
Certificate of no criminal record: validity period, receipt

To complete some documents, you will have to get a paper such as a certificate of no criminal record. The validity of this paper is limited, so you should start getting it as soon as possible.

What is it for?

certificate of no criminal record

Before you begin design, you need to figure out whether you need such paper. A criminal record certificate is useful in such cases:

  • For the manufacture or restoration of a lost passport.
  • When applying for a residence permit or its extension.
  • To obtain a visa or work permit abroad.
  • While participating in the tender.
  • For permission to carry firearms.
  • When applying for permission to work with prohibited narcotic or psychotropic drugs.
  • For presentation at the request of creditors.
  • At the time of custody or adoption.
  • When applying for a job in security companies, as well as special services, in the civil service.
  • For living in other countries.

As you can see, a criminal record certificate can be useful in many cases. However, before you receive it, you need to find out where this can be done and which list of documents should be prepared in advance.

What package of papers will be required?

criminal record certificate

A certificate of no criminal record, the validity of which is practically unlimited, can be issued in the presence of such papers:

  1. Foreign or domestic passport.
  2. Free form application.
  3. A power of attorney (if you cannot independently submit documents, moreover, it must be notarized).
  4. Birth certificate. This is necessary if a certificate is issued to a minor over the age of 14. In addition, when submitting documents, one of the parents or guardian must be present. In the second case, a document confirming the establishment of custody is also required.

As you can see, a criminal record certificate does not require the collection of a very large package of documents.

Duration and design methods

police clearance certificate

The submitted document usually takes 30 calendar days, but the process can be accelerated. Naturally, you have to pay for it. For example, if a certificate of no criminal record is made 10 days, then it will cost you about 2000 rubles, a week - 4000, 3 days - 6000 rubles.

As for the design methods, there are several:

  • Personal submission of documents.
  • Filing securities through a legal representative.
  • Sending documents through the service resource "State service".

The latter option is increasingly in demand, as it allows you to order a certificate without leaving your home.

Who and where can get the document?

obtaining a criminal record certificate

A certificate of no criminal record, the validity of which is determined by the body that filed the request, can be issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreigner who lives in the territory of the state, and a stateless person.

To obtain it, you need to contact the following authorities:

  • The regional center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is located at the place of residence.
  • On the website of State Services.
  • The main analytical information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Foreigners and persons who do not have citizenship apply to this organization.

What should be stated in the application?

state services certificate of no criminal record

A certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the absence of a criminal record can be obtained if all the information provided is correct and accurate. In the application you must indicate the full name of the recipient, full date of birth, citizenship, place of birth, as well as place of registration and real residence. In addition, write your contact details.

The availability of a criminal record certificate depends on how reliable you have provided the information. For example, if you changed your last name, then you need to declare it right away, since verification may take some time. In addition, it may take several days to receive an apostille. It is necessary so that a certificate of no criminal record, the validity period in certain cases can be limited to three months, is valid outside the Russian Federation. You can give the document for affixing the apostille in the same department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in which you received it.

In what cases can be refused?

readiness of a criminal record

Getting a certificate of no criminal record is a simple process, but everything must be done correctly, otherwise you will either not be issued or will not accept the application at all. The competent authorities may refuse if:

  • The application is missing, drafted with errors or contains false (incomplete) facts.
  • The text in the document cannot be read.
  • The original documents and their copies are missing.
  • The list of papers was not fully submitted.
  • The application and other documents were submitted by a foreigner without translation.

If you make any of these mistakes, you will have to redo everything, and this takes time.

How to get help on the Gosuslug portal?

This design method has recently been in great demand. The fact is that you can submit all the necessary papers via the Internet. You will only need to go and pick up the finished document. If you decide to use the service "State Services", a certificate of no criminal record will be issued as follows:

  1. To get started, go to the portal and register on it, indicating a work email and contact phone number.
  2. After confirming the address, you can go to your office, where in the electronic services section, select the "Ministry of Internal Affairs" item.
  3. Next, look for the option that is responsible for issuing the document you need. It is advisable to open it in a new window.
  4. The service may require you to confirm the electronic signature. If it is not, then uncheck the corresponding box.
  5. Next, you will be asked to fill out an application. The form will be provided to you in a ready-made form. You will only need to enter your reliable data there. Try not to make mistakes and indicate all the information without hiding anything.
  6. Now you have to scan and download all pages of the passport that have marks on it.
  7. Select the option you want to be notified when the document is ready. It is best to check both the email and the call or message on the phone. So it will be more reliable.

Now it remains only to wait for the result. He will come to you after 3-4 weeks, unless, of course, everything is indicated correctly, and there are no errors. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the design of the submitted document. But the certificate of no criminal record, the validity period of this paper, you already know, will allow you to achieve your desired position or go abroad without fear of being deported. Try to carefully submit all the information about yourself. Good luck

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