
How many schools in Moscow? On the number of educational institutions of the capital

How many schools in Moscow? It is not so easy to answer this question, because the number of educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region is constantly growing. Information varies on many resources, and therefore it is difficult to understand how many schools in Moscow are currently available. However, if you try to divide the city into districts or districts, then you can still find the exact number.

The number of secondary schools in Moscow

So, which districts of Moscow have the most educational institutions? The largest number of educational institutions is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow - there are exactly 200 of them. 2 schools account for less in the Western administrative district, and 3 less in the Eastern administrative district. All other districts of Moscow contain no more than 100 educational institutions. The only exception is the Northern and North-Eastern districts, each of them has 168 and 183 schools, respectively. But how many secondary schools in Moscow in total?

In total in the capital 1369 medium educational institutions. Of these, 125 gymnasiums and 64 lyceums. Moreover, the number of private institutions is 15% - there are only 200 of them. There are also 183 specialized schools in Moscow. They are divided into the following main groups:

  • language: 109 schools;
  • physical and mathematical: 9 schools;
  • with in-depth study of IT informatics: 7 schools;
  • with in-depth study of biology and chemistry: 3 schools;
  • with in-depth study of economics and law: 8 schools.

The remaining 47 educational institutions belong to other specializations not mentioned above.

Art Schools in Moscow

At present, about 150 art schools operate in the capital. Most of them are educational institutions musical and artistic. So how many music schools are there in Moscow? There are 74 music schools in the capital. However, taking into account private and commercial institutions, the number of metropolitan music schools exceeds 100 institutions.

how many music schools in Moscow

It is also worth considering that you can get a musical education not only in specialized institutions for this, but also in various boarding houses, gymnasiums, art schools and studio schools. Every year, the Moscow authorities open about 4-5 music educational institutions, which is a very good indicator. Thus, obtaining a music education in 2016 can be carried out in 152 institutions in Moscow. There are 62 art schools in Moscow. At the same time, a considerable number of them are private institutions.

Sports schools in Moscow

How many schools in Moscow with a sports bias? Probably, this question is asked by every parent who wants to send his child to study at an educational institution, where special attention is paid to physical education. There are exactly 14 schools with a sports bias in the capital. At the same time, one of the sports schools operates on the basis of the Moscow Economic School, and the other on the basis of the Pavlovsk Gymnasium.

how many comprehensive schools in Moscow

Among the 14 presented sports schools in Moscow there is an educational institution of the Olympic reserve (sports school No. 49), a sports school - boarding house "Podmoskovye Zori", a swimming school, aikido school, a health school (No. 1804), a volleyball school (sports school No. 65) and some others. It is also worth noting that the number of Moscow sports educational institutions includes three centers of sports and education: these are the LOCOMOTIV CSO, the Olympus CSO and the Municipal Experimental School.

Schools for children with disabilities

How many schools in Moscow where children with disabilities can study? In 2016, there are exactly 32 of them in the capital.Among them are two gymnasiums: No. 1540 and No. 1570. So, Moscow schools can accept children with what health problems?

how many schools in Moscow

Six Moscow schools - kindergartens are ready to educate children with stuttering (No. 1633), with hearing loss (No. 1635), with speech impairment (No. 1638) and impaired vision (No. 1648, No. 1665, No. 1889). Two sanatorium boarding schools (No. 25 and No. 76) will help to educate children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. There are two forest educational institutions in the capital, an educational institution for children with deviant behavior, eight kinds of schools and boarding schools.

Thus, in Moscow there are a large number of institutions in which a child with various kinds of impairments will be able to receive a full education.

Non-standard educational institutions of Moscow

Boarding schools and half-boarding schools, external schools, as well as evening and religious schools can be attributed to non-standard educational institutions. This is because education in such educational institutions is given according to special systems.

So how many Orthodox schools are there in Moscow? There are exactly 16 institutions in the capital where students can get a comprehensive picture of Orthodoxy and study the Law of God along with other subjects. Exactly 6 out of 16 institutions represented are gymnasiums. There is 1 Orthodox kindergarten at a private school, 1 art school and 2 schools at the monastery. The number of Orthodox educational institutions in the capital will soon increase.

how many Orthodox schools in Moscow

And how many schools in Moscow are boarding and half board? In total there are 35 boarding schools and 46 half-boarding schools in the capital. Children living in Moscow can study the general educational program on their own in 35 external schools. And finally, in 10 schools of the capital, children will be able to receive education in the evening education system.

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