
List of working professions and positions of employees

Each profession is important and distinctive. A person of each specialty has his own designated job tasks, the amount of wages, the characteristics of the workplace, ranks, etc. At each enterprise, there is a system of bonuses and punishments, the specificity of professional activities, etc.

list of occupations

Qualification Handbook

To determine the classification of posts and instructions, there is a special unified qualification reference book. Abbreviated ETKS, approved on the basis of a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Thanks to him, enterprises form personnel activities. According to the content of Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, qualifications of professions and duties are made on the basis of a unified tariff-qualification reference book.

It consists of two chapters: the first characterizes the industry leading labor force, the second - the prescribed professions of the main employees and workers in the enterprise.

Executive and working professions according to ETKS in the agricultural sector

The classifier gives an exhaustive list of working professions in agriculture. This includes specialties that are in demand in the agricultural industry.

list of workers in construction

Management team

This list includes the following professions:

  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist) of the enterprise.
  • Ch. agronomist-agrochemist in production.
  • Ch. specialist of the agricultural service (agronomist) in the field of crop protection.
  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist in the study of soil).
  • Ch. specialist of the veterinary service (veterinarian).
  • Ch. specialist of the zootechnical service (zootechnician).
  • Ch. specialist of the zootechnical service in the horse breeding industry (zootechnician of the state stable).
  • Ch. The specialist of the zootechnical service is the zootechnician of the hippodrome.
  • Ch. land reclamation engineer.
  • Ch. mechanical engineer.
  • Ch. energy specialist (power engineer).
  • Ch. judge in the field of breeding horses.
  • Veterinary Officer - Head. veterinary pharmacy.
  • Veterinary Officer - Head. by the hitch.
  • Head at the enterprise with a garage.
  • Head a procurement point for the processing of flax and other bast crops.
  • Head toxicology laboratory.
  • Head Production Laboratory of Plant Protection Biomethod.
  • Head laboratory of the State Inspectorate for Plant Quarantine and the fumigation team.
  • Head Laboratory for the diagnosis and prediction of future pests and plant diseases.
  • Head laboratory for assessing the quality of the tested varieties of the State Commission for sorting agricultural crops.
  • Head tribal laboratory. case and artificial insemination method.
  • Head transport department.
  • Head oil depot.
  • Head experimental field.
  • Head plant quarantine border point.
  • Head paragraph of the artificial insemination method.
  • Head point alarm and prediction of pests and plant diseases.
  • Head repair shop.
  • Head seed station.
  • Head of Tech. exchange office.
  • Head variety testing site.
  • Head phytohelminthological production laboratory.
  • Head seed repository.
  • Head fur. detachment.
  • Head of the procurement department.
  • Head of the department (section) of production and veterinary control.
  • Head of technical department operation of the fleet and equipment of agricultural enterprises.
  • Head of the production department of the hippodrome.
  • Head of the plant protection station (at the level of the subject, region and district).
  • Head of the station. fleet maintenance, tech. maintenance of the engineering park.
  • Head of the livestock workshop.
  • Head of the fumigation department.
  • Head of the station. maintenance of machinery and equipment for livestock farms, poultry farms and farms.
  • Head of the feed production workshop.
  • Head of land reclamation workshop.
  • Head of the incubation workshop.
  • Head of the mechanization workshop.
  • Head of plant production.
  • Head of the plant biosecurity expedition.
  • Head of the transportation management department.
  • Farm manager, team leader.
  • Head peasant farmer.

list of occupations with harmful working conditions

Professions in the agricultural industry

If we talk about professions in the agricultural industry, then the list of working professions and positions of employees, after the senior staff, is divided into specialists (laboratory assistants, machine operators, etc.), positions common to all industries (weigher, warehouse worker, etc.). ), the position of the subsection with professions in the field of crop production and livestock, as well as the profession, where tariffs for categories are not carried out. The list of workers in construction is also quite wide.

list of working professions in agriculture

Harmful workers

Labor law and a unified classifier of professions are shared by industries, where the managerial staff and work positions are characterized as harmful production and the industry as a whole. There is a list of working professions with harmful working conditions.

Areas of economic activity where employees are recognized by the labor force of harmful professions

Here is an incomplete list of such professions:

  • Persons whose activities are related to gunpowder, ammunition equipment, as well as initiating and explosive substances.
  • Workers in the oil industry, coal mines, etc.
  • The activities of which are related to metal processing.
  • Employed in the electrical production and maintenance of such equipment.
  • Radio manufacturers, building materials manufacturing.
  • Glass and porcelain production.
  • Manufacturers and processors of synthetic and artificial fiber, the labor force of the pulp and paper industry.
  • Employees of institutes and research centers in the manufacture of drugs and biomaterials.
  • Labor composition in the field of healthcare, printing workers, transport workers.
  • Those whose activities are related to radiation and radiation are workers in the nuclear industry.
  • Divers.
  • Welding workers.
  • Research activities related to microorganisms.
  • Metal test.
  • Cleaning metal with sand.
  • Workers of mercury substations.
  • Workers of electric trains and stations.
  • The labor composition of the food industry.
  • Working in the field of film copying.
  • Workers in the field of construction, repair and restoration.
  • Communication workers.
  • Workers in the agrochemical industry.
  • Mining industry workers.
  • Workers in the chemical and paint industry.

list of working professions and positions of employees

Employee Positions

Employee positions are included in the list of working professions. If we talk about employees, then this is the category of citizens involved in any of the industries in positions below the leading professions. The category of employees includes agents, artists, archivists, secretaries, etc.

Engineering professions

If you make a list of working professions in mechanical engineering, there is a division into senior management, specialists and working professions. Let's consider in more detail.

For example, managers are included in the list of working professions for the management team (head of the design department, head of the test department, head of product sales, etc.).

If we talk about specialists in mechanical engineering, then these are technologists of mechanical engineering, engineers of mechanical engineering, designers, etc.

Also involved in the engineering profession related to the category of uniform in all sectors of the economy.

list of workers in engineering

List of women occupations

It identifies a single classifier and a separate category of female workers.They are usually associated with a more facilitated type of activity.

Listed below are some of them:

  • manicurist;
  • beautician;
  • the hairdresser;
  • cleaning service worker;
  • typist secretary;
  • painter;
  • specialist in laying out and sorting goods;
  • seller;
  • masseur;
  • a nurse;
  • cook;
  • confectioner.

list of women occupations

An important tool of labor law

If we talk about the classification of professions in general, then they are divided into a list of working professions by field of activity, working conditions, harmfulness of production, severity of labor, etc.

A single classifier characterizes each profession separately, enclosing a list of official duties required to be performed, the procedure for the provision of benefits, assigned categories, etc.

Based on the classification, the entire labor process is built, starting with the calculation and calculation of wages, ending with bonuses and the duration of vacations.

The classifier provides a list of posts for each economic sector, determining the terms of reference and the rights of an official or employee.

The use of the classifier of professions allows each organization, enterprise to streamline the work process, clearly distribute responsibilities in the work collective, and comply with labor laws.

Being legislative acts in the labor legislation, the Labor Code and the classifier are approved with reference to each other. This indicates that a violation of the provisions of the classifier of professions will be the basis for a violation of labor law and administrative misconduct. When organizing personnel activities at enterprises, a single list of working professions is taken as the basis for the formation of posts, the labor hierarchy, and the reward and punishment system.

The classifier is constantly being improved; amendments are being introduced that are necessary in connection with changes in the country's economy. However, these nuances are not significant and practically do not concern the main list of posts.

The list of professions and the classifier of posts is the most important tool of labor law, personnel service of any enterprise, acting as a guarantor in the organization and remuneration of almost every employee.

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