
Types of family income. Composition of total income. Family budget

Having a family is only half the story. It also needs to be provided with cash. Therefore, today we will find out with you what types of family income exist in the modern world. A family budget is something that requires constant monitoring. Therefore, it is important to understand where these or other remedies come from. So it will be possible to rationally distribute them for a certain period and get the most out of it.


So, the first point that only takes place is wages. This type of income, as a rule, is the main one in the budget of a person and the family as a whole. And it can be received by all able-bodied citizens, even teenagers.types of family income

Salary is the payment of wage labor. The size of this depends on many factors. For example, from the position you occupy, as well as from the demand for a particular specialty. This income in each cell of society is different - someone has more, someone less. But in the end, it is he who is the main source of cash. Not only the family, but also the individual.


In fact, there are many options for making a profit for the "cells of society". Types of family income can be varied. And remembering them is easy and simple. The next point that takes place is the result of entrepreneurial activity.

What does it mean? The income that you receive as an individual entrepreneur will be taken into account in the family budget. And it doesn’t matter whether you work independently or whether you have wage workers. The family budget will be formed taking into account the profit from entrepreneurial activity. And all family members.


In addition, an important point is to conduct your own business. If it brings you any kind of income, then this money will also go to the piggy bank of the family budget. Even if you do not plan to distribute it for family expenses. At the legislative level total income families will take into account the profits from doing business.

There can be no exceptions. Such rules are established in Russia. True, this kind of profit not too common. Much more often one may encounter entrepreneurship and simple wages. At this, the funds coming into the family do not end there. What other family incomes exist?allowance for poor families


Another option that currently takes place is nothing but a variety of scholarships. And it doesn’t matter which ones. Such a payment, as a rule, is assigned to students and cadets studying on a budgetary basis.

In addition, there are scholarships for a variety of services to educational institutions. They will also be credited to the family budget. So this item must be considered. After all, if the question arises of transferring to the status of a poor cell in society, in this case you have to calculate the total income. And he takes into account all possible sources of profit. Otherwise, you may not be recognized as poor.


Family income types can be unpredictable. No matter how strange it may sound, a variety of cash assistance from other family members is also part of the family budget. True, it will not be taken into account when recognizing you as poor. Indeed, often the material assistance of relatives is not confirmed or declared in any way. You just get extra cash on a contractual basis. Often even gratuitous.

True, these sources of family income are not so common.But they also have a place in the modern world. Typically, such assistance is provided not to young families, but to older parents.family budget


The family budget is formed using a variety of sources of profit. Moreover, some do not suspect that certain funds are part of the family budget. Another rather interesting and surprising item is gifts.

In Russia, they often give money as presents. Funds received, to be honest, will be considered part of the family budget. Only now they are not taken into account in the total income. Gifts are not the main source of profit, although they are usually found in every family, albeit in moderation.

Realization of property

Total family incomes include another rather interesting item. Very often, those or other members of a particular cell of society have additional, so to speak, "extra" property. Of course, they try to profit from it in one way or another.

Income from the rental of property, as well as from the sale thereof, is also family income. Sometimes this option is considered as the main source of profit. Not very often, but this is the case.family income sources

By the way, any sale of property in the family will be taken into account, regardless of the joint residence of its members. That is, if the spouses live separately, but at the same time one of them makes a profit from the property, it will be counted as a family total income. So if you plan to recognize yourself as poor, this item will have to be taken into account. Indeed, in some cases, this particular scenario helps to provide the family with the necessary amount of money for living.


Among other things, there are a variety of benefits paid by the state. They also count towards the family budget. What can be the benefits? There are a lot of them in Russia. And all of them are paid under certain circumstances.

For example, there is an allowance for poor families. It will be provided to citizens only if their total income (without this payment) is less than the cost of living. Then the social security authorities will begin to transfer a certain amount of money every month to each family recognized as poor.

Often there is unemployment benefits. It is obtained by able-bodied and unemployed citizens who are registered with the labor exchange, and have not yet found a place for employment.

The maternity allowance, as well as the childcare allowance, are regular items that can be included in the total income of the family. Obtained, as a rule, by women who gave birth to one or more children. Where to apply for appropriate payments? Either to the social security authorities (for the unemployed), or to your employer.

Types of family income, as you see, are diverse. And a lot of benefits are paid in Russia. Another option that takes place is nothing more than disability benefits. Moreover, it applies to both children and adults. In certain circumstances (health conditions), you may receive such assistance.


But this does not end our today's list. The allowance to poor families (and not only them) is paid by the state as support. Only this is not the only help. Among other things, family income includes ... pensions.

It does not matter what kind of payments are in question. Any pension (by age, disability, etc.) will be taken into account in the total income of the cell of society. It is not necessary to be a pensioner in order to receive this state support. This option is also quite common in practice. Pensions usually does not cause inconvenience. And the size of the payments is not too high. So do not hope that this assistance from the state can fully provide for poor families.The income of such a cell of society, even with state aid, as a rule, remains at a low level.


There are other types of family income. For example, in recent years, more and more often begin to meet a variety of alimony. Corresponding payments (for parents or children - this is not so important) are taken into account in the total income of the family. Moreover, if you pay them, then from your budget the specified amount is deducted and added to the one to whom the transfer is made.total family income

Quite often, child support is assigned in a fixed amount. But sometimes citizens can agree “peacefully” on appropriate payments. Alimony for children and spouses is paid both in marriage and after divorce. Simply apply to the court with the appropriate statement. Parental support usually seized in a fixed amount. But only in practice they are officially very rarely appointed. Children independently support their parents financially.


The basic incomes of the family, as we have already found out, are diverse. And not all items are found on the list of each "cell of society." However, there is one option that will be taken into account in the total income of the family. It's about inheritance.

No matter how strange it may sound, but if someone leaves you an inheritance or draws up a deed of gift, then this counts as a family source of profit. And it doesn’t matter on which member registration took place. The fact remains. Usually the inheritance goes into the sale of property and becomes a regular source of family income.

Side jobs

What else can be noted? For example, part-time jobs. This is another item that will be taken into account in the family budget. It doesn’t matter how exactly you make a profit - formally or not. The main thing is that the funds received are general at the legislative level. And if you declare them (that is, do not violate the laws of the Russian Federation), they are taken into account in total income. Nothing difficult, right?total family income

These are the sources of family income that take place in Russia. In addition to the options already listed, you can also include here money received from the sale of personal items, products of household plots, as well as interest on deposits in banks.

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