
Business for aquarium fish: breeding and sale of aquarium fish. How to open an aquarium fish store

breeds of aquarium fish

Recently aquariums with original and exotic fish have been increasingly decorated not only with private offices, but also with halls and offices of large enterprises.

This is not surprising, because they give a certain atmosphere of calm and balance to any room. Do not forget about private lovers of this kind of interior decoration. In this regard, the business of aquarium fish now looks very attractive and promising.

What you need to know

Successful implementation of such a business idea requires certain knowledge. At a minimum, it is necessary to distinguish between predatory and herbivorous species, as well as the subtleties of proper care for them. As well as the breeding of domestic fish, their cultivation for sale should occur in good light, corresponding to the natural level.

Among other things, various aquatic plants must be placed in the aquarium. The main thing is that they are familiar to fish of one species or another. Another important nuance to keep in mind is the presence of a carbon dioxide dispenser.

The water in the aquarium should have a stable temperature. As for the fish, they (especially tropical species) need not only food, but also the constant addition of various mineral top dressings.

Installation of aquariums

Breeding of aquarium fish should begin with the organization of habitat for them. As practice shows, the installation of a rack will be very appropriate. It can consist of both two and three tiers. Here the aquariums themselves will be installed. The main requirements for the rack are its high reliability and durability, because several hundred liters of water are placed in each tank.

On the top shelf it is recommended to place an aquarium intended for manufacturers, on the average - spawning, and on the bottom - a growth. Such placement will greatly facilitate care. The fact is that in this case it is possible to pour water from the upper aquarium into the lower ones - this has a favorable effect on the biological state inside the tank, as well as on the growing fry.

Breeding aquarium fish

Which fish is best to start with?

As practice shows, it is best to start an aquarium fish business with breeding the simplest and at the same time best-selling species. In addition, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances such as loving, omnivorous, as well as the speed of development. All this will allow you to acquire certain skills and experience, which will help to significantly expand the range of enterprises in the future.

Choosing fish for business

A very important issue in this type of business is the understanding of a novice entrepreneur of what kind of aquarium fish he will breed. It all depends purely on the initial financial investment. In the event that, in addition to tens of thousands of rubles, it is possible to give all your time, you can start breeding expensive breeds worth up to 500 US dollars per individual. A clear advantage here is that there will be few such fish in the aquarium.

However, there is another side to the coin. The point is that such varieties require special care, and their living conditions should be ideal. In this regard, there is every reason to believe that it is better for businessmen who are just starting this type of entrepreneurial activity to cultivate simple and at the same time unpretentious breeds.

fish farming

Simple types of fish

As noted above, unpretentious fish are bred much easier. However, this does not mean at all that you cannot make money on them. More likely, on the contrary. The most common simple breeds that do not require too much from their master are betts, goupias, and also gouras.

The first of these varieties is popular all over the planet and is quite a peace-loving fish. Its only drawback is that it is impossible to allow more than one male to be in the same aquarium.

Goupias are the most popular breed. Their key feature, in addition to a beautiful appearance, is that they multiply quickly and independently. Moreover, for this they do not need to create any special conditions.

As for the gourami, their breeding requires only timely cleaning of the aquarium and a change of water. The cost of one separate individual of each of the mentioned breeds of unpretentious fish is in the range from thirty to seventy rubles.

Food and its varieties

Breeding fish as a business is impossible without the use of feed. There are two varieties of them: living and artificial. The first type allows you to provide much better results in comparison with even the highest quality and modern artificial feed.

As for the second variety, one of the best is considered to be a beef heart. It just needs to be cleaned of the film, and then cut into small pieces and freeze. Later, such food is rubbed on a grater and introduced in small portions. An important feature is the fact that water under its action practically does not deteriorate.

Required Investments

The lion's share of the entire initial budget is allocated to the purchase of an aquarium. It can be either one large, or several small. As entrepreneurial experience shows, it is most advisable to start with two or three aquariums, the total volume of which is about three hundred liters. The cost of this pleasure is approximately 60 thousand rubles.

In addition to this money, approximately 15 thousand rubles are needed for the acquisition of fry, and another 5 thousand for the means of caring for them. With all this, do not forget about feed and various specialized literature. Thus, at the initial stage of business development, breeding aquarium fish will cost about 100 thousand rubles. It should be noted that in the future, certain varieties of feed can be grown independently, which will save significantly.

Fish implementation

Until recently, entrepreneurs in this area faced such a problem as the sale of fish. Now, with this, everything is much simpler, because there are many pet stores, markets and the Internet, which is used more and more often from year to year.

It should be noted that the sale through the store of aquarium fish can only be carried out with the appropriate permission issued by the veterinary service. When selling on the market it will be necessary to issue permission to trade. Both in the first and in the second case, certain financial costs are required.

There are two ways to sell fish. At the first of them, they are sold in adolescence. In this case, the cost of one individual will average 10 rubles. When using the second method, older fish are realized. Then you can earn up to 100 rubles for one.

You need to be prepared for the fact that, no matter what method of marketing, the initial investment will pay off no earlier than five to six months. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact that if you organize and conduct an aquarium fish business efficiently, you can earn at least 25 thousand rubles a month.

Aquatic plants as a way to increase profits

If the entrepreneur is actively engaged in the cultivation of aquarium fish, it will be quite advisable to grow aquatic plants in parallel.The fact is that they are in high demand in bird markets. Moreover, for some of them you can earn substantial money. A vivid confirmation of this is echinodorus, the cost of which is on average $ 17 in domestic equivalent. However, for most plants, you can take about $ 2 from a client.

Be that as it may, the cultivation of aquatic plants, as well as the breeding of fish, is done in an aquarium. At its bottom, nutrient soil should be laid, and a lamp should be installed on top. After that, you can start planting plants. A very important condition in this case is to ensure the proper level of humidity inside the aquarium. This can be achieved by completely covering the soil layer with water. Another mandatory requirement is to cover the container on top with glass.

Plant Care For Sale

Before planting aquarium plants intended for further sale, they must be washed with clean water at room temperature. In addition, it is advisable to give preference to young seedlings, since there is a high probability that a large species does not take root. It is also recommended to pre-perform disinfection by placing them in a two percent manganese solution for up to ten minutes.

We must not forget that aquarium plants do not like crowding. In this regard, it is recommended to observe the distance between the seedlings. As for the soil, it should be loose, which will provide a comfortable and constant water flow. To avoid pallor of aquatic plants, you can use special additives containing iron and other nutritious beneficial elements.

breeding fish

Fish diseases

The main problem faced by a person who organized a business on aquarium fish is the occurrence of various diseases in them. Most often, they appear due to weakened immunity, which is usually associated with the lack of the proper amount of live food.

In order to counter this, it is recommended to add it to fish in food at least three times a week. Live food, which includes nematodes, daphnia, enchitrous, as well as fruit flies, can be cultivated independently.


Summing up, it should be noted that aquarium fish as a business look very attractive. In favor of this type of entrepreneurial activity is its high profitability and stable income. Moreover, in the future it can be expanded by increasing the range due to similar products - varieties of fish, aquatic plants, feed and so on.

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I want to do it, but I don’t know how. I have about 50 guppy fish so far, and a couple of swordfish and gourami ...


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