thousand rubles).

- Daylight lamps (700-900 rubles).

- Thermostat (400-500 rubles).

- Car feeder (1000 rubles).

The number of compressors, filters for water purification, lamps, temperature controllers and automatic feeders should correspond to the number of aquariums.

Room equipment

As we already said, the business plans of the aquarium business most often do not require the rental of additional space due to the fact that it is possible to place all the necessary equipment in your own apartment. However, for such an activity, it is recommended to allocate a separate room, which is desirable to darken. Daylight in it will be replaced by artificial lighting.

The aquariums themselves should be located away from heating appliances and batteries. It is also necessary to keep in mind that even a fishery consisting of 10 aquariums will have significant weight. To withstand it, the floors must be strong enough. In addition, it must be borne in mind that in no case aquariums should be placed in several tiers.

Is it possible to make money on growing aquarium plants

Important aspect

Despite the fact that the cultivation of aquarium fish can not be called a complex process (especially when it comes to common species), before engaging in such activities, it is necessary to study a lot of relevant literature.

After all, you should know everything about your floating wards in order to provide them with a suitable microclimate and optimal conditions for reproduction. In addition, one should be aware of the diseases to which fish are exposed. This issue should be taken very seriously, otherwise you may be left without offspring, and therefore without profit.

Fish implementation

There are two main options for selling your live goods: directly to private aquarists, resellers, or pet stores. As a rule, fish breeding entrepreneurs combine both methods of marketing their live products. However, it should be borne in mind that when selling goods through resellers, the price for it will automatically be lower than when selling directly to the final buyer.

Breeding aqua fish as a business: the financial side of the issue

In order to start such a business, an amount of 150-200 thousand rubles will be required. As for current expenses, they will amount to about 5-7 thousand rubles per month.

Now calculate the estimated profit. Based on the fact that one female is capable of producing up to hundreds of fry per year, and the average cost of an adult fish is from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the species, then your income from only one female can reach 25-75 thousand rubles . In this regard, we can confidently say that the aquarium business is quite profitable and promising business.

breeding aquarium plants as a business

Additional income

Many, thinking about organizing a business on fish, ask themselves the question: is it possible to make money on growing aquarium plants? The answer will be unambiguously positive. After all, a person, having decided to start an aquarium at home, wants it to look beautiful, and this can be achieved with the help of not only cute fish, but also a variety of algae.

In addition, this business does not require special initial investments and maintenance costs. Therefore, if you decide to breed aquarium fish, nothing prevents you from allocating a couple of aquariums and plants. However, do not forget that there are many varieties of algae that need different conditions of detention. Therefore, as in the case of fish, before you start breeding them, you need to study the relevant literature. You can also sell algae through pet stores or markets, as well as directly to customers.

Thus, breeding aquarium plants as a business can be a great addition to your business selling fish, because they require much less investment and labor than waterfowl, and the income from them is quite good.

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