
Certificate of conformity of the Customs Union. Register of certificates of conformity of the Customs Union

The certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Customs Union is issued by authorized bodies of the Customs Union. A strict accounting of the forms of both the document itself and its annexes has been established. The certificate of compliance with the regulations of the Customs Union has four levels of protection. Let us consider in more detail how it is made out. certificate of conformity of the customs union

Letterhead Protection

The certificate of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union contains:

  1. Graphic translucent element.
  2. Guilloche frame.
  3. Typographic number.
  4. Microtext located around the perimeter of the frame.

Manufacturing specifics

Forms are printed in the member countries of the CU by the printing method. The document number contains an indication of the state of manufacture. In particular, on the forms issued in the Republic of Belarus, there is a designation of the BY series, Kazakhstan - KZ, Russia - RU. A single certificate of conformity of the Customs Union is issued in Russian. If necessary, the name of the manufacturer, the address of the location, including the actual one, with the exception of the name of the state, as well as information about the product (brand, type, model, article and so on) are indicated using Latin letters. The reverse part of the form may be filled out in the language of one of the member countries of the Customs Union in the manner prescribed by the Rules. register of certificates of conformity of the customs union


All fields are filled in the certificate. There is no graph numbering on the form. The certificate of conformity of the Customs Union is filled in the following sequence of fields:

  1. The main inscriptions. This field is issued in 2 lines: "CUSTOMS UNION" and "CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY".
  2. Registration number. Each form is included in the Register of Certificates of Compliance of the Customs Union. The registration number is formed on the basis of the provisions of the legislation of the countries participating in the CU with this abbreviation.
  3. Mark of circulation of goods on the markets of member states.
  4. The typographic number formed in the manufacture of the form.
  5. The full name of the authority that issued the certificate of conformity of the Customs Union, its location, actual address including contact information (phone, e-mail). In addition, in this field indicate the registration number and date of registration of the accreditation certificate of the authorized structure, the name of the authority that provided it.  certificate of compliance with the regulations of the customs union
  6. The full name of the applicant. The same column shall indicate information on the state registration of an individual as an individual or legal entity, location of the enterprise, actual address (for organization), place of residence (for citizen), as well as contact information.
  7. Full name of the manufacturer, location, address of actual location / residence (for legal entities or citizens, respectively).

Product Information

It is indicated in field 8. This column provides information about the product for which the certificate of conformity of the Customs Union is provided, including:

  1. The full name of the product.
  2. Data providing identification of objects. They include the brand, model, type, article and so on.
  3. Details and name of the document according to which the product was manufactured. It could be standard technical regulations technical conditions or other regulatory act.
  4. The name of the certification object. This line indicates the batch, production of a series or a single product. In the first case, the delivery size is entered.If the certificate of conformity of the Customs Union is issued for a single product, its serial number is indicated. In addition, details of accompanying documents are given for him and the party.  certificate of conformity with the technical regulations of the customs union

Additional fields

Field 9 contains the product code for the HS. Column 10 shows the name of the technical regulation of the TS. Field 11 contains information on the documentation confirming the fulfillment of the requirements established in the TR. In particular, this can be information about test (research) or measurement protocols indicating the date, number, name of the center (laboratory), registration number and period established for the accreditation certificate, other materials provided by the applicant as evidence of compliance with the rules of the technical regulation of the Customs Union.

Column 12 shows the terms and conditions of storage of the goods, their shelf life (service). The 13th field indicates the date on which the declaration and certificate of conformity of the Customs Union were registered. Check information on the validity of the document can be on the common database of the vehicle. Dates should be indicated in the appropriate form (date, month and year are given in Arabic numerals). Column 14 contains the date on which the document expires. In box 15 is stamped the authority that issued the certificate of conformity of the Customs Union. It also indicates the name of F. I. O. of the head (the person designated by him), an expert. The form must be certified by the signature of these specialists. Faxing is not allowed. single certificate of conformity of the customs union

Important point

If the amount of information in columns 8 and 9, as well as 11, 12, is large, information can be given in the appendix. It is drawn up on the corresponding form. The application acts as an integral part of the certificate. Each page should be numbered and contain the registration number of the main document, initials, last names, signatures of the head (the authorized person appointed by him), experts, as well as the seal of the authority that issued the form. In the appropriate fields of the certificate there should be links to the application with the sheet number. certificate of compliance with the requirements of the customs union


The applicant may be a legal entity registered under the laws of the CU member country or a citizen in the status of an individual entrepreneur, being a seller / manufacturer or performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an appropriate agreement. The declaration of conformity is issued on sheets of paper in A4 format. All fields of the document must be filled out, with the exception of cases established in the TS Rules. Information in the declaration is entered in Russian using a printing device. If necessary, data on the name of the manufacturer, his address (including actual), data on the product (article, brand, type, model, and so on) can be indicated in Latin letters. On the back of the document, information may be contained in the language of one of the member countries of the CU in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules. customs union certificate of conformity check

Special provisions

Entering into the documentation information not provided for by the Rules, any corrections in the text, abbreviations of words are not allowed. Copies of certificates, if necessary, are made on a sheet of paper in A4 format. Copies must be confirmed by the signature of the applicant, a print of his seal (for individual entrepreneurs - if any).


The certificate of conformity is a binding document for goods transported across the border. Its presence confirms the safety of products, compliance with the requirements of the CU TC, as well as the laws of the CU member states. The information in the document must be reliable and complete. Supervisory officers should be able to uniquely identify the product, as well as the manufacturer. For this, special Rules for issuing a certificate and declaration are developed.They are allowed to fill out annexes to documents in case the amount of information is large enough. At the same time, links to additional pages should be present directly in the certificate itself in such fields. To obtain a certificate, the applicant provides a package of documents defined in the TC TC. A prerequisite is the conduct of research and product testing. According to their results, relevant conclusions are issued, serving as the basis for the provision of the certificate. Failure to comply with these rules entails a refusal to issue a document.

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