
How much does it cost to open an IP: description of the procedure, cost of registration and reviews

Own business is a dream of many. And therefore, society more and more often people are interested in how much it costs to open an IP. After all, everything in Russia must be paid. And for the opening / closing of his business as well. Fortunately, there are several scenarios. Almost any person can become an individual entrepreneur, and subject to certain conditions, opening your own business will not hit your pocket. So let's try to figure out how and how much it costs to open an IP.

how much does it cost to open un

Where to begin

Before taking action, people are advised to preliminarily think through all the nuances of the future business. They will help you in the process of paperwork.

For example, ask how much it costs to open an account for an individual entrepreneur. This is an optional procedure, but it does have a place to be. Sometimes it’s very convenient to have a special account for business. People claim that this will save you from many problems in the future.

Next, you need to think through your activities and the tax system. Some may work on the simplified tax system. This is the most popular choice of modern freelancers who are tired of being afraid of the tax service. By the way, numerous reviews of the company assure that it is such a taxation system that will not only save, but also save you from many problems with paperwork.

Get your TIN in advance. Without it, you will not succeed. This is a free procedure that may not be needed. If there is already a TIN, you don’t need to do anything - just put this “paper” in the list of important documents. Otherwise, apply for the necessary data from the tax service. And even better - over the Internet.

Account for SP

How much does it cost to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur? This topic requires special attention. It is no secret to anyone that the account of an individual entrepreneur is a huge problem for a novice businessman. This is especially true of freelancers who do not "rake in" money and receive a relatively small income.

how much does it cost to open an account for un

On average, the cost of an individual account of an entrepreneur will cost 2,000 rubles. It all depends on which region you live in, as well as your bank. For example, if you ask how much it costs to open an IP account with Sberbank, you will hear that this pleasure will cost 1,500 rubles. Plus, approximately the same amount will have to be paid per month for its maintenance.

In order to open an IP settlement account, you need to collect a lot of documents. This includes:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration of IP;
  • certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • extract from the State Register;
  • a card with samples of seals and impressions;
  • activity patents.

Many argue that all this is a waste of time, money and effort. Therefore, if you ask someone how much it costs to open an IP in Moscow (account), then they will tell you something like "Not at all." After all, often for entrepreneurship people use a regular bank account of an individual with a plastic card attached to it. Small savings. By the way, you will not have any problems with the tax service - just notify the tax authorities in advance that you are using an individual’s account. If you work alone (like a freelancer), no complaints will be made against you at all.

Print making

Well, move on. So far we are talking about optional items that will have to be paid. In addition to the account, some individual entrepreneurs use seals and stamps. Their manufacture will also have to pay.Perhaps, as already mentioned, these are optional expenses, but they exist.

how much does it cost to open a current account for un

How much does it cost to open an IP, or rather, what are the costs of producing an appropriate print? About 500 rubles. It's minimum. The maximum here can not be called. It all depends on the city of residence and the "complexity" of the image. On average, printing is made for 1,000 rubles.

Of course, this will have to be done after the registration of the IP. Many entrepreneurs who work "on their own", alone, advise to refrain from these expenses. After all, saving never hurts. Especially when your income is not very large.


But how much does it cost to open an IP in general? To be honest, as you can see, we can say that you need to consider only mandatory spending. And there are very few of them in this activity. More precisely, there is only one single point. And this is nothing but the payment of state duty. That is, with an "ideal" cost calculation, you should only consider the amount of payment for direct opening.

In 2016, the amount of the state duty upon registration of an individual entrepreneur is only 800 rubles. You will need to keep the payment receipt and submit it to the tax office. Without it, you will simply be denied activity. It turns out that in reality the process of opening your own business is not so expensive. Only some people claim that you will not pay too much for money, but you will have to "kill" enough nerves and time. But if you know how to properly register yourself as an individual entrepreneur, you can avoid some problems and reduce the time for opening.

how much does it cost to open an unip account with Sberbank


Now we know how much it costs to open an IP in Russia. But how to do it? You must write an application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur and submit it to the tax service of your city. It is best to do this over the Internet. The application is filled out in a single copy. In addition, along with it, you need to provide a receipt on payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. And do not forget to make and attach copies of all pages of your passport.

What's next? In principle, this is enough. Some say that when choosing a simplified tax system, you must file the appropriate application in 2 copies. And this is true. Now you can send the whole package of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs to the tax service. You must be registered within 3 days.

Final calculations

What do we have in the end? How much does it cost to open an IP taking into account all the costs? Including temporary. Let's count:

  • duty - 800 rubles:
  • printing - 1,000 rubles;
  • IP account - 1,500 rubles.
  • receiving TIN - 5 days;
  • registration - 3 days.

how much does it cost to open un in Moscow

In total, it turns out that the average opening cost will cost in monetary terms an average of 3,300 rubles, and about a week will be required for paperwork. As you can see, if you know everything about this process, then "your job" is not so expensive. If you decide to open an IP with the help of intermediaries, then you can add about 5,000 to the indicated amount - this is the average cost of the services of third-party organizations.

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