
Security business: how to open a private security company

Few today, perhaps, there are those who would not think about starting their own business. Some only dream, others act. Open their own hairdressers, car services, ateliers, wedding salons. There are many opportunities to realize yourself. But we would like to talk about a somewhat specific type of business - security. And therefore, we will tell you about how to open a private security company. What it is? Under this abbreviation is hiding Private security company - a structure whose employees in our troubled times are very, very in demand. But first things first.

Why chop

Because of all the currently existing types of business, this one can be called the most attractive. Competition in the services market is minimal in this regard, and to start a business requires a tiny amount by current standards. Property protection today is not only a security issue. Having your own security is also a certain criterion of well-being.

In principle, it is understandable. It has always been that way. It is enough to recall at least the notorious dashing nineties. Healthy “pitching” in tracksuits, following like a shadow behind your boss, is, in fact, the “wild” ancestors of today's civilized people dressed in expensive guards costumes. And now, when Russian business has ceased - or almost ceased - to be shadow, it also needs protection corresponding to its status. And the private security company is able to provide it.Private security company


Yes, and there is always an object that needs to be protected, and competition in the market practically does not exist. And the type of business itself is considered one of the most profitable. So, its profitability varies from 20 (in the case of protection of small objects such as shops and schools) to 100% (life protection, escort of especially valuable goods). In other words, the prosperity of a security agency is directly dependent on the range of services provided. And, of course, his reputation, which must be earned. But for this to happen, you first need to open a private security company. How to do it? Now we will tell.

check in

So what does it take to open a chop? Like any type of business, this one also requires registration with the appropriate authorities. But it has its own specific features. So, first you need to register as either an individual entrepreneur (stands for individual entrepreneur) or a legal entity (LLC opening is supposed).

The first option, of course, is simpler, but less preferable, because here you have to work alone, which does not mean good income. Therefore, it is better to immediately go along the second path. Why? Because a full-fledged private security company has the right to exist only with the appropriate license. And in order to get it, you need to have several specially trained - importantly - employees. Even better - with experience in law enforcement. Therefore, it is best to immediately register the creation of your own company. And go for a license.advertising chop


It is issued at the local department of the police department at the place of registration of the “applicant”. Validity - five years, if it goes, it can be extended. Here you should go to your native police department with the following package of documents:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a notarized copy of an existing charter;
  • copy of the memorandum of association and TIN (also notarized);
  • a copy of the certificate of higher education from the head of the private security company (also signed by a notary);
  • a copy of the leader’s passport;
  • the work book of the head of the private security company;
  • a notarized copy of the identity cards of all future guards.

One important condition is that at least three employees must have an identity card from a private security guard. To get the main permit, you will need to pay one and a half thousand rubles. The maximum waiting period is two months. If the authorities do not have any questions, it can be considered that officially a private security company is open. Now it remains only to solve organizational issues.


Naturally, the issue of staff selection is also very important. According to the law, each guard must have an appropriate certificate. Ideally, it is best to invite former law enforcement and security officials to work. Not always so happens. Therefore, in the event that a person is hired without such a document, then he can be registered as an intern and put to work in tandem with an already experienced specialist, while at the same time he will be sent to take special courses.


hire a chopWhat do you need to open a chop yet? Naturally, a room, that is, as it is now called, an office. It is needed for meetings with potential customers, it requires the presence of an armory, as well as places for employees. Based on this, you need to select the appropriate room.

By and large, the “young” private security company does not need a large office. After all, it is necessary to take into account the moment that you will need to pay a certain amount each month as a rent. If the scale of the ventured enterprise at the initial stages does not involve the carrying of weapons by security guards (that is, it is planned to ensure the safety of facilities that do not require its presence: schools, kindergartens and the like), then at first it is enough to have rooms with an area of ​​ten to twelve square meters.

The main thing is that it could fully equip at least one workplace with a desk, computer and telephone. In those cases when it is planned to put the case on a “big foot”, it is necessary to provide for such an aspect as the equipment of weapons rooms. Each of them requires - according to the norms - premises with an area of ​​at least ten squares. In addition, the installation of an alarm is considered a prerequisite.

A few words about weapons

Not every similar enterprise requires weapons equipment. As mentioned above, the safety of shops and shopping centers, hospitals, children's educational institutions is carried out by using several simpler methods and means of protection. The need for it arises only in those cases when it comes to the protection of especially valuable goods, important production facilities, gas pipelines. Since the beginner of the private security company is unlikely to receive an invitation to perform such important missions, his "discoverer" at the initial stage can still be limited to a small room.


Many of those who have long and fruitfully engaged in this type of business argue that opening a private security company is not so difficult. Yes, bureaucratic red tape, finding the right staff and premises, collecting the necessary documents - all this takes time. But the key to success of the planned enterprise is a good customer base. Do not flatter yourself and dream that immediately after opening at the door of your office there will be a queue of people who want to hire you. Chop - the structure is special.

And her clientele is also not quite ordinary. Therefore, the next question after solving the main organizational issues is: “Who will we protect?” In principle, the especially forward-thinking leaders of the newly made company generally put it on the agenda even at the stage of preparing permits, because a good client base is exactly what is needed for making a profit. Where to get it?

As a rule, the security business is a job for those who have already worked in the law enforcement sphere, have relevant experience and, of course, a lot of acquaintances among those remaining in the civil service. So it is them who need to first of all be asked to advertise a new security company and offer its services. In addition, do not immediately build ambitious plans. It is wiser to start working with the protection of just social facilities, gradually expanding your enterprise and raising its reputation.

Advertising chop

Competently filed advertising is of great importance. For these purposes, you need to use local newspapers, print advertisements, a running line on television, flyers and other attributes. It will also be useful to create at least a one-page, but your own website of your chop.

By the way, in order to attract attention to yourself, you need to come up with a sonorous and unbroken company name in advance that would be easy to remember and arouse interest. At first, in general, you can walk through all potential objects - schools, shops, small financial institutions. And, of course, you need to earn a name. Only a security company with an excellent reputation can succeed, occupy its niche in the market and get really good profits.

How much does it cost to open a chop

Maybe we should start with this question, but it’s better to consider it at the end, when we already have at least a rough idea of ​​what a private security company is. True, it will be difficult to give a concrete answer to it, since it all depends on the place where this security structure will be formed. Naturally, in Moscow its discovery will cost many times more than in any regional center.

The costs should include the rent for the premises, which also depends on the city in which it is rented, and on its area. It also matters that we have examined the question of whether employees of the company will need weapons, which, as you know, also have a fairly high cost.

The combination of these and other factors will determine the final amount. But if we take as a basis the fact that a young company is being opened not in the capital, with a minimum number of employees in the state, and its head is making real plans and does not immediately seek to secure a strategically important object (which means initially refusing to buy weapons ), then, according to experts, it is quite possible to meet three thousand dollars. That, you see, quite a bit. Opening your own hairdresser will require ten times the amount.

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