
Do I need to change my passport when changing my last name, and what is needed for this?

Do I need to change my passport when changing my name? This question worries many people who have already received a general civilian identity card with a modified name. Well, if it was decided to change the last name (first name or middle name), then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to replace almost all documents.

Do I need to change my passport when changing my last name

The most difficult

Immediately I would like to say about the difficulties that people will have to deal with, concerned about the issue of whether to change a passport when changing a surname. So the hardest part is the queues. Since it will be necessary to replace not only a civil passport, but also a foreign one, SNILS, insurance, driver’s license and much more, you will have to face the queues regularly. And with the writing of statements, too. However, after 1-2 times the process of filling out forms will become a habit. Many people who think about whether to change their passport when changing their last name decide to postpone everything until later, because they believe that such a procedure is too complicated and lengthy. But in reality, this is not quite so.

According to law

If we talk about whether you need to change your passport when changing your name, you should turn to the law. Because many people mistakenly believe that if this document has not expired, you can use it to the last. This is not true. According to the law, even if the passport will remain valid for several more years, you need to deal with its renewal as soon as possible. Cancellation and replacement of this document is required. To do this, it is necessary to indicate your previous last name (as well as middle name and first name) in the application for a foreign passport.

What else needs to be considered? Filling out the application, you will need to indicate all changes that have occurred in the passport data. You must also write the date when your full name were changed, and the place where it was made. There is also a clause in the form where you must indicate why the passport is issued. In this case, they write “instead of used”. Why not a standard “addition to the existing”? Because the document executed on the previous surname will no longer be valid.

Is it really necessary to change a passport when changing a surname after marriage

Information for brides

Many girls who marry are worried about whether to change their passport when they change their last name after marriage. There are no exceptions for them; the law, as they say, is the same for all. However, if a honeymoon is planned, and all reservations and orders are issued for the old passport (that is, with a maiden name), then you can go on a trip with this document. The most important thing is to do the replacement procedure after arrival. It is worth remembering that the old passport remains valid for another month, but during these 30 days you must submit an application to the appropriate authorities to change the document. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine.

In general, the replacement of all important documents (ordinary passport, foreign, SNILS, insurance and rights) will take about six months at most. If everything is done quickly, then after a few months all passport data will be indicated in all documents.

Do I need to change my passport when changing my name in Ukraine

Good to know

Some are worried about whether you need to change your passport when changing your name in Ukraine. As mentioned above, the law is the same for all. In Russia, and in Belarus, and in Ukraine, and in other countries, it is necessary to change documents. If a person takes another surname (name or patronymic), then, in essence (or rather, according to the law), he changes his personality. It becomes a different person, and the old one, with old names, just disappears from the database.Therefore, do not linger with these processes. Do it all at once. Little worries, the costs are also small, so you should pre-configure that you have to spend your time on this.

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