
Permission for traumatic weapons: obtaining and renewal

One of the basic needs of mankind is a sense of security and security. However, the complication of the criminal situation in our country forces citizens to buy various means of protection, for example, traumatic weapons. But this product is a potential hazard to human health and life. Therefore, you will have to obtain permission for traumatic weapons. This procedure involves some limitations and conventions.

What needs to be done first?

trauma weapon permit

Before you buy a gun, you need to be like special courses in which you not only learn how to handle the product, but also learn the rules for its storage and use. In addition, you will need to familiarize yourself with the legislation on arms trafficking.

After that, you will have to pass an exam, the results of which may give the go-ahead for issuing or a ban on receiving a gun. If you wish to obtain permission for a traumatic weapon, you need to apply to the local Department of Internal Affairs. It is written in the name of the head of the department. Experts must consider this application within 10 days.

Before you buy a gun, make sure that your chosen weapon is allowed to use civilians. To do this, go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

What documents will be needed?

get permission for traumatic weapons

A permit for traumatic weapons can be issued after the submission of such papers:

  • Copy of the person’s identity card (passport).
  • A certificate that indicates the passage of a medical examination by a narcologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist and therapist.
  • 2 photos of 3x4 format, and for each unit of weapon.
  • Paper confirming the payment of state tax.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.
  • Certificate of completion of training.
  • Notification of the local inspector who checked the storage conditions of the traumatic weapon.

As you can see, getting permission for traumatic weapons is not so easy. In addition, it must be registered. To do this, you need a check from the store where you purchased the gun, an application for its receipt. It is also necessary to provide spent cartridges, which should be in a special box, and a contract for insurance of the gun.

In what cases can I get a license?

permission to carry traumatic weapons

Permission for traumatic weapons is not always issued. Get it will not work if:

  1. The applicant has not yet reached the age of majority.
  2. There is no conclusion from medical specialists.
  3. There is an outstanding conviction for a crime that involves intent.
  4. There is no certificate of special training.
  5. During the year, a citizen committed 2 or more administrative offenses.
  6. There are no conditions for storing weapons. That is, you do not have a safe, or it is not reliable.

Registration term

obtaining permission for traumatic weapons

You can obtain permission to carry traumatic weapons for four months. First of all, of course, it takes some time to go through the medical commission. A lot of time will be required to complete the courses - about three months. Consideration of your application also takes at least ten days.

A little faster, you can get permission to carry traumatic weapons, if you do not collect all the documents yourself. Now there are organizations that commit to do everything for you. Naturally, the services of their specialists are not free. However, if you decide to trust such organizations, try to verify that they are acting legally.Otherwise, your permission may not only be revoked, you may be fined.

It is not allowed to use illegal methods to obtain a license. They can be fraught for you not only with administrative, but also with criminal punishment.

How to renew a license?

need permission for traumatic weapons

Its validity is at least five years. Further permission will have to be renewed. This is not difficult to do. You must submit an application to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 90 days before the expiration of the previous license.

You will again have to submit the same package of documents as in the initial execution. At the same time, you may need additional testing of knowledge of the rules for using and storing weapons. An application for extension, as well as for obtaining permission for traumatic weapons, shall be considered for at least ten days. After passing this procedure, you also get the opportunity to use your purchase for five years.

Features of storage and use of protective equipment

There are some rules for using the product presented. For example, you need to store weapons in special boxes or safes that are locked. It must be reliable so that no one else can open it. If several weapons are stored in the house, then it is better to put the corresponding room on the alarm. It is advisable to provide additional means of protection: window grilles.

Weapons must also be carried very carefully:

  • Try not to flaunt it. If you have to apply it sometime, then the effect of surprise can play into your hands.
  • It is not always necessary to wear a holster. Access to the gun should be as easy as possible, otherwise it simply will not fulfill its protective function.
  • It is necessary to carry a weapon so that it does not touch exposed areas of the body or other objects.
  • If you have to carry a gun in a bag, then it must have a special compartment.

Note that the weapon requires special care, for example, you will need to keep it clean and periodically lubricate all the mechanisms. Do not allow water to enter the product. Otherwise, the gun simply rusts and can become dangerous for the owner.

In principle, these are all the features of using and purchasing the presented remedy. The question of whether permission for a traumatic weapon is necessary or not can be considered closed.

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