
The education system in Germany: description, characteristics and features. The vocational education system in Germany

A striking example of the effectiveness of educational reforms in European education systems can serve education system in Germany. At first glance, this is the same classic - preschool, school and vocational training. However, the German educational system has its own distinctive features. They will be discussed in the article.

Briefly about the main

Over the course of many centuries, the education system in Germany was formed and transformed. It is difficult to characterize it briefly, but the main points can be formulated as follows:

  • training is free for all categories of citizens;
  • the early and explicit division of children into “weak”, “ordinary” and “strong” in terms of study is characteristic - children are distributed in different schools, teaching in which is carried out according to the corresponding programs;
  • there are very few private schools in Germany - about 2%, the rest are public, and in each region the curriculum may differ slightly from that in others.

school system in Germany

Foreign students

The education system in Germany allows you to accept for training citizens of other countries.

In order to receive a certificate of education, a child must study at a German educational institution for at least 2 years. Education of foreigners is carried out on the same basis for all, and therefore - free of charge.

But, since the German education system operates in Germany, before entering the educational institution it is necessary to take appropriate courses, as a result of which a citizen of another country will receive a certificate of their successful completion. Only with such a document can a foreigner be accepted into a German educational institution.

German education system characteristics

Preschool education

The system of preschool education in Germany includes a large network of institutions for children aged 2 to 6 years. The schedule of their work will seem to us not very convenient - from 7 to 12 noon. There is also an institution, but there are a minority of them, which work up to 16 hours. But here, as a rule, it is implied that the parents will pick up the child at lunchtime, and after an hour they will bring them back to the institution. Moreover, in this case, parents do not have the opportunity to pick up their baby before 16 hours. The education system in Germany is designed so that kindergartens are designed exclusively for preparing children for school, educational programs are not developed for them and they are not subordinate to the Ministry of Education.

early childhood education system in Germany

Elementary education

In the practice of European countries there is a tendency for the development of pre-school education classes at schools in which children who have not reached the level of knowledge in accordance with their age, or children who are lagging behind in development, are taught. At the same time, visiting such institutions is not compulsory for all children. But for those who have developmental features, attending such classes is necessary.

With regard to the education of children from three years old and before entering school, it is controlled by the welfare sector of children and youth. Classes for elementary school-based instruction are designed for children up to six years of age who do not have the necessary training to go to school. Such institutions are financed from local budgets, but occasionally ask parents for financial assistance.

education system in Germany

Primary School (GrundSchule)

Characterization of the education system in Germany has a lot of interesting rules and features. In many countries, children have been studying for more than 10 years and do not even think about choosing a future profession until the graduation class. But the system of school education in Germany is built in such a way that after several school classes, children and their parents need to plan future education and decide on the choice of profession.

In Germany, there is a law on compulsory education for all children in the country. So, despite the various nuances of training, the education system in Germany at the initial level has the same basis for each region of the country. Most often, children's education begins at the age of 6. The duration of this training takes 4 years, and in some cases can drag on to 6 years.

The first 2 years of children's knowledge are not evaluated using grades, because it was at this time that the school and the children were trying to make friends. Assessment begins only with the third grade, because it becomes clear whether the child has learned something, what opportunities it has and whether it is possible to increase its load.

education system in Germany briefly

The education system in Germany is designed in such a way that the transition from one class to another is carried out only when basic success indicators are achieved. And registration to the next level takes place right in the middle of the school year. So, according to the results of grades put on the February timesheet, the child goes to the next link in the school. If the student has not acquired enough knowledge, then he will have another year of study in primary school. That is why the duration of education in elementary school varies from 4 to 6 years.

When the child finishes his studies at GrundSchule, he receives a recommendation from educators regarding further education. It indicates in which of the three types of secondary schools he needs to study.

High school (basic education)

There are three main areas in which children are preparing for special or higher education.

  • Hauptschule is an incomplete secondary education. Education up to grade 9. This certificate allows you to enter the German analogue of technical schools (Berufsschule). In such schools, emphasis is placed on practical skills, which will subsequently be useful in mastering working specialties.
  • Realschule is an incomplete extended secondary education. Education up to grade 10. The certificate allows you to go to study working specialties at the Berufsschule (school), to undergo two-year training for a public servant or to prepare for higher education, for which you need to finish 2-3 years in a gymnasium.
  • Gymnasium is a complete secondary education. Duration of training is up to 12-13 classes, depending on the region of the country. After graduation, students receive a certificate of maturity, which allows you to enter any higher educational institution.

Higher education

The higher education system in Germany is focused on training professionals, its cost is relatively low. Each student in the learning process has the right to choose the disciplines that he wants to study, which means that will be entered in his diploma. At the same time, it is possible to study and engage in scientific activities.

A German higher education diploma allows students to continue their studies in graduate school or to go to work. Moreover, specialists who graduated from German universities are valued not only in the country, but also in other European countries.

The government also passed a law according to which foreign students who were educated in a German university can search for work and stay in Germany for a year.

higher education system in Germany

Professional education

The vocational education system in Germany involves:

  • vocational training;
  • professional education;
  • professional development;
  • professional retraining (retraining).

Graduates of real and basic schools receive vocational education.

Training is intended for those with relatively low levels of training. And in the process of preparation, they get elementary skills of work by profession.

Vocational training helps to increase theoretical knowledge and improve skills in practice, but only after prior training.

Professional development and retraining are intended to improve existing and acquire additional knowledge in the chosen specialty. They help to adapt to updates of the technical process or to tighten the existing qualifications for raising the rank.

In proof of retraining, a person receives a certificate that displays grades for exams passed. So, the certificate indicates the updating of knowledge, the acquisition of practical capabilities and experience in the production process of a certain level.

vocational education system in Germany

Dual education system

The dual education system in Germany is a combination of schooling and internships at enterprises that provide such an opportunity. That is, not only the school curriculum plays an important role in the acquisition of knowledge, but also the enterprise. If a person receives incomplete secondary education, then the task of double learning is set before him. Such training is offered to students around the age of 15.

So, students must determine the profession in which I will continue to study. For each specialty, a specific enterprise is assigned, which will give the child practical skills in accordance with the theoretical basis.

Only enterprises with a person with the appropriate education that allows conducting practical classes with children can participate in the double-training program. And then such an opportunity is given only after passing a special exam. Because, it is this specialist who will control the training process of his trainees and be responsible for the level of knowledge acquired by them in practice.

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