
The most expensive dog breed. Name, description, prices

Many people make pets, wanting to make a loyal friend, and the rest - to emphasize their status and position in society. For such purposes, well-known dog breeds are bred, the cost of which is sometimes very impressive. Determining the high cost is a list of factors.

the most expensive dog breed

Among them, special attention is paid, of course, to the purity and rarity of the breed, the number of titles and awards, as well as the excellent health and appearance of the dog, that is, the exterior. The difficulty in determining the most valuable representative is due to fluctuations in value depending on the above criteria and on the country of origin. However, it is quite possible to list the breeds of dogs for which the owners are ready to pay a round sum.

Description and name of dog breeds

The list of the most expensive pets opens Bichon Frize. This is the most expensive dog breed, according to the corresponding rating. Bichon is a representative of miniature decorative dogs. The country of origin is France. About this amazing breed learned only a couple of centuries ago. Bichon Frize has a playful character, as well as excellent companion qualities for his master. This snow-white and furry friend is able to surprise with his intelligence and inquiring mind. It will cost the owner in the range of 500 to 8 thousand dollars, depending on the purity and pedigree.

beautiful dog breeds

Bearded collie

The name of the dog breed sometimes very clearly describes the representatives. For example, now we’ll talk about just one such species. Its name fully reflects the external data of the dog.

Bearded, or the bearded collie, is a representative of the ancient family of shepherd dogs that appeared in the Scottish territories. Discussions are underway that they appeared as a result of breeding a lowland Polish Shepherd and Bobtail. The name of the breed best describes the exterior of its representatives. They have a long coat, which gives them intelligence. Slenderness, strength, as well as a beautiful character make the dog very popular among representatives of other expensive breeds. Sociability, easy learning, cheerfulness - all these and many other features inherent in birdie collie make him a real favorite of the owners. The cost of puppies is from 8 hundred to one and a half thousand dollars.

Chow chow

large dog breeds

What other beautiful dog breeds are there? For example, among highly valued pets, fluffy Chow Chow found their place. They are representatives of one of the most ancient breeds that belong to Spitz. Initially, they appeared from distant ancestors of wolf origin. These were hunting breeds of dogs, which were further bred in Buddhist temples, observing their thoroughness. They have a wayward character and even stubbornness, which greatly complicates the process of training. Only the right, patient approach can make an affectionate and devoted pet out of this doggy dog. The acquisition of a puppy will cost from 600 to 1700 conventional units.


Hunting breeds of dogs are sometimes used not only for their intended purpose. With their help, settlements were also protected in ancient times. For example, a representative of a breed with a somewhat strange name Samoyed not only went hunting, but also helped herd herds, transport sledges or carts, he was also often left to look after children in the tribes. It is not surprising, because dogs have an enviable calm and restraint, developed intelligence, positive attitude, sociability. They are very sociable, so they get along well in families with children.A feature of this breed is that breeding interventions did not affect it. She preserved her original appearance as she did 3 thousand years ago. The training process requires special attention. A puppy costs between 600 and 1800 dollars.

Many believe that fighting dog breeds are also expensive. However, all of them are the result of the crossing of hunting representatives. Based on their rating, we can draw conclusions about the cost of puppies.


What small dog breeds are expensive? Now consider. For example, the Yorkshire Terrier, the cost of which reaches up to 2 thousand dollars, his cousin Beaver and King Charles Spaniel, as well as the snow-white Maltese, are slightly more expensive - up to 2.5 thousand Orange, or dwarf Spitz, and affenpincher, which will cost up to 4 thousand. , Lyon-Bichon, or Leuchen - up to 7 thousand. All these tiny and small pets have a diverse, but definitely loyal and loving character. Like most miniature breeds, they will be happy to keep company with their owners almost everywhere. Each of them has its own criteria for purebredness, which relate mainly to appearance.


Someone likes large breeds of dogs. Why? Yes, because these dogs are usually calm, but at the same time have a brave character. One of the representatives is a special type of guard shepherd named Komondor. Their service to the human race totals about ten centuries. They are distinguished by an outstanding exterior. Possessing a large body and well-developed muscles, they are covered with long hair, similar to a fringe. Komondor is a very helpful, balanced and courageous pet. The training process is easy and effective. It is hard to find a more loyal friend. Puppies will cost the owner from 1200 to 2 thousand dollars.

hunting breeds of dogs

Wolfhound Irish

The Irish wolfhound, which belongs to the category of hunting, is distinguished by its large size. According to one version, the breed appeared as a result of mating Celtic dogs with those who lived in the area. At the dawn of the 19th century, it was threatened with extinction, but until the end of the century they managed to restore it and even officially register it. Dogs possess all the external characteristics of hunters. The muscular body is held on long, steady paws. They have a kind and calm character, and also demonstrate their strength, endurance and enviable courage. The cost of a puppy is 1.3-2.3 thousand dollars.


dwarf dog breeds

The most ancient breed of domesticated animals is the Persian Greyhound, or Saluki, which possesses exceptional intelligence and grace. Their roots come from Arabia. Mentions and images of such representatives were found among ancient Greek monuments dating back to 3 thousand years BC. e. Greyhounds are selective in their sympathies for people, it is very difficult for strangers to gain their trust. However, their calm nature often emphasizes the intelligence of the owners. They give affection and attention to each member of the family. Puppies have a cost of up to 2.5 thousand dollars.


Many large dog breeds are a national treasure of many countries, in particular the eastern. Some of them are very small in number due to various factors. For example, the Chongqing breed. Dogs presumably have ancient Chinese roots. In ancient times, they were an indicator of status for representatives of the nobility. Now throughout China you can count no more than 2 thousand chongqing dogs. Pets have a very friendly and balanced character, get along well with all family members, especially with children. Although it may seem that in his pedigree there are fighting dog breeds. The cost of a puppy is up to 3.5 thousand dollars.

Akita Inu

Not far from their brethren were the ancestors of the Akita Inu service dogs. They first appeared in the northern part of Japan.In the country, these dogs are national pride and heritage, and also have the status of a natural monument. By their nature, Akita Inu are very restrained, have a lively intellect, courage, nobility and devotion, and also perfectly cope with the function of a watchman. With training, there are no special difficulties. Puppies will cost the owner in the range from 1 to 3.5 thousand dollars.

Thai ridgeback

Of particular interest is the description of dog breeds, which are a national treasure. Another pride also comes from eastern countries. Thai Ridgeback is a hunting breed, which at first was exclusively in the eastern territories of Thailand in purebred form. It was the most expensive dog breed among the poor. However, thanks to her excellent hunting skills, she often brought prey to the owners. After some time, several representatives of this breed were moved to California. That's how it got its distribution. These dogs are distinguished by activity and physical form, which certainly should be maintained by making long walks. In addition, they surprise with their wit and waywardness. The owner will have to try to outwit the pet and show who is in charge. The cost of puppies reaches 4 thousand dollars.

Canadian eskimo dog

This dog is an inhabitant and reliable assistant of man in the Far North, thanks to his skills, he gained distribution in the middle latitudes. His Nordic appearance, as well as a very dedicated character and high ability to train explain the growing popularity. Having a small number and requiring special care, puppies achieve considerable value. Therefore, this is the most expensive dog breed based on the rating. The amount is at least 7 thousand dollars.

Tibetan Mastiff

The dog of this breed impresses with its size. Therefore, it is easy to guess that he served as a watchman or shepherd in the Himalayas, as well as in Central Asia. Until now, these dogs do an excellent job with the role of security guards in private homes. For all their might and size, they often behave like puppies. By their very nature they are very balanced, kind and restrained. Despite the long and thick coat, representatives of this breed are notable for their cleanliness. They love children very much. The Tibetan mastiff is the most expensive dog breed, as its representative Hong Dong was sold for one and a half million dollars. He was acquired by a coal tycoon from China. And the cost of purebred puppies reaches 8 thousand dollars.

Pharaoh Hound

fighting dog breeds

Most owners choose smooth-haired dog breeds for the convenience of caring for them. One of these is a representative of an overseas family, dating back about 5 thousand years ago. This is a pharaoh dog. She is a representative of an ancient breed of the category of hunters. One version of its origin says that the breed came to the island territories of the Mediterranean on Phoenician ships. In the 20th century, dogs were introduced to the UK, where they officially received their recognition. They have a sharp mind and kindness.

They love to frolic and play, and are also very attached to the owner. This is due to their inherent power in character. Therefore, they are sometimes able to show jealousy in relation to the owner. This is an excellent companion, the cost of which is from 1 to 7 thousand dollars.

dog breeds description

English bulldog

What beautiful breeds of dogs with short hair still deserve attention? For example, English bulldogs. These dogs combine the qualities of a companion and a bodyguard. They were bred in English territory in the 19th century and are considered national pride. Both in appearance and character, representatives of this breed are distinguished by their seriousness and efficiency. They are very individual and have a unique disposition.As befits the English gentlemen, dogs have aristocratic restraint, demonstrating with all their appearance exceptionally good manners and equanimity.

However, these pets can not do without masterful attention, especially since caring for them takes a lot of time and effort. However, the love and devotion that the dog gives back is worth any effort. Puppies are estimated in the range from 6 hundred to 2.5 thousand dollars.


Dwarf dog breeds also take root well and find admirers among the English population. One of the brightest representatives is the favorite of the royal couple - Pembroke-Welsh Corgi. They have a good character, love attention and give devotion to their owners. Puppies cost from 1 to several thousand y. e. depending on thoroughbred.

small dog breeds

However, not all dwarf dog breeds possess similar character traits. Some of them are truly explosive and very active representatives. One of them is the Norfolk Terrier. In his miniature body, it seems, the energy of several power plants is collected. He charges with positive everything that comes in his way. Very dexterous, hardy, courageous, loving and devoted pet. The cost of puppies is from one and a half to 2.5 thousand dollars.

What other small dog breeds are there? For example, a Japanese poodle is striking in its miniature size. An adult dog reaches a weight of about 1.5 kilograms and up to 15 cm in height. The cost of puppies is approximately 5 thousand dollars.


Now you know the description of dog breeds that are expensive. Based on the above data, one can easily say how much the owner of the dog walking along with him along the street cost the owner. It is worth adding that in addition to financial investments when buying, you also have to spend money on decent maintenance, training, veterinarians and other needs. After all, it is one thing to buy an expensive breed, and it is quite another to provide a pet with proper care.

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